
various diets in New Zealand and Missouri. Sensory analysis of ... beseparatedintoclasses by discriminant and canonical statistical analyses of the vo...
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Chapter 12

Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor

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M . E. Bailey1, J . Suzuki2, L. N . Fernando1, H. A. Swartz3, and R. W. Purchas4 1Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Missouri, 21 Agriculture Building, Columbia, M O 65211 2Soda Aromatic Company, 1573-4 Fumakata Noda, Chiba 270-02, Japan 3Department of Cooperative Research, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Lincoln University, 900 Moreau Drive, Jefferson City, M O 65101-3594 4Department of Sheep Husbandry, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Headspace gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (GLC­ -MS) was used to analyze volatiles from fat of lambs finished on various diets in New Zealand and Missouri. Sensory analysis of ground lamb was used to quantitate "strong", "grassy" and "lamby" flavors. Sensory scores for all these attributes were lower in samples from corn-finished animals than in those from forage­ -finished animals. Radish top-fed lamb had lower flavor intensity than lamb finished on ryegrass and clover, and lamb from animals finished on blackeye (cowpea) forage had less grassy flavor than lamb finished on alfalfa or grass. Strong flavor, which was a combination of grassy flavor and lamby flavor, was statistically related to diterpenoid and aldehyde contents; grassy flavor was related to diterpenoid and acid contents; and lamby flavor was related to aldehyde, ketone and acid contents. Animals finished on the various diets could beseparatedintoclasses by discriminant and canonical statistical analyses of the volatile compound data from GLC-MS analyses.

Thirty years ago, Hornstein and Crowe (1) concluded that the characteristic flavor of meat from different species resulted from constituent volatile lipids. They later reported that the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids contributed to these unique flavors (2). Volatile lipids constitute over 90% of the chemical ingredients identified as contributing to meat flavor (3). The acceptance of these volatiles from individual species of animals as desirable meat flavors is somewhat dependant upon the training preference and the psychology of the individual evaluating the flavor (4). 0097-6156/94/0558-0170$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


Two major sources of lipids contribute to the undesirable flavor associated with lamb flavor: the unique volatile compounds resulting from the metabolism of lipids by the animal and their oxidation; and lipids resulting from precursors in the diet consumed by the animals.

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Characteristic Odor of Lamb This topic was thoroughly reviewed by Young et al. (5)> who concluded that the characteristic odor of lamb is a result of volatiles in the lipid fraction. The most convincing data relating lipid content and flavor was that published by Wong et al. (6) who identified 40 short and medium class fatty acids in an acid extract from heated mutton fat. They found that the primary acids associated with mutton odor were the 4-methyl Q and C fatty acids and identified 4-methyl octanoic acid (Hircinoic acid) and 4-methyl nonanoic acid as the most important even though they are present in lamb fat at very low concentrations (7). Garton et al. (8) suggested that the branched acids with methyl substituents at even-numbered carbon atoms result from the incorporation of methyl malonyl Co. A (from propionate metabolism) instead of malonyl Co. A during chain lengthening. Purchas et al. (9) could not substantiate that individual fatty acids were related to sheep flavor; and other lipids, such as oxidized products from unsaturated fatty acids, have been identified as contributing to lamb flavor. There is sufficient evidence in the literature to show that lamb odor is present in non-oxidative systems (1, 10, 11). Sulfur compounds have also received attention as contributors to sheep flavor. It is assumed that H S is evolved from the degradation of sulfur amino acids, but there is no evidence that the amino acid profile of lamb is different from that of other animals (12)\ and large quantities of H S are evolved during cookery of all meat. The best evidence supports the theory that intermediate chain fatty acids are responsible for the characteristic flavor of lamb. 9

