
Reactivity ratios obtained from atom transfer radical copolymerization ..... methacrylate was synthesized via ATRcP with an overall fraction of MMA FM...
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Chapter 13

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Peculiarities in Atom Transfer Radical Copolymerization 1


Bert Klumperman , Grégory Chambard , and RichardH.G.Brinkhuis 3



Department of Polymer Chemistry (SPC), Eindhoven University of Technology,P.O.Box 513, 5600MBEindhoven, The Netherlands Dow Chemical, P.O. Box 48, 4530 A A Terneuzen, The Netherlands Akzo Nobel Chemicals Research, Dpt. CPR, P.O. Box 9300, 6800 SB Arnhem, The Netherlands 3

In recent literature it is quite common to treat living radical copolymerization completely analogous to its free radical counterpart. When doing so it is often observed that small deviations in the copolymerization behavior occur. In this work it is shown that the observed deviations can be interpreted on the basis of reactions specific for living radical polymerization, such as the activation - deactivation equilibrium in atom transfer radical polymerization. Reactivity ratios obtained from atom transfer radical copolymerization data, interpreted according to the conventional terminal model deviate from the true reactivity ratios of the propagating radicals. Furthermore, it is shown that the copolymerization of monomers that strongly deviate in equilibrium constant between active and dormant species may exhibit for low molar mass copolymers a significant correlation between molar mass distribution and chemical composition distribution. The rationale behind this correlation is that the chains that happen to add a relatively large fraction of the more dormant monomer lag behind in their growth. The more dormant monomer refers to the monomer creating a chain end with the lower equilibrium constant in the activation - deactivation process. This monomer will be preferentially present in the low molar mass fraction of the distribution, whereas the other monomer will be present to a larger extent in the high molar mass fraction. © 2003 American Chemical Society

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Introduction The majority of studies on living radical polymerization focuses either on homopolymerization or on block copolymerization. Some publications focus on statistical copolymerizations, and the possibility to synthesize gradient or tapered copolymers (/). In the majority of publications on statistical copolymers it is common practice to evaluate the reactivity ratios of the living radical copolymerization system, and compare the results with the free radical copolymerization analogue (2). In doing so, it is often found that reactivity ratios in LRcP deviate slightly from those in FRcP (5). There is also very recent theoretical evidence that copolymerizations with intermittent activation may show behavior deviating from conventional copolymerization (4). Usually the experimentally observed differences are small enough to safely interpret the values of LRcP as being in good agreement with the values of FRcP. Here we want to show that a good agreement is not always expected. Based on simulations as well as on experimental data it will be shown that reactivity ratios determined from LRcP are only apparent reactivity ratios. It needs to be stressed that the presently discussed phenomenon clearly differs from the preferential addition of the primary (initiator derived radical) to one of the two comonomers in conventional FRcP. The phenomenon of preferential addition has been investigated before (J). Somewhat related to this seemingly theoretical exercise is the desire from e.g. coatings-perspective to synthesize functional (co)polymers with a narrow functionality distribution. It is well known that if the aim of the synthesis is a relatively low molar mass copolymer, with an average functionality of two, a significant fraction of non-functional polymer will be present. This is the case when the method of incorporation is via conventional free radical copolymerization of e.g. a non-functional methacrylate and hydroxy-ethylmethacrylate. For ATR copolymerizations, the large differences in equilibrium constant between acrylates and methacrylates turn out to be quite beneficial in the synthesis of copolymers with narrow functionality distribution. Also on this topic, simulations and experimental evidence will be presented to stress the scope of this phenomenon.

The effect of initiation on atom transfer radical copolymerization The copolymerization of styrene (STY) and butyl aery late (BA) has been studied by several groups via conventional free radical copolymerization (FRcP) as well as by atom transfer radical copolymerization (ATRcP) (6). In order to determine the reactivity ratios that govern a copolymerzation, two methods are commonly used: Low conversion copolymerization, and subsequent fitting of the copolymer composition versus monomer feed composition to the well-known Mayo-Lewis equation (7).

