CHEMISTRY OF CHELATION. To turn. "somebody” into "nobody" you remove him from his environment and prevent him from exerting further influence on it...
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for more uniform heat control how to turn an ion into a nonentity..


Mechanical Convection

Jsé%teœ&* CHEMISTRY OF CHELATION To turn "somebody" into "nobody" you remove him from his environment and prevent him from exerting further influence on it. Essentially, this is what you do when you use Versene* and the Chemistry of Chelation to make metallic ions lose their chemical identities. When metal ions form a complex compound with Versene, they be­ come so strongly attached to die Versene that they lose their identity and can no longer interfere with or influence their environment in any way. CHELATION IS THE KEY In other words, Chelation and the Versenes* (powerful Chelating Agents) may well be the solution to your chemical problem :— especially if it involves metallic ion contamination in any kind of liquid formulation. GUARANTEED QUALITY Made only under processes originated, developed and patented by F. C. Bersworth, die Versenes* are ex­ ceptionally stable at elevated temperatures and all pH's. Quality standards of manufacture are so high that uni­ form complexing power is guaranteed in both sample and carload quantities. Find out now how these most powerful Chelating Agents can help you. Write Dept. V for Technical Bulletin §2 and samples. Chemical counsel available. *Trade Mark Registered. VERSENE WATER TEST KIT. Tells total hardness in 2 minutes. Accurate to I grain per gal. Com­ plete with instructions $5.00 postpaid.

CJiémtiÛ^ IH^/Meate



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hwnry^'H WAREHOUSE STOCKS Providence Agent: George Mann & Co., Inc., 251 Fox Point Boulevard, Providence, R.I. W. Coast Agent: Griffin Chemical Co., San Francisco, Los Angeles Midwest Agent: Kraft Chemical Co., Inc., 917 W. 18th Street, Chicago Wasatch Chemical Co., Salt Lake City, Utah Southwest Agents: Barada & Page, Inc., Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, etc. Chas S. Tanner Co., 1815 Liberty Life Bldg., Charlotte, North Carolina Siegel Chemical Co., Brooklyn, Ν . Y.

BLUE 306-308

M ELECTRIC West 69th Street,

C O M P A N Y Chicago, Illinois