1 0



Effect of Diet on Lamb Flavor The effect of diet on lamb flavor has been a thoroughly studied problem. Barbella et al. (13) first reported that the diet of lamb influenced the flavor of meat. Most research on the influence of diet on lamb flavor has been directed to the study of undesirable flavor resulting from feeding forage. Forage from grazing lands (supplemented with hay and silage) provides 63% of the feed for dairy cows, 73% of the feed for beef cattle and 90% of the feed for sheep. Meat animals are fed 100% forage in many countries, and it is anticipated that long-term population growth, high costs of growing feed grains and consumer desire for lean beef may increase demand for forage feeding. However, a major problem with forage feeding and finishing diets is the resulting grassy flavor of the meat products.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Grassy flavor is different from oxidized flavor and characteristic flavors from meat of animal species. Berry et al. (14) may have been the first to coin the term "grassy". Melton et al. (15,16) found that the terms "dairy", "fishy", "milkyoily", "off-flavor" and "putrid" were descriptive of beef patties from grass-fed steers. Greater detail on descriptors used for describing off-flavors in meat were published by Melton et al. (17, 18). Stronger flavors from sheep finished on forage have been recognized for many years. A summary of some of this work is given in Table I. It is obvious from the above discussion that two factors are involved in the less desirable flavor of lamb in selected consumer societies. Lamb tissue metabolically forms volatile compounds that are recognized as the characteristic flavor of lamb that is not universally accepted; and ingredients in forage feed of these animals can result in low acceptance due to grassy flavor. Either or both of these attributes can be compounded by oxidation of tissue occurring post mortem.

Table I. Influence of Forage Pasture on Lamb Flavor Pasture Type


Meat Flavor Results

White clover versus Ryegrass

Cramer et al. (19)

Clover fed stronger than ryegrass

Lucerne (alfalfa) Rape Vitch

Park et al. (22)

Intense, sharp

Park et al. (22) Park et al. (22)

Sickly Intense flavor

Alfalfa versus Other pasture

Nicol and Jagusch (23)

Alfalfa most intense odor

Weeds (panthenium and wild turnip)

Ford and Park (25)

Shorland et al. (20) Czochanska et al. (21)

Park et al. (24) Taints

Studies were designed and carried out at our respective institutions to improve the acceptability of lamb by examining the influence of various forage types on its flavor. During this endeavor, volatile compounds thought to be related to undesirable flavor of lamb were separated and identified, and their relationship to lamb flavor and the feeding regimen was determined.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


Experimental Methods

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Lambs were grown on a variety of forages at three institutions. Lambs were finished to consumer weight on the forages by the Sheep Husbandry Depart­ ment of Massey University in New Zealand; the Animal Science Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU); and the Department of Cooperative Research, Lincoln University. The flavor of the meat was determined by sensory analysis, and the character of the volatile compounds was determined by the headspace analysis method of Suzuki and Bailey (26). Lamb Samples Studied. Separate studies were carried out on the loins of two groups of animals. One group was raised and finished on forage in New Zealand at Massey University and compared with loins from animals finished on corn grain by the Animal Science Department at M U . This study consisted of two trials of animals raised during two consecutive years. The other study was of loin samples from animals raised by the Department of Cooperative Research at Lincoln University. The latter study consisted of four separate trials during a five year period. Study I, Trial 1, was on loins of animals finished on pasture of four separate forages: white clover (Trifolium repens), lucerne (Medicago sativa), lotus (Lotus corniculatus) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Data from loin samples of these animals were compared with that from samples of animals finished at M U on corn fed ad libitum or on fescue ad libitum supplemented with two pounds of corn per day (fescue/corn). Study I, Trial 2 was on animals raised in New Zealand on clover, lucerne, lotus, radish and ryegrass compared to animals finished at M U on corn grain. Study II consisted of four trials, but only the last three will be discussed in detail because of the similarities to the trials in Study I. Trials 2 and 3 of Study II consisted of 48 lambs fed in three groups of 12 each on a rotational paddock system of California blackeye cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. walp), Cultivar Vita 3 cowpea (an indeterminate type), alfalfa and corn/soybean/oat hay meal. All four groups were fed ad libitum to an average weight of 100 pounds. Ten animals from each group were selected for study. Trial 4 in Study II consisted of 24 lambs assigned to one of four groups finished on California blackeye cowpea, sudan grass (sorghum vulgara sudanensis), a cottonseed diet supplemented with corn meal and molasses to give 16% protein, and grain/oat hay. All were fed ad libitum to a final weight of 100 pounds. Volatile Lipid Analyses. The method of Suzuki and Bailey (26) was used for the headspace analysis of volatiles from lamb fat samples. Sensory Analyses. Sensory analyses of the grassy and lambyflavorswas carried out by the quantitative descriptive analysis method of Stone et al. (27) as modified by Suzuki (28) for the analyses of lamb. The sensory panel members

