Biopesticide Registration Successes of the IR-4 Project and Changes

Oct 23, 2014 - Since 1982, Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR-4) has assisted in the registration of biopesticides with the United States ...
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Chapter 17

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Biopesticide Registration Successes of the IR-4 Project and Changes in Regulatory Requirements Michael P. Braverman,* Daniel L. Kunkel, and Jerry J. Baron IR-4 Project, Rutgers University, 500 College Road East Suite 201W, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 *E-mail: [email protected].

Since 1982, Interregional Research Project Number 4 (IR-4) has assisted in the registration of biopesticides with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). An explanation is provided of some of the registrations recently obtained by IR4 and how the regulations in EPA have changed. Additionlly, an update is included how new toxicology tests are being evaluated which are more animal friendly. Regulations regarding RNAi are still under development. Finally, how the fee for service system of EPA under the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act operates is described.

Introduction IR-4 Overview The IR-4 Project is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) provides financial and human resources as well, in addition to financial support from the directors of state agricultural experiment stations. IR-4 is an applied research program whose mission is to assist specialty crop producers by giving them access to safe and effective pest control products. The program was initiated in 1963 and historically has focused on registration and reregistration of pesticides for use on specialty crops or for minor uses on major crops.

© 2014 American Chemical Society In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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IR-4 broadened its scope in 1982 to include research leading to registration of a wide range of biopesticides including microbials, nonviable microbials, biochemicals, genetically-altered microbials, and transgenic plants. The program is committed to promoting development of alternative pest control products for use on specialty food crops and ornamentals by working cooperatively with public and private sector individuals and organizations. IR-4 interacts with the USDA, EPA, and product registrants to determine the requirements for registration of proposed uses. The program has the resources to develop research protocols, assist with Experimental Use Permits, coordinate and fund field and greenhouse research, assist in the development of Tier I toxicology and non-target organism waivers, and prepare data packages for submission to the EPA. The EPA under FIFRA regulates all materials that claim to have pesticidal properties. In the biopesticide area, these include microbials such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, low toxicity biochemicals, pheromones, minerals, plant growth regulators, genetically modified plants and microbials, and pesticidal plant extracts. In general, the number and type of studies required to register biopesticide products are different from the studies required to register conventional products. Biologicals such as arthropod (insect) parasites and predators or predacious nematodes are not regulated under FIFRA and do not fall under EPA regulation. The primary objective of the IR-4 Biopesticide Research Program is to further the development and registration of biopesticides for use in pest management systems for specialty crops or for minor uses on major crops. IR-4 assistance has included developing research protocols to meet EPA data requirements as well. The program has also funded small and large scale field efficacy trials and residue trials, if needed. Depending on the stage of development, IR-4 has assisted in obtaining Experimental Use Permits from the EPA. IR-4 regularly prepares and submits petitions and registration documents to the EPA to support registrations and label expansions.

Registration Activities The registration activities of IR-4 were reviewed in 2006 (1). Among IR4’s recent successes in registration include natural products, microbials and most recently, transgenic products. Within the last 10 years IR-4 has registered 15 new active ingredients. When combined with label expansions facilitated through 391 efficacy projects funded by IR-4, over 6,000 new pest-crop combinations have been labelled. A few of those acheivements are decribed in the following summary. New Active Ingredient Registrations Aflatoxin is a potent liver carcinogen produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus. The product AF36 contains a specific strain of Aspergillus flavus designated as AF36 which had previously been registered on cotton to prevent aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed meal. The AF36 strain has subsequently 260 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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been expanded to prevent aflatoxin in pistachio and corn. Weed control is one of the greatest challenges in organic crop production. A form of concentrated vinegar containing the active ingredient acetic acid causes weed cell membranes to collapse, affording contact weed control. The fungus Trichoderma hamatum strain 382 was registered primarily for the management of soil diseases in ornamental crops and vegetable seedlings. Dates are a specialty crop in the desert Southwest which are attacked by the larvae of the carob moth. This has traditionally been controlled with malathion dust utilizing plumes of the powder to fill paper wrapped date clusters. The larvae develop from eggs laid by the female moths. A new active ingredient, (Z,E) -7,9-11- dodecatrienyl formate, is the pheromone of the carob moth and the presence of its scent in the air makes it difficult to locate receptive females by the male carob moth. This disruption in mating results in a reduction in mated females, thereby leaving infertile eggs that do not produce larvae to attack the date crop. Utilizing the same approach, IR-4 helped register an oriental beetle pheromone in blueberry and ornamental crops. Bacterial diseases are difficult to control even with conventional pesticides. A new form of biopesticide utilizes a bacteriophage which is a virus that infects a bacteria. Utililizing this technology, IR-4 helped to register bacteriophage of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato. Biotechnology -based approaches are becoming more common in row crops but still lagging in fruit crops. IR-4 assisted USDA with registering C5 HoneySweet Plum. The C5 plum is resistant to plum pox virus because it produces the viral coat protein thereby preventing the virus from replicating.