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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182 Measurement of the individual rates of conversion of the two comonomers as a function of overall monomer conversion, and subsequent fitting of the data to the integrated version of the Mayo-Lewis equation, also known as the Skeist equation (8). It is generally accepted that the first method is not applicable to ATRcP. The short chain lengths associated with low conversion in a living radical polymerization (LRP) violate the assumptions inherent to the Mayo-Lewis model. The effect of the initiator-derived (primary) radical, and the known deviating reactivities of short-chain radicals would yield results that are not applicable to long chain copolymerizations. Therefore, studies on ATRcP are usually conducted according to die second method. In an attempt to shed some light on the small but significant differences between reactivity ratios from FRcP and ATRcP, a number of simulations were carried out. The whole set of differential equations for both FRcP as well as for ATRcP were numerically solved without any assumption regarding steady state of the radicals. In both systems, chain transfer was neglected. Bimolecular termination was considered to be independent of chain length. The terminal model was used in the simulations, which means that radical reactivities are assumed to be dependent only on the terminal monomer unit in a growing radical. It is known that this assumption results in a poor description of the rate of polymerization, but that it adequately describes die copolymer composition data as a function of monomer feed composition (9). In view of the purpose of this simulation, it is expected that the choice to use the terminal model does not influence the results. When carrying out the simulations it was confirmed that the results were independent on the step-size of integration. During the simulation, the concentrations of all relevant species were tracked as a function of time, i.e. both types of chain end radicals, both types of dormant species, and both monomers. For the sake of availability, the simulations were carried out using the rate constants of primary radical addition of the ethyl-2-isobutyryl radical to styrene (STY) and butyl acrylate (BA). Also the other rate constants were taken from literature sources, and are listed in Table I. On inspection of the results from various simulations it turned out that there is a significant difference in the ratio of the two active radicals between the FRcP and ATRcP scenarios. In FRcP, the ratio of concentrations of the two radicals is gradually, and monotonically changing to follow the well-known composition drift in copolymerization at a non-azeotropic comonomer ratio. In Figure 1 this is clearly demonstrated by the dashed curve. If one rearranges the steady state assumption, which is usually made in the derivation of the Mayo-Lewis equation, it follows that the ratio of the radical ratios over the comonomer ratios should be a constant. On the right-hand axis in Figure 1 this ratio is represented. The dashed line, which is associated with the right-hand axis clearly proves the applicability of this assumption for FRcP. In ATRcP the same behavior is observed at monomer conversions above approximately 15%. At lower conversions however it is clear that there is a significant deviation from the FRcP behavior. The deviation at high conversion, which is most prominent in the (PSTY/PBAV (fsTv/fBA) curve of ATRcP, is most likely due to f Y approaching zero. An artifact originating from the numerical approximation is held responsible for the deviation. ST

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

183 Table I. Initial concentrations and parameters used in the simulations of ATRcP and FRcP ATRcP Parameter / Concentratio η f 0.75 51 O ^ m o l U [M ] S-lO^mol-L[I-X]o ki UO) 5.5010 L m o l V











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1.2010 L - m o r V 1.5810 L m o l V 7.84 10 L-mor -s" 0.43 l / m o l ' V 6.810 L m o r V 0.89 0.24 0.43 L m o l ' V 7.510" Lmol" s 6.8· 10 L - m o r V 1.010 L m o l V 3

kss (//) k (12) K ^ (13) Κ , , ^ (14) H(15) r (/5) k act(/3) k act(/3) k'deacti^) I^deacti^) kdis(^ k °(/7)



















1.010 L-mor'-s"








1.58 10 L-mol'-s 7.84· 10 L m o r V 4

0.89 0.24







2.0· 10" s 1.0· 10 L - m o r V 8





Figure 1. Ratio of active species (PST/ΡΒΑ) and of active species over comonomer ((PST^PBA)^ (fsT^hd) function of conversion for a simulated ATRcP (drawn curves), and simulated FRcP (dotted curves). For parameters used in the simulations see Table I. a s


In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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184 From earlier work in the area of LRP it is known that it may take some time for the pseudo-equilibrium between dormant and active species to establish. The build-up of persistent radicals is associated with termination reactions. Therefore, depending on the kinetic parameters of a particular polymerization, it may take a certain percentage of monomer conversion for the equilibrium to set in. It is expected that in the case of copolymerization an additional effect plays a role. If the primary radical has a certain preference for addition to one of the two monomers, the ratio of the dormant species may deviate from the expected ratio in the long chain limit. The dormant species that get activated gradually shift the ratio to the expected value, which is likely to be identical to the FRcP case. Obviously the consumption of initiator is not instantaneous. The consequence of this is that throughout the initial stages of the polymerization one may expect the creation of dormant species in the non-equilibrium ratio. The shape of the drawn curves in Figure 1 can be explained according to these two opposing phenomena. On one hand the creation of a non-equilibrium ratio of dormant radicals, and on the other hand the tendency of activated chains

