Biomimetic Ultrathin Whitening by Capillary-Force ... - ACS Publications

Jul 10, 2009 - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 3231 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,. Pennsylvania 19104 ...
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Biomimetic Ultrathin Whitening by Capillary-Force-Induced Random Clustering of Hydrogel Micropillar Arrays Dinesh Chandra,† Shu Yang,*,† Andre A. Soshinsky,‡ and Robert J. Gambogi§ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 3231 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, 185 Tabor Road, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950, and Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, 199 Grandview Road, Skillman, New Jersey 08558

ABSTRACT Capillary-force-induced collapse of high-aspect-ratio microstructures has often been considered a failure mechanism in device fabrication. Here, we study capillary-force-induced clustering behavior of highly ordered hydrogel micropillar arrays from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) and explore their utility as ultrathin whitening layers (less than 9 µm thick). When exposed to water, followed by drying in an air stream, the micropillars were softened, bent, and randomly clustered together because of competition between the capillary force and elastic restoring force of the pillars. By varying the relative composition of the water-swellable PHEMA and glassy PMMA, we modulated the elastic modulus of the pillars in the wet state spanning over 3 orders of magnitude. By minimizing the sum of the capillary meniscus interaction energy and the elastic bending energy of the pillars for a cluster, we estimated the average cluster size as a function of the elastic modulus of the pillars, which agreed well with the experimental observation. The randomly clustered micropillar arrays appeared white in color because of random light scattering from the clusters, similar to the observation in the white beetles, whose scales consist of a few micrometer-thick random networks of microfilaments. KEYWORDS: micropillar • biomimetic • ultrathin whitening • capillary force • clustering



igh-aspect-ratio micropillar arrays play an important role in a wide range of applications, including superhydrophobic surfaces and tunable wetting (1-3), force sensing and actuation (4, 5), dry adhesives (6), tissue engineering (4, 5), and filtration and separation (7). However, because of their small effective stiffness, highaspect-ratio structures tend to deform under external forces. Recently, such structural collapse has been harnessed to induce the spontaneous formation of helicity for particle trapping (8). Previously, we have reported the fabrication of stable high-aspect-ratio (height-to-diameter ratio up to 20) epoxy micropillar arrays in air (9). However, many applications for tall micropillar arrays require them to be used in a liquid environment, where the combination of a decreased elastic modulus of the pillars due to swelling and the capillary force during drying could adversely cause them to collapse (10-12). On the other hand, the capillary force has been utilized, for example, to form carbon nanotube foams (13) and to self-assemble superstructures (8, 10, 14). One important question is whether we can predict the clustering behavior of high-aspect-ratio pillars due to capillary force, * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: shuyang@ Received for review April 11, 2009 and accepted June 29, 2009 †

University of Pennsylvania. Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, 185 Tabor Road. § Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, 199 Grandview Road. DOI: 10.1021/am900253z ‡

© 2009 American Chemical Society


VOL. 1 • NO. 8 • 1698–1704 • 2009

which will be important to the utilization of a capillary-driven self-assembly process. Here, we report both theoretical and experimental studies of the clustering behavior of hydrogel micropillar arrays with well-defined geometries induced by capillary force and their utility as biomimetic ultrathin whitening layers. By varying the composition of the water-swellable 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMA) component versus the glassy, nonswellable methyl methacrylate (PMMA) as the micropillar material, we systematically modulated the effective elastic modulus of the micropillars from poly(2-hydoxylmethacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) (PHEMA-co-PMMA) in the wet state over 3 orders of magnitude. The ability to tune the elastic modulus of the micropillars over a wide range allowed us to experimentally study the effect of the elastic modulus on clustering. Clustering of macroscopic fibers when withdrawn from a liquid bath has been studied previously in terms of the balance between the elastic bending energy and capillary energy (15, 16). It is important to point out that in these studies the capillary energy due to clustering originated from a reduction in the liquid-vapor surface area along a part of the fiber length withdrawn from the liquid. However, in the case of micropillar clustering during liquid evaporation, the relevant capillary energy is the interaction energy of the liquid menisci (17) surrounding the micropillars, while the latter are still immersed in the liquid except at the tip (Figure 3a-ii). Few have systematically investigated micropillar clustering by considering the meniscus interaction energy. Here, by minimizing the sum of the capillary meniscus interaction energy and the elastic bending energy of

