Biomimetic Bioactive Biomaterials: The Next Generation of

Jul 10, 2017 - The first generation of biomaterials-based therapies imitated the gross composition and mechanical ... Special Issue: Biomimetic Bioact...
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Biomimetic Bioactive Biomaterials: The Next Generation of Implantable Devices


addition to its optimal biophysical features, have controlled and localized delivery capacity of various cargos (e.g., cells,40−42 bioactive molecules43−46) to stimulate and promote functional regeneration. Over the years, numerous natural or synthetic in origin nano- to microscale scaffolds have been assessed as delivery vehicles in multiple clinical indications. Data to-date clearly illustrate that the scaffold enhances the cargo’s localization and activity at the site of injury,47,48 reducing that way the need for multiple operations, avoiding toxicity issues associated with the nontargeted systemic delivery, and offering more effective therapies. This special issue discusses natural and synthetic biomimetic, bioinspired, and bioactive biomaterials over different length scales and their capacity to modulate cellular functions and/or to deliver in localized and sustained fashion various therapeutics.49−74 It is evidenced that significant strides have been achieved. We anticipate that in the years to come, these elegant technologies will reach clinical translation and commercialization.

njuries and degenerative conditions continuously increase and financially stress the already stretched healthcare systems worldwide. Given that advances in medicine have prolonged life expectancy, it is becoming imperative to develop functional therapies that would repair and regenerate damaged organs and tissues. Tissue grafts, in the form of autografts,1,2 allografts,3,4 and xenografts,5,6 constitute the first line of defense and are often characterized as the “gold standard” in clinical practice. However, limitations associated with scarce availability, insufficient remodelling, substandard stability, poor biological response, and adverse immune reactions have questioned their clinical suitability7,8 and gave rise to the field of biomaterials. The first generation of biomaterials-based therapies imitated the gross composition and mechanical properties of the tissue to be replaced. However, it soon became apparent that this approach does not recapitulate the complexity of the native tissue microenvironment. The new frontier in biomaterials design is based on the principle of biomimicry.9 We are aspiring to engineer biomimetic,10−12 bioinspired,13−15 and bioactive16−18 biomaterials that would imitate the intricate extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and architecture and provide the necessary bioactive cues/instructive signals that would offer control over cellular functions in vitro and positively interact with the host and actively contribute to the process of tissue regeneration in vivo. Advancements in engineering, chemistry, biology, and medicine have been catalytic toward this goal.19 Architectural (e.g., topography) and mechanical (e.g., elasticity) features of the ECM regulate cellular migration, functionality and lineage commitment and directional neotissue formation. Thus, recapitulation of the native tissue biophysical properties is fundamental for functional repair and regeneration. Nano- and micro- fabrication technologies, such as additive manufacturing, electro-spinning and imprinting lithography, have been used extensively due to their high biomimicry, reproducibility and versatility.20−26 These sophisticated biomaterials’ fabrication technologies have enabled the development of tissue culture substrates that control cellular functions in vitro27−30 and can be used as high-throughput screening platforms to study the interplay between surface topography and cell behavior in vitro.31 They have also facilitated the development of microfluidic devices32−34 and in vitro models35,36 to study physiological and pathophysiological processes, with higher level of accuracy/biomimicry than traditional two-dimensional culture systems. They have also allowed the engineering of implantable devices that closely imitate architectural features of native ECM supramolecular assemblies down to the nanometer level and have been shown to promote functional repair and regeneration in a plethora of preclinical models.37−39 Tissue regeneration is a complex and well-orchestrated spatiotemporal process of a diverse range of biochemical and biological signals. It is therefore important that the scaffold, in © 2017 American Chemical Society

Dimitrios Tsiapalis†

National University of Ireland Galway

Andrea De Pieri†

National University of Ireland Galway and Proxy Biomedical Ltd.

Manus Biggs, Guest Editor National University of Ireland Galway

Abhay Pandit, Guest Editor National University of Ireland Galway

Dimitrios I. Zeugolis, Guest Editor

National University of Ireland Galway



Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS. † D.T. and A.D.P. share first authorship.


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Special Issue: Biomimetic Bioactive Biomaterials: The Next Generation of Implantable Devices Received: June 12, 2017 Published: July 10, 2017 1172

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DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00372 ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 3, 1172−1174