0.64 0.63 -J 0.0


J 0.2


1 0.4


1 0.6


1 0.8


1 1.0

conversion Figure 2, Fraction styrene in a STY/ΒΑ reaction mixture as predicted by several simulations. Bold curve: ATRcP according to the parameters in Table I; dotted curve: FRcP with reactivity ratios identical to the ATRcP; dashed curve: r = 0.89, r = 0.19. s


In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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185 to return to the equilibrium ratio. The two effects lead to the characteristic dip in the curves as seen in Figure 1. The non-equilibrium ratio of the dormant species logically results in a different ratio of the two active chain ends during the first stages of the polymerization. With the probabilities of addition of the two monomers only being determined by the nature of the chain end radical, this leads to a deviation in fractional comonomer conversion compared to FRcP. When ATRcP is carried out to determine reactivity ratios as indicated above, this may lead to apparent values that do not reflect the true reactivity of the chain ends. In Figure 2 an attempt is illustrated to visualize the effect described above. The bold drawn curve is the fraction of STY in the residual monomer mixture as a function of overall monomer conversion for the simulation described above. The dashed and dotted curves are FRcP traces calculated for various reactivity ratios. It is clearly seen that when the same reactivity ratios are used in simulating ATRcP and FRcP, there is a systematic deviation between the two curves. Numerically the fit can be improved by adjusting the reactivity ratios in the FRcP simulation. However, this leads to a situation in which the two traces have a different shape. Unfortunately there is no experimental data yet that allows a critical evaluation of this simulated effect, but it is likely to be a realistic explanation of the small but significant deviations often observed between FRcP and ATRcP. Currently we investigate copoiymerizations by on line techniques to follow individual comonomer conversions with a relatively high sampling frequency. The different shapes of the comonomer conversion curves should become apparent from these experiments. One additional remark should be made in relation to the treatment of FRcP in this publication. The Mayo-Lewis model has been derived for the long chain limit in which initiation and termination effects can be neglected. In order to verify the effect of the long chain assumption on comonomer ratio versus conversion additional simulations were carried out. Simulations with high initiation rates may show some deviation from the equivalent ones for the long chain limit (results not shown here). However, the effect of reducing the kinetic chain length from around 1,800 to around 130 is much smaller than the effects described above resulting from variations in rate (and selectivity) of primary radical addition.

The effect of equilibrium constants in ATRcP on MMCCDs In certain applications, e.g. functional acrylic oligomers in coatings, it is beneficial to combine low molar mass with a narrow functionality distribution. These requirements originate from the desire to have low viscosity during processing, and good network properties after crosslinking of the material. In

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

186 traditional research on acrylic polyols the incorporation of functional materials as hydroxy ethyl (meth)acrylate served to introduce functionality in the chains, with molecular weights and average functionalities (number of OH-groups per chain) being lowered with the desire to use less solvent. Molecular weight of socalled high solids acrylic polyols can be less than M « 2000. In conventional FRcP this inevitably leads to the introduction of mono- and non-functional polymer chains. These chains fmaily end up in the network as dangling ends or extractable material, respectively An obvious way to overcome this problem is the synthesis of telechelic polymers carrying a functionality on both chain ends. Synthetically easier is the statistical copolymerization of a functional monomer into a (meth)acrylic polymer chain in an LRP process. The narrow M M D obtainable can be translated into narrower functionality distributions. Acrylic polyol copolymers usually have both methacrylate as well as acrylate comonomers in their backbone. The hydroxy functional monomer can either be an acrylate or a methacrylate. . The question that we want to answer is that whether the choice to assign the functional group to either the acrylate or the methacrylate component in the copolymer would affect the functionality distribution of the final product.