Label Expansions The IR-4 efficacy program funds research ranging from early stage products that are not yet registered through products that are already registered. Utilization of biopesticides by growers is facilitated by on-farm demonstrations. Within this program a majority of the emphasis is geared primarily toward adding new uses (new crops or pests) for products that are already registered. Some label expansions supported by the IR-4 efficacy projects for insect management include verebone attractant in pine forests, and the plant extract Chenopodium ambrosoides in impatiens and petunia. Label expansions for disease management include Reynoutria sachanilensis on blueberry, cucumber, apple, peach and tomato. The fungicide Trichoderma asperellum on strawberry, summer squash and pepper, Trichoderma virens G41 on Pointsettia and Polyoxin-D Zinc salt on ginseng and pepper, and Bacillus subtilus GB03 in Peanut and Pepper. Bacillus mycoides isolate Bac J was registered in pecans, sugar beet, and tomato. Primarily for root and systemic fungal rots, potassium phosphite had the crops greenhouse tomato, pepper and cucumber added to the label. Biopesticides for nematode management have included Paeciliomyces lilacinus strain 251 on pineapple and tomato. The bacteria Bacillus firmus had the crops apple, carrot, celery, cherry, lettuce, soybean, sugarbeet, and ornamentals added to the label. For managing weeds in turf, efficacy data was supported for the organism Phoma macrostoma and the biochemical ammonium nonanoate in 261 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

pepper. In addition to the fully registered uses, a specific type of registration for emergency use, known as a Section 18, was supported for 9,10- anthraquinone for managing birds in corn, rice and sunflower.

Regulatory Changes

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Biopesticide Registration Data Guidelines The biopesticide registration data requirements were initially developed in 1984 and were updated in 2007 (2). Pesticides often are manufactured in different stages. For example a microorganism may be fermented or a plant extracted. These active ingredients may later be mixed with surfactants, diluents, colorants, stabilizing agents, etc., to improve biological activity, distribution on the plant following application, or another property of the final product. The 2007 guidelines provided clearer guidance on what type of tests needed to be performed on the active ingredient versus the final formulated product. The newer guidelines also gave updated definitions for a biochemical and microbial biopesticides. In many instances data requirements are often fulfilled by citing information in the public literature sure as natural ocurrence, history of exposure to man and the environment, persistence, etc. While this is still true, the updated regulations codified this by explaining the process for discussing the applicability of public literature in pre-registration meetings. In practice, pre-registraton meetings have become more formalized in that a specific form proposing how data requirements will be fulfilled is submitted before a pre-registration meeting, which has helped to ensure that all the applicable guidelines have been discussed and has facilitated a more rapid turn around time for meeting minutes. It also provided for coordination with USDA-APHIS regarding registration of products requiring permits for interstate transport. The updated guidelines also provided additional information under which data for use patterns (food crops, forestry, indoor, etc) was required, conditionally required or not required. It also clarified that even when data was required, the data requirements could still be fulfilled through waivers. The terms waivers and waived are not synonymous under the regulations since waived means that data is not required while a waiver of data is a scientific justification on why information in the public literature, the application technique or usually a combination of supporting pieces of information satisfy the data requirement. Therefore a waiver is an alternate form of fulfilling a data requirement in lieu of conducting direct toxicology studies. This risk assessment includes both hazard and exposure. For microbials, there has been added emphasis on the deposition of samples into a nationally recognized collection. In addition the updated guidelines separated the data requirements for biopesticides pursuing an Experimental Use Permit (EUP) versus a full registration. The trend has been for the EUP data requirements to be fairly similar to a full registration with its purpose being more strictly intended for product performance data collection. Within microbial products, there has been greater emphasis on the deposition of strains into a nationally-recognized culture collection. 262 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Regulatory Guidelines under Development