Published on Web 07/10/2009

EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Materials. HEMA (98%) and MMA (99%) monomers were obtained from Aldrich and Acros Organics, respectively. Crosslinker ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) (98%) was obtained from Alfa Aesar. Photoinitiator Darocur 1173 was obtained from Ciba Specialty Chemicals Inc. The PDMS precursor and curing agent (Sylgard 184) was obtained from Dow Corning. All of the chemicals were used without further purification. Fabrication of Micropillar Arrays. The micropillar arrays were fabricated by a two-step replica molding process, as described in our earlier publication (10). Two types of micropillar arrays were investigated, including geometry A (a pillar diameter of 0.75 µm and a pitch of 1.5 µm) and geometry B (a pillar diameter of 1 µm and a pitch of 2 µm), both of which were 9 µm tall, and the diameter/pitch ratios were kept the same in both geometries. In a typical procedure, 2.5 mL of a monomer mixture of HEMA and MMA was mixed with 75 µL of Darocur 1173 and exposed to UV light (UVP Blak-Ray, ∼8 mW/cm2) for 2 min (5 min for MMA g 60 wt %) to obtain a viscous partially polymerized precursor solution. Before molding, an additional 50 µL of Darocur 1173 and 25 µL of EGDMA were added to this solution to prepare the molding precursor. PDMS molds were prepared by mixing a PDMS precursor and curing agent in a 10:1 ratio by weight and pouring it on a silicon micropillar arrays master followed by curing at 65 °C for 4 h. The cured molds were then carefully peeled off the silicon master. To fabricate the hydrogel micropillar arrays, the molding solution was cast on a silicon wafer and the PDMS mold was pressed over it, followed by UV exposure by a 97435 Oriel Flood Exposure Source (Newport Corp.) at a dose of 7200 mJ/cm2. To collapse the micropillars to form clusters, the micropillar arrays were soaked in water for 10 min, followed by drying in an air stream. The volume of the introduced water was kept the same during all experiments. Average Cluster Size Determination. Clustered micropillar arrays were imaged by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; FEI Strata DB235 Focused Ion Beam) at an acceleration voltage of 5 kV and a spot size of 3. The samples were sputter-coated with platinum before imaging. The cluster size was determined by manually counting the number of pillars in the individual clusters and reported as the average and standard deviation for all clusters in an area of 0.02 mm2 from SEM images. Water Contact-Angle Measurement. Static contact angles on flat PHEMA-co-PMMA films were measured using a Rame´Hart goniometer with DROPimage Advanced software. Reported values were averaged over at least five different spots. The water drops used were ∼1.5 µL in volume. Elastic Modulus Measurement. Elastic moduli of wet PHEMAco-PMMA films were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation (19-21) under water in a fluid cell using a Digital Instruments Multimode atomic force microscope. The indentation force curves (cantilever deflection d vs piezo displacement z; see Figure S1a in the Supporting Information) were analyzed by a method outlined by Domke and Radmacher (20). The zero deflection point d0 of the cantilever was determined from the noncontact part of the force curve (Figure S1a in the Supporting Information). The force applied by the cantilyever tip on the film is

F ) k(d - d0)


where k is the spring constant of the cantilever, which was determined by the resonant frequency method as described by Sader et al. (22). Two types of cantilevers were used: soft cantilevers (k ≈ 0.1 N/m) for soft samples with MMA content e25 wt % and stiffer cantilevers (k ≈ 20 N/m) for samples with a higher MMA content. The indentation depth is defined by δ ) (z - z0) - (d - d0), where z0 is the contact point (Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). According to the conical tip approximation, the relationship between indentation δ and force F is given as (20, 23),

F ) (2/π)[E/(1 - v2)]δ2 tan α


where E is the elastic modulus, ν is Poisson’s ratio (here assumed to be 0.5 20, 21), and R is the half opening angle of the cantilever tip, which was determined as 18° from SEM imaging. From eqs 1 and 2,

z - d ) (z0 - d0) + (d - d0)1/2

πk(1 - v2) 2E tan α


Equation 3 suggests a linear relationship between z - d and (d - d0)1/2. Therefore, the elastic modulus E was determined from the slope of z - d versus (d - d0)1/2 (Figure S1b in the Supporting Information). The reported elastic moduli represent the average over indentations at three to seven different spots for each sample. Whiteness Characterization. The whiteness of the clustered micropillar arrays was characterized by measuring their CIE lightness index, L, specified by International Commission on Illumination (24), using a photospectrometer (MHT Spectro Shade Micro). L represents the diffuse reflectance of a surface on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is black and 100 is perfect white. The reported data represent the average lightness index for three different samples with a small (less than 1) standard deviation.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Micropillar Clustering by Capillary Force. Two types of hydrogel micropillar arrays were fabricated by replica molding of partially polymerized copolymer precursors from HEMA and MMA, followed by photo-cross-linking (see details in the Experimental Methods). The micropillar arrays were then soaked in water and dried in a stream of air to collapse the pillars to include clustering (Figure 1). Because PMMA is a glassy polymer (Tg ∼ 100 °C) and does not absorb water whereas PHEMA does, we can systematically vary the composition of HEMA and MMA in the molding precursor, thus controlling the degree of hydration and the effective elastic modulus of the micropillars in the wet state (Figure 2a). As shown in Figure 1, the micropillar cluster size decreases with an increase in the PMMA content, and thus an increase in the elastic modulus (Figure 2a). For a given PMMA content, the cluster size from a type A micropillar array was typically larger than that from a type B array because A had a smaller pillar diameter (0.75 µm) and a higher aspect ratio (12) than those of B (a pillar diameter of VOL. 1 • NO. 8 • 1698–1704 • 2009



the micropillars, we quantitatively predicted the average cluster size as a function of the elastic modulus of the pillar materials, which agreed well with the experimental observation. Further, we demonstrated that such random clustering of micropillar arrays could be utilized to design ultrathin whitening layers, mimicking the whiteness in ultrathin white beetle scales (18).