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If one looks at the rate parameters of the various acrylates and methacrylates it is obvious that propagation rate constants of acrylates are more than an order of magnitude larger than those of methacrylates. However, for the equilibrium constant between active and dormant species in ATRP exactly the reverse is true, acrylates are much more in the dormant state than methacrylates. When a composite reactivity is defined for the event in which a dormant chain is activated, adds a monomer, and is deactivated again, it turns out that methacrylates are approximately 40 times more reactive than acrylates, since this quantity is determined by the product of the rate constants of activation and that of propagation. For homopolymerizations this leads to differences in the rate of polymerization, but what happens when methacrylates are copolymerized with acrylates? Figure 3 shows the result of a set of Monte Carlo simulations (based on parameters which were reported in literature (2)) in which acrylates and methacrylates are copolymerized in different ratios. The system is somewhat simplified, since it assumes an infinitely fast equilibrium between the dormant and active state of the chains. However, the general results presented here are not strongly influenced by this assumption. The simulations are carried ou in such a way that composition drift is avoided, i.e. a monomer feed strategy is invoked in the simulation. Figure 3 shows die polydispersity index as a function of the fraction of methacrylate in the comonomer mature. As can be seen, the polydispersity index of a polymethacrylate significantly increases when small amounts of acrylate are incorporated. The effect is weaker when methacrylate is incorporated in polyacrylate. This asymmetry can be rationalized by simply

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

187 imagining what happens to polymer chains upon incorporation of a comonomer. A methacrylate polymerizes relatively rapidly under ATRP conditions due to a favorable equilibrium constant for the activation/deactivation equilibrium. When a chain adds an acrylate comonomer, it will be inactive for a significantly longer time. Thus it lags behind in growth compared to the chains that add less of the acrylate.

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"I 1.0

fraction methacrylate

Figure 3. Polydispersity index as a function offraction of methacrylate monomers, for a simulated ATRcP (monomer conversion 0.99 in all cases). Molar ratio monomer/initiator 10. The result is an increased polydispersity index. When the similar action is considered for a polyacrylate chain that occasionally adds a methacrylate unit the effect will be less drastic. The majority of propagation steps are acrylate homopropagation steps. The occasional addition of a methacrylate results in a chain that, after deactivation, relatively quickly gets reactivated and propagates (most likely with an acrylate). Also this will result in a broadening of the M M D , but it is readily appreciated that this broadening is less severe than in the former case. When a copolymer of acrylate and methacrylate is synthesized it is expected that the chemical composition as a function of molar mass will vary. Based on

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

188 the same arguments as outlined above for the width of the molar mass distribution it is expected that low molar mass chains will be enriched in acrylate, whereas the higher molar mass will be enriched in methacrylate. Monte Carlo simulations are compared with experimental data on chemical composition as a function of molar mass. A copolymer of butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate was synthesized via ATRcP with an overall fraction of M M A F M A = 0.55, and a number average degree of polymerization P = 8.5. The copolymer was subjected to MALDI-TOF-MS as well as to HPLC-ESI-MS. Part of the mass spectrum from the M A L D I experiment is shown in Figure 4. M

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Figure 4. Experimental MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum ofMMA-BA copolymer with F MMA 0.55, and P - 8.5; peaks indicated with an asterisk are the result of post source fragmentation. =


The shortest chains of the distribution were obscured by matrix peaks so that we had to rely on the HPLC-ESI-MS data there. It is known that quantification of M A L D I data can lead to erroneous results due to preferential ionization, or due to mass discrimination. In the present case we are dealing with a relatively narrow molar mass distribution. Furthermore, from calculations as well as from experimental data it seems that the very great majority of dormant chains carries

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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a butyl acrylate unit as the terminal monomer. The published lactone formation from a P M M A chain with a terminal bromine atom is therefore completely absent (18). Peaks like the one indicated in Figure 4 were assigned to the various copolymer compositions and integrated to obtain a best estimate of the relative amounts of the individual chains. The peaks indicated with an asterisk are due to post source fragmentation and are not included in the further calculations. The justification for this procedure can be found in more detail elsewhere. (19)



degree of polymerization

Figure 5. Mole fraction MMA (m/(m+n)) for chains with mass EBIB-MMA BA , as a function ofchain length. Open symbols derivedform MALDI, solid symbols derived from ESI data. Solid curve based on simulations as discussed in the text. m


In Figure 5, the fraction M M A is plotted as a function of chain length. Noteworthy is that the shortest chains (degree of polymerization 1 and 2) do not contain any M M A . As indicated above, the fraction acrylate at low molar mass is larger than the average value F A - 0.45. There is a fairly good agreement between experimental values and results from the Monte Carlo simulation (drawn curve). Returning to the case of copolymers comprising a functional monomer, it is clear that this phenomenon is expected to have a direct impact on the B

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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190 functionality distribution. If we allow ourselves to generalize these M M A - B A results to acrylate-methacrylate copolymers in which one of the monomers contains a functional side group, we can predict based on similar simulations that a functional acrylate will be enriched in the lowest molar mass chains when copolymerized with a non-functional methacrylate, whereas it will be depleted in the highest molar mass chains. In comparison to a situation without molar mass chemical composition dependency, this situation is favorable because the number of chains of extremely low functionality as well as that of extremely high functionality is lowered. Conversely, the presence of chains of such extreme functionality will be enhanced when a copolymer of a functional methacrylate and a non-functional acrylate is considered.