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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used a non-structured quantitative scalefrommild to strong to characterize the flavor of samples in the first study and similar scales to quantify grassy flavor and lamby flavor in the second study. Statistical Analyses. Two-way analysis of variance described by Snedecor and Cochran (29) was used to evaluate changes among variables. Stepwise discriminant and cononical analyses were applied to GLC data to classify animal samples into groups based on diet. In these methods the order of variables was selected according to their F values, their multiple correlation with other groups and their ratios to total variations (30). Analyses were performed using SAS/STAT (31). Results and Discussion Sensory Analyses of Flavor Intensity. Study I of lambs raised in New Zealand consisted of 72 animals that were finished on clover, ryegrass, lucerne and lotus compared to lambs finished on fescue/corn and corn at MU. The flavor was judged for intensity only. Meat samples in Trial 1 from animals finished on clover, ryegrass and lucerne were all more intense in flavor than those from animals finished on lotus, fescue/corn and corn ad libitum (Table II). The com-finished samples were significantly (P < 0.05) milder inflavorthan those from animals finished on lotus. Samplesfromanimals finished on corn grain were the mildest in flavor, although not significantly different from animals finished on fescue/corn.


Table II. Mean* Flavor Scores of Meat from Animals Fed on Different Diets in New Zealand Study Rations

Flavor intensity Trial 1

Trial 2























a b










N = 60 Range of scoring: 0 = very mild; 100 = very intense Means followed by same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05)


Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


Sensory results from animal samples studied in Trial 2 are also presented in Table II. Samples from animalsfinishedon ryegrass, clover, lotus, radish and lucerne were more intense in flavor than those from animals finished on corn. Theflavorscores for samples from animals fed radish were significantly (P < 0.05) milder than those from animalsfinishedon ryegrass and clover, but were stronger inflavorthan samplesfromanimalsfinishedon corn. From the results of these studies, meat from animals finished on corn grain was milder than that of animalsfinishedon forage. It was an advantage to feed two pounds of corn grain to animals feeding on fescue even though fescue contributes to grassy flavor (32). Radish tops produced animals with relatively mild flavor compared to other forages. This may be a good alternative diet for finishing lambs compared to other forages. Sensory data on grassy and lambyflavorsof samplesfromanimals grown in Study II, Trials 3 and 4 are summarized in Table III. The grassy flavor intensity of grain-fed lambs in Trial 3 was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that of alfalfa and California blackeye-fed lambs, and was also less (P < 0.056) than lambs fed Vita 3. Lamb from animalsfinishedon alfalfa was significantly (P < 0.01) more grassy than that from animals fed grain/oat hay. Fat from animalsfinishedon grain/oat hay was significantly (P < 0.01) less lamby in flavor than fat from animals finished on the three forages, and there was no difference in the lambyflavorof samples from animalsfinishedon the forages.

Table III. Mean Sensory Scores for Flavor of Lamb Fat in Study II Type of Feed

Grassy Flavor Trial Τ

Lamby Flavor b

Trial 4


Trial 3

Grain/oat hay


California blackeye


Vita 3




51. Γ*












Trial 4









Cotton seed



Sudan grass







N = 70 N = 48 c,d,c Values with different letters within the same column are significantly different ( = Ρ < 0.05; = Ρ < 0.01; grain:Vita 3 at Ρ < 0.056)



d c

Samples from animals in Trial 4finishedon sudan grass had significantly (P < 0.05) greater grassyflavorthan those from animals finished on grain/oat hay. There were no differences in grassyflavoramong samples from animals