ARTICLE FIGURE 1. SEM images of 9-µm-tall PHEMA-co-PMMA micropillar arrays clustered by a water capillary force.

FIGURE 2. Elastic modulus in the wet state (a) and the water contact angle (b) of flat PHEMA-co-PMMA films as a function of the MMA content.

1 µm and an aspect ratio of 9, respectively). In both geometries, the diameter/pitch ratio was kept the same. When the micropillar arrays were soaked in water, the pillars softened because of water absorbed by PHEMA, resulting in a smaller effective elastic modulus in the wet sate, which was dependent on the relative composition of PHEMA and PMMA. When the micropillar arrays soaked in water (Figure 3a-i) were dried by air flow, liquid menisci 1700

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were formed around the individual pillars (Figure 3a-ii). We think the interaction between these liquid menisci exerted an attractive force (17) between the micropillars, causing them to cluster together while still surrounded by water (Figure 3a-iii). To investigate the possible contribution of the volume change during the drying process to pillar deformation, we soaked the bulk films of the same composition in water. The results suggested that the volume change in the Chandra et al.

∆Eb )

3πEr4δ2 8h3


where δ is the displacement of the free end of the rod. Because of the symmetry of the underlying square lattice, the micropillars in a cluster also pack into a square lattice in general (Figure 3c). The total bending of a cluster packed into a square lattice (Figure 3b) can be viewed as the sum of bending of perimeters n ) 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., i.e., δ2 ) ∑δn2. Cumulative bending in perimeter n can be obtained as n-1

( ) ∑ [(2n - 1)

s 2 s [(2n - 1)2 + (2n - 1)2] + 8 2 2


δn2 ) 4





(2i - 1)2]


where the first term represents the bending of four corner pillars and the second term represents the bending of the remaining 8(n - 1) pillars in perimeter n. Here, s is the separation of the pillars (Figure 3b). Thus, the total bending of a cluster having n perimeters is

δ2 )


∑ δn2 ) s3 (8n4 - 2n2 + 6n - 6)


From eqs 4 and 6, the total elastic bending energy is given as

Ue )

πEr4s2(8n4 - 2n2 + 6n - 6) 8h3


Here the total number of pillars in a cluster, N, is given by N ) 4n2. Because in eq 7 Ue roughly scales as ∼n4, Ue ∼ N2, as mentioned earlier.

FIGURE 3. (a) Schematic illustration of micropillar clustering process due to a capillary meniscus interaction force. (b) Schematic illustration of micropillar array clustering in a square lattice. (c) SEM image of micropillars clustered in a square lattice.

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samples was negligible. However, because of the elastoplastic nature of the hydrogel films and the strong adhesive force between the clustered pillars, the deformation became permanent and the pillars could not spring back after the water was completely dried (Figure 3a-iv). At very low PMMA content ( 80 could be achieved by manipulating the micropillar materials and structures.

CONCLUSIONS We studied the capillary-force-induced clustering of highly ordered polymeric micropillar arrays of well-defined geometries. By changing the composition of the water-swellable PHEMA versus glassy, nonswellable PMMA, we experimentally observed the effect of the elastic modulus on the micropillar cluster size. By minimizing the capillary and elastic bending energy, we estimated the average cluster size as a function of the pillar elastic modulus and geometry, which agreed well with the experimental values in general. Finally, we demonstrated the application of random clustering of micropillars for ultrathin (9 µm) whitening layers, mimcking the brilliant whiteness effect observed in ultrathin beetle scales, which contains randomly packed filaments (18). We believe that the presented mechanistic study of the hydrogel micropillar clustering under capillary force in this report will help pave the way for the rational design of structured hydrogels for applications that are dependent on the structural integrity. Acknowledgment. This work is, in part, supported by the National Science Foundation (Grants BES-0438004, CAREER/ VOL. 1 • NO. 8 • 1698–1704 • 2009



DMR-0548070, and MRSEC/DMR-0520020) and Johnson and Johnson Consumer and Personal Products Worldwide, a division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. (JJCPPW). We acknowledge the Penn Regional Nanotechnology Facility for access to AFM nanoindentation and SEM measurement.

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Supporting Information Available: Elastic modulus measurement by AFM nanoindentation, an indentation force curve for a 60 wt % MMA sample, the corresponding (z-d) versus (d-d0)1/2 plot, and numerical solution to equation 10. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at REFERENCES AND NOTES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


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Chandra et al.