Experimental Materials Methyl methacrylate (MMA) (99%), n-butylacrylate (BA) (99+%), N,N,N',N",N -pentamethyldiethylene triamine (PMDETA) (99%), ethyl-2bromo-isobutyrate (EBIB) (98%), ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (99%), CuCl .2H 0 (99+%) and CuCl (99%) were supplied by Aldrich. The monomers were purified by passing them over a basic alumina column, the other reagents were used as received. ,,



Procedure The sample for mass spectrometry studies was prepared via atom transfer radical copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and η-butyl acrylate (BA). The polymerization was initiated by ethyi-2-bromo-isobutyrate (EBIB), and mediated by a CuCl/CuCl /PMDETA system, using ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) as solvent. A reaction vessel was filled with 91.2 g EGDME, 0.37 g (3.7 mmol) CuCl, 0.03 g (0.02 mmol) CuCl .2H 0, 1.97 g (11.2 mmol) PMDETA, 21.9 g (219 mmol) M M A and 51.9 g (405 mmol) BA, raising the temperature to 75 °C, and adding 19.5 g (100 mmol) EBIB to start the reaction. Simultaneously, a mixture of 43.8 g (438 mmol) M M A and 28.1 g (219 mmol) Β A was slowly added over the course of the first two hours of the reaction. The reaction was stopped after 5 hours and 30 minutes, at an overall conversion level of 60 % by weight of the monomers. Based on this conversion level, a theoretical 2



In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

191 P (assuming 100% initiator efficiency) of 8.5 is calculated (including the initiator unit). The M M A / B A molar ratio incorporated was 55/45 as determined via *H NMR (ester side chain resonances) on the polymer. SEC analysis yielded an M = 1065 (polystyrene standards), and a polydispersity index, PDI=1.39. n


The polymer was purified by passing it over a cation exchange column to remove Cu ions and the PMDETA ligands.

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Analysis SEC analysis was carried out on a styrene-divinylbenzene type mixed bed column (Mix C) from Polymer Labs, equipped with a RI detector. The eluens used was THF with 0.5% acetic acid, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min at ambient temperature. Matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) experiments were carried out on an Applied Biosystems Voyager DE-STR. The instrument was operated in reflector mode. 3,5Dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (DMHCA, 98 %, Aldrich) was used as the matrix, and sodium trifluoro-acetate (NaTFA, 98%, Aldrich) was added to ensure cationization by sodium. Polymer sample, DMHCA, and NaTFA were dissolved in stabilized THF (HPLC grade, Biosolve Ltd.) at concentrations of 5 mg/mL, 23 mg/mL, and 5 mg/mL resp. A 6 : 6 : 1 mixture of the polymer, DMHCA, and NaTFA solutions (50 μ ί ) was spotted on the target plate from a pipette and subsequently air-dried. Instrument settings during the MALDI measurement were as follows. Accelerating voltage 25000 V, grid voltage 70%, mirror voltage ratio 1.12, extraction delay time 100 ns. Laser intensity 2150, laser repetition rate 20 Hz, low molar mass gate 800 Da. Electron spray ionization MS (ESI-MS) measurements were carried out on a Micromass model LCT mass spectrometer. The MS was operated in the positive ion mode at a resolution of 5000 (FWHM). The source temperature was 110 °C, desolvation temperature 150 °C, cone voltage set at 30V, the RF lens at 200V and the capillary voltage was 3000V. Nitrogen was used as desolvation and nebulizer gas. Peak intensities were determined for all clusters assigned to dormant polymer chains with masses identifiable as Na-ethylisobutyrate-MMA„BA -Br (20) (dominant in the MALDI pattern over any non Br-containing peaks) MALDI data on the lowest chain lengths (less than three monomers added) were obscured by matrix peaks. For these oligomers, ESI data were used. m

In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

192 References

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In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.