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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finished with the other forages. There also were no differences in lamby flavor among the various samples. Considering all the data analyzed for grassy and lamby flavors of meat from animals finished on cowpeas, alfalfa, sudan grass and grain, it appears that grain is the best diet for finishing lambs to reduce these flavors. California blackeye is a better forage for reducing grassy flavor than Vita 3 blackeye, and both are better finishing diets than sudan grass and alfalfa in reducing grassy flavor of lamb. Lamby flavor may also be reduced by feeding grain, but in general this flavor was not influenced by the feeding regimen. Volatile Organic Compounds from Lamb Fat. In the study of volatile compounds from animals finished on forage in New Zealand and on corn grain in Missouri, 47 volatile compounds were identified by mass spectrometry and quantified by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). These compounds consisted of 9 acids, 8 hydrocarbons, 7 terpenoids, 9 aldehydes, 7 ketones and 7 lactones. The highest concentration of total volatiles was found in samples from animals finished on ryegrass (Figure 1). The total volatiles from fat of animals finished on lotus, lucerne and clover were about the same, and the total volatiles from fat of animals finished on corn were the least in concentration. Among the important volatiles analyzed were intermediate chain (Q-Q) free fatty acids (Table IV). Decanoic acid was significantly (P < 0.05) more concentrated in ryegrass, lotus, lucerne and clover than in the samples from animals receiving corn grain. In general, the free fatty acids were higher in concentration in the samples from animalsfinishedon clover, lucerne, lotus and ryegrass compared to those from animalsfinishedon radish and corn grain, but most of these differences were not significant. These observations are important because of the close relationship between these acids and hircinoic acid identified by Wong et al. (6) as important in lamb flavor. Wong et al. (7) reported that 4-methyl octanoic acid (hircinoic acid) was a major contributor to lamb flavor, but this acid was not detected in samples analyzed by the procedures used. However, the fatty acids analyzed were all in the molecular weight range of hircinoic acid. All except nonanoic acid were highly (P < 0.001) correlated with flavor strength evaluated by the taste panel. Other volatile compounds correlating with flavor strength at this level (P < 0.001) of significance were pentanal, -pinene, 2,3-octanedione, octanal, 2,4heptadienal, 2,3-nonanedione, 2-hydroxy-2-octanone, nonanal, 2-nonenal, dodecane, 2-undecenal, phytane and phyt-2-ene. Most of the lactones were nagatively correlated with lamby flavor. Hexanal, 2,4-hexadienal, 2-decenal, 2undecenal, 2-tridecane, 2-pentadecanone, phyt-l-ene, neophytadiene, phytadiene, dihydrophytol and nonanoic acid were all significantly related to lamby flavor at Ρ 0.05 level or better.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


177 8

Table IV. Concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids from Fat of Lambs Finished on Different Diets (Study I, Trial 2) Acids

Concentration, ppm (Standard Deviation)

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Lucerne c


Ryegrass e

Hexanoic acid

7.78 (5.69)

9.11* (7.46)

13.5(f* 16.94 (6.69) (5.80)

17.28 (15.02)

Heptanoic acid

2.94" (1.84)

2.89" (2.27)

3.17" (0.89)

2.83" (0.78)

4.22 (1.88)

5.61 (2.00)

Octanoic acid

6.33"° (3.21)

5.89* (3.93)

6.03 (1.74)

5.33" (1.35)

9.83"* (3.50)

9.22 (2.74)

Nonanoic acid

8.00 (6.51)

7.61* (7.78)

3.11" (2.44)

1.72" 12.61 (0.85) (17.91)

Decanoic acid

9.17" (2.72)

9.39 (3.86)

8 b,c










11.39 (5.98)



15.72 (6.34)


24.33 (8.39)


15.28 (2.66)


15.11 (4.10)

19.56 (5.60)


Average of six animals ' Means followed by same letter do not differ significantly (P > 0.05) d

Despite the high significant correlation levels, no one compound was correlated highly with sensory lamby flavor. The highest correlation (0.652) was found between phyt-2-ene and sensory flavor, which accounted for 43% of the variation. A multiple regression equation relating some of these variables and sensory lamb flavor was: Lamb flavor strength = 29.50 + 42.05X " 55.24X + 3.84X " 32.86X + 0.84X36 " 7.06X + 116.08X + 88.86X43 4






[X = heptanal; X = 2,3-octanedione; X = 3-hydroxy-2-octanone; X = tetradecane; X^ = neophytadiene; X = phyt-2-ene; X = Spentadecalactone; X = phytol] 4