In addition to the current guidelines, there are discussions about expanding the guidelines to encompass the newer RNAi- based biopesticides. The most common form of biotechnology is the incorporation of genetic material from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to code for the production of CRY proteins in plants that control certain lepidopteran insect larvae. Because of the history of biotechnology coming through the microorganism Bt, these products are considered to be biopesticides. These are commonly referred to as Plant Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) and are regulated in EPA’s Biopesticide and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD). IR-4 first met with EPA about RNAi technology in 2008 for the dsRNA of Israeli acute paralysis virus of honeybees. The term RNAi stands for RNA interference because it interfers or silences processes such as protein synthesis. Without certain proteins, pests may not develop or certain processes cannot continue and so the process fails to function or the organisms fail to reproduce. There are many potential applications to this technology such as controlling pathogens and insects, including those that transmit pathogens. Just like one’s genetic makeup, this technology is highly specific. One of the newer approaches to RNAi -based technology has been delivery of dsRNA through feeding insects. RNAi is the name of the process, but it is double stranded RNA that does the work. RNA is normally single stranded, not double stranded. One of the main functions of RNA is in protein synthesis which involves several steps . A single strand of messenger RNA (mRNA) is made off of the template provided by DNA. The mRNA then causes amino acids to form chains in the exact order to produce a certain protein. RNAi interferes between these two processes by interfering with or cutting up the target mRNA (3). The result is that the proteins are not formed and unmodified genes are only interfered with or silenced. While most current biotechnological traits involve incorporating specific genetic material into the plants genome, some RNAi - based technology can be incorporated into plants or sprayed onto plants and it does not modify the plant genome itself. RNAi is also referred to as double stranded RNA (dsRNA) technology since the interference is actually initiated due to the presence of dsRNA and it is the dsRNA that is applied or functions. EPA does not have an existing set of regulations appropriate for RNAi technology, but regulations are being formed (4). EPA recently held a Science Advisory Panel meeting to discuss the formation of regulations for RNAi technology. The regulations are likely to be similar to those currently used for Plant Incorporated Protectants (Genetically Modified Crops). There may be greater emphasis on environmental fate since some are sprayed onto plants or may be mobile within insects or other organisms although data indicates that RNA is rapidly degraded. RNAi technology regulation may be based on the way in which they are delivered and their intended activity and specificity.

263 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Changes in Toxicity Testing

The overall trend in toxicology testing has been to reduce the potential for animal stress and reduce unecessary testing (5). EPA has always had a policy of considering the need to test if there is adequate data in the public literature or if the nature of the product (such as a strong acid) already indicates it is known to be caustic to skin or eyes. Due to the types of active ingredients registered as biopesticides they tend to be less toxic, however the requirement that needs to be met is that there be adequate information for EPA to make a risk assessment. The alternatives to traditional animal studies can be categorized into three main areas including refinement, reduction and replacement. The refinement alternative involves new or modified test methods that refine procedures to lessen or eliminate pain or distress in animals or enhances animal well-being. The reduction alternative involves new or modified test methods that reduces the number of animals required for a test method, while remaining consistent with sound scientific practices necessary to obtain valid results. Finally, the replacement alternative involves new or modified test methods that replace animals with non-animal systems or replaces an animal species with a phylogenetically lower species. Two specific examples of data guidelines that EPA is trying to consider alternatives include ocular and dermal sensitization. The traditional ocular toxicity data is commonly developed in the Draize rabbit test. For ocular tests there is a voluntary pilot program involving three alternative approaches. The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Assay (BCOP) - is an assay that uses bovine (cow) eyes which are received shortly after the slaughter of the animal so the cells are still viable. The corneas are excised and treated with a chemical to determine its potential to damage the eye. The BCOP model is a model with endpoints similar to many human corneal responses. The EpiOcular™ (EO) Model is an in vitro model of the human corneal epithelium composed of normal human derived epidermal keratinocytes and is used to evaluate the eye irritation potential of chemicals, particularly surfactants. This test is probably applicable to many biopesticides since membrane or cuticle permeability is a common mode of action. The third method is the Cytosensor Microphysiometer (CM) Assay. This assay evaluates the potential eye toxicity of a chemical by measuring the dose required to reduce the metabolic rate in treated cells in vitro. A microphysiometer is used to electronically measure the metabolic rate of cell populations through small changes in acidic metabolites in the medium. The rate is constant in an undamaged cell population and if the cells are injured, an altered metabolic rate is found. For dermal sensitization, the most common study is the Guinea-Pig Maximization Test or Buehler test. An alternative known as the Local Lymph Node Assay is based on cellular proliferation in mouse ear cells. The reduced LLNA test method can be used in situations where dose-response information is not required. For example, it can be used for a single level limit dose test.

264 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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Pesticide Registration Improvement Act

Often referred to by the acronym PRIA, this act was initiated in 2007 and set registration review timelines and included a fee structure that EPA charges to review a data package and tolerance petition. The result has been greater costs of registration, but with a more predictable period of time that EPA has to render a decision. The amount of fees and length of review depend on the type of product and the complexity of the registration. PRIA is currently under its third version, which was updated in June 2012 (6). For some of the more common registrations such as a brand new active microbial or biochemical active ingredient, the fees are about $30,000 with a 17 month review time, while for plant incorporated protectants it is more commonly in the $300,000 price range with a 21 month timeline. Comparing this to conventional chemical pesticides, which have about a $600,000 fee with a 24 month timeline, therefore it still holds true that the fees and timelines are reduced as an incentive to register biopesticides. Over the course of the three revisions to this program, the number of types of actions requiring fees has increased. Initially the act was focused on active ingredient registration applications but has expanded to registration of inert ingredients. Other actions now include fees for external review, review of protocols and data protection. The act provides an online decision tree to help applicants understand which category is applicable to their action. Furthermore, there are provisions for reducing the fees for small companies and more specifically, IR-4 is exempt from fees for registrations associated with a new tolerance or tolerance exemption petition.

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265 In Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities; Coats, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.