These variables accounted for 76.5% of the variation in lamb flavor. Seventeen components analyzed by GLC were selected by stepwise discriminant analyses as predictor variables for separating the various samples analyzed into full groups relative to finishing diets received by the animals. These compounds selected in order of partial R were: phyt-l-ene, a-pinene, hexanal, phyt-2-ene, 2,3-octanedione, octadecane, 2-hexadecane, 5-pentadecalactone, pentanal, phytol, dodecane, 2-tridecanone, 2-heptadecanone, 2-nonenal, 2

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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3-hydroxy-2-octanone, Y-dodecalactone and 2-pentadecanone. Samples were classified correctly into their treatment groups by stepwise discriminant and canonical analyses. Two-dimensional canonical scattergrams revealed expected cluster forma­ tion by the seven finishing diets relative to the concentration of the 20 volatile compounds chosen by discriminant analysis (see Figure 2). Fat samples analyzed were from animals fed on corn, fescue/corn, clover, lucerne, lotus, ryegrass and radish (Figure 2, Samples 1 through 7, respectively). Lamb samples having mild flavor scores (corn, fescue/corn and radish; Figure 2, Samples 1,2 and 7) were separated from the other forage-fed groups. Samples from animals finished on clover, lucerne and lotus (Figure 2, Samples 3, 4 and 5) were closely assembled as if they were in one group. Fat samples from ryegrass-fed lambs (Figure 2, Sample 6) formed a separate group. Although the taste panel could not discriminate samples byflavorintensity of lambs finished on different forage rations, multivariate statistical analyses of flavor volatiles from lamb fat were successfully used to classify samples according to their finishing diets. Volatile organic compounds from lamb fat were also analyzed in Study II, Trials 2, 3 and 4. Volatile compounds from the fat of these animals were similar to those reported for Study I. Fifty compounds were quantitated by the G L C method of Suzuki and Bailey (26). In Trial 2, Vita 3 blackeye samples contained more terpenes than California blackeye or corn grain (Figure 3). In Trial 3 (Figure 4), Vita 3 samples had more neophytadiene, phytadiene and phytol, but alfalfa samples had more phyt-2-ene. In Trial 4 (Figure 5), sudan grass had more terpenes than samples from animals receiving the other treatments. Phyt-2-ene was the most concentrated terpenoid in all samples, particularly so in the samples from sudan grass and alfalfa. Overall results from these studies indicate that the amount of diterpenoids in fat from grain-fed animals was lower than that from forage-fed animals; and that fat from animalsfinishedon cottonseed and California blackeye had diterpene values similar to those of animals finished on corn. The animals receiving cottonseed also had corn in their rations. ^-Lactones were found to be significantly higher in concentration in grainfinished animals (Figures 6 and 7), and ^-lactones were more highly concen­ trated in the forage-finished animals. Five ketones were identified in fat from lamb in these studies. Although certain trends are apparent from the above data, no single compound analyzed in these samples was highly correlated with grassy or lamby flavor. The highest correlation between volatiles and grassy flavor was for heptanoic acid, which accounted for 13% of the variation in grassy flavor, and for 2-pentadecanone, which accounted for 25% of the variation in lamby flavor. In order to obtain more quantitative relationships between sensory data and volatile data in Study II, multiple correlation statistics were used. The multiple correlation data relating grassy flavor and volatiles in this study was as follows:

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor



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^ 200~\ α c ο S2




Î ο


2 lb. Corn





Figure 1. Total volatiles of fat from lambs on different diets (Study I, Trial 2).

3„ 2

3 3



CO ζ < ϋ

'?4 4 4 4

6 β



6 6

66 β 6

1 J11 1. J J


5 55

-5 Η


Ρ 7





Figure 2. Scattergram (Can 1 versus Can 3) of fat from Study I, Trial 2 lambs based on quantitation of volatile compounds analyzed by GLC-MS.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.





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Grain Cal. Blackeye Vita 3






Figure 3. Concentrations of terpenoids in fat from lambs having significant differences among feeding treatments in Study II, Trial 2. Bars with different letters within a group are significantly different at Ρ < 0.05. Error bars indicate standard deviation.






Figure 4. Concentrations of terpenoids in fat from lambs having significant differences among feeding treatments in Study II, Trial 3. Bars with different letters within a group are significantly different at Ρ < 0.05. Error bars indicate standard deviations.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor



E Ω. S C o

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18 H

M Grain


H Cal. Blackeye

1 4


Sudan Grass

10 -




6 -



c o


2 0 Phyt-1-ene





Figure 5. Concentrations of terpenoids in fat from lambs having significant differences among feeding treatments in Study II, Trial 4. Bars with different letters within a group are significantly different at Ρ < 0.05. Error bars indicate standard deviations.

γ -Dodecalactone

δ -Dodecalactone

δ -Hexadecalactone


Figure 6. Concentrations of lactones in fat from lambs having significant differences among feeding treatments in Study II, Trial 2. Bars with different letters within a group are significantly different at Ρ < 0.05. Error bars indicate standard deviations.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


182 Grassy flavor intensity =

11.17 + 21.68X + 15.90X " l.OOX^ + 14.57X28 " 7.07X 1.65X + 15.90X44 13






[R = 0.551; X = heptanoic acid; X = 2,3-nonanedione; X ^ = 2-undecenal + decanoic acid; X ^ = 5-decalactone; X = neophyta­ diene; X = phyt-2-ene; X = phytadiene] 1 3

1 4

4 2

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4 3


The equation for lamby flavor was: Lamby flavor intensity = 22.55 + 39.00X + 15.86X " 6.50X " 16.03X " 29.28X 26.34X + 3.41X + 5.28X35 " 3.53X38 3.78X + 1.75X 7











[R = 0.915; X = 2-heptenal; X = octanal; X = heptanoic acid; X = 2-nonenal; X = 2-undecanone; X = bovolide (2,3-dimethyl2,4-nonadiene-4-olide); X = hexadecane; X ^ = 2-pentadecanone; X38 = phyt-l-ene; X = dihydrophytol; X = 5-hexadecalactone] 7

1 7

1 0

2 1

1 3

3 1

3 3

5 0

5 2

Intermediate molecular weight fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones and diterpenoids were associated with grassy flavor, while aldehydes, ketones and bovolide were the only compounds identified to have a strong positive rela­ tionship with lamby flavor. Stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to volatile data to classify animals into groups based on diet in Trials 3 and 4. Volatile compounds selected in Trial 4 are listed in Table V according to their strongest predictor values. Unknown 3 was present in samples from animals fed cottonseed meal and was very similar in structure and molecular weight to terpenoids. Therefore we have two diterpenoid-like compounds, three ketones, two acids and two lactones strongly associated with fat samples from animals relative to diets. These data were used to classify samples based on treatment by discrimin­ ant analysis and the data were eveluated by canonical analysis. The samples were completely and accurately separated by discriminant and canonical analyses into the appropriate feeding groups. Figure 8 is a scattergram of Can 1 versus Can 2 relating volatile com­ pounds analyzed by GLC and samples from animals fed the various rations. These results indicate that multivariate statistical analysis of data from flavor volatiles from lamb fat can be successfully used to classify the lambs according to their finishing diets.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


Figure 7. Concentrations of lactones in fat from lambs having significant differences among feeding treatments in Study Π, Trial 3. Bars with different letters within a group are significantly different at Ρ < 0.05. Error bars indicate standard deviations.


Sudan grass

Cotton seed ο ο ο

California blackeye


Can 1

Figure 8. Scattergram (Can 1 versus Can 2) of fat from Study Π, Trial 4, lambs based on quantities of volatile compounds analyzed by GLC-MS.

Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Table V. Volatile Components from Lamb Fat Selected in Stepwise Discrim­ inant Analysis as Treatment Predictor Variables in Study II, Trial 4 Step


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Partial R



Unknown 3












Bovolide (2,3-dimethyl2,4-nonadiene-4-olide)



Acetic acid






Hexanoic acid





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Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Influence of Finishing Diets on Lamb Flavor


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Ho and Hartman; Lipids in Food Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.