Oct 4, 2010 - AS PART OF the chemical management reform she launched last year, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson ...
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association, backs the continued use of HBCD in polystyrene foam insulation. “The safety of polystyrene foam insulation made with HBCD has been researched extensively and evaluated by regulatory bodies in numerous countries,” ACC says. These include Canada, Australia, and the EU, a EPA lays out ACTION PLANS for flame retardant, spokeswoman for the group tells C&EN. family of surfactants, and azo dyes But Blum says there is concern that CHERYL HOGUE, C&EN WASHINGTON HBCD could migrate out of polystyrene foam insulation and end up in building interiors. The flame retardant has been AS PART OF the chemical management rees on reducing the use of organohalogen found in dust in homes and commercial form she launched last year, Environmenflame retardants because of human health buildings, she says. tal Protection Agency Administrator Lisa and environmental concerns. Some—if not all—of the HBCD in dust P. Jackson directed EPA to devise strategies HBCD is added to polystyrene foam found in building interiors likely comes to control chemical substances that have used for insulating homes and other buildfrom textiles, such as old upholstery fabric attracted controversy. The agency recently ings. This insulation boosts the structures’ treated with the flame retardant, says Betsy released the last of the action plans for energy efficiency and is used in many green Steiner, executive director of the EPS Moldchemicals or families of compounds that buildings. EPA’s plan for HBCD acknowlers Association, a group that represents Jackson initially targeted for attention. edges that alternatives for this substance, makers of expanded polystyrene products. Those plans, issued in August, cover a especially in polystyrene foam insulation, HBCD is encapsulated within the polybrominated flame retardant, a family of might not be readily availmer matrix of expanded polystysurfactants, and azo dyes (C&EN, Aug. 23, able. Under the action plan, rene products, Steiner says. And page 24). Parts of the chemical industry are the agency’s Design for the the flame retardant in insulating BUILDING BARRIER EPA is concerned critical of each of these blueprints for reguEnvironment program will materials isn’t expected to move about a brominated through drywall or concrete into latory and voluntary actions to control the assess alternatives to the flame retardant use of or exposure to the substances. flame retardant. building interiors, she says. The widely used in One of the three action plans covers The American Chemistry EPS Molders Association is develpolystyrene foam hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD). This Council, a chemical industry oping methods to test this hypothinsulation. brominated flame retardant bioacesis, she adds. cumulates, persists in the environEPA is particularly concerned ment, and is toxic to aquatic organabout the use of HBCD in consumer isms, according to EPA. It has been textiles, especially because a numdetected in human breast milk, fat ber of alternative flame retardants tissue, and blood. The agency is also can be used in cloth, the action concerned, on the basis of tests in plan says. The agency is planning laboratory animals, that this chemia regulation that would require cal might have adverse effects on manufacturers to notify EPA if they human health. intend to use the flame retardant in HBCD is getting regulatory atconsumer textiles. tention around the world. The By the end of 2011, EPA plans to chemical is under consideration decide whether it will place HBCD for inclusion in global and regional on a list of chemicals of concern treaties to control persistent organthat might present an unreasonable ic pollutants. Meanwhile, the Eurorisk to human health or the envipean Union has nominated HBCD ronment. Meanwhile, the agency for classification as a substance of will add this flame retardant to the very high concern. Chemicals put Toxics Release Inventory, the acinto this category will be subject to tion plan says. That move would retough regulation, and companies quire companies to report annually will need to obtain special authoon their environmental release or rization to use them in the EU. In disposal of HBCD. addition, Canada has a pending proMichael Walls, ACC vice presiposal to eliminate HBCD because of dent of regulatory and technical environmental concerns. affairs, criticizes EPA’s strategy for “HBCD is on its way out,” says HBCD. “It is not clear if the action Arlene Blum, executive director of plan process is grounded in a thorthe Green Science Policy Institute. ough scientific review, including This California-based group focusthe review of possible alternatives” WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG


OCTOBER 4, 2010

TO BRING ABOUT a voluntary phaseout

of industrial laundry detergents containing NPEs, the agency is working with the Textile Rental Services Association of America (TRSA). This group represents commercial laundries, including companies that provide linens, towels, and work uniforms. This past summer, the association and its members agreed to halt their use of NPEcontaining liquid detergents by the end of 2013 and of powders that incorporate NPEs by the end of 2014. “Phasing out NPEs is the right thing to do, but it will not be easy,” says Joseph Ricci, president of TRSA. “There is no single solution to replacing NPEs” because detergent formulations need to be tailored for different textiles and soils, he says. According to EPA, potential substitutes for NPEs are aplenty—notably, other alkylphenols. The main alternatives are alcohol ethoxylates and glucose-based carbohydrate derivatives such as alkylpolyglucosides, glucamides, and glucamine oxides. Many of these surfactants are less persistent than NPEs and break down into chemicals that are less toxic than nonylphenol, according to EPA. Under its plan, EPA will add nonylphenol and NPEs to the Toxics Release Inventory, requiring companies to report their discharges of these substances into water and air or onto land. In addition, the agency says it might require manufacturers to conduct toxicity testing of these compounds. As the agency makes the determination on whether such testing is necessary, it will take into ac-

count the phaseout of NPEs in detergents ated with dyes derived from benzidine and and how this mitigates releases of and exits congeners. Also known as azo dyes, these posure to these compounds. are used as laboratory reagents and bioEPA also intends to propose a new regulogical stains, and in devices such as ink-jet lation in 2011 that would require any compaprinters and liquid-crystal displays, accordny that wants to use NPEs or nonylphenol in ing to EPA. “These dyes have the potential to new applications to notify the agency before metabolize to carcinogenic amines both in doing so. Plus, federal regulators will conand on the human body,” the agency says. sider adding nonylphenol and NPEs to the Raising questions about this plan is the list of chemicals of concern that might preEcological & Toxicological Association of sent an unreasonable risk to human health Dyes & Organic Pigments Manufacturers or the environment. (ETAD) of North Ameri“We know these ca. The group represents chemicals are highly toxdye makers in the U.S. ic, and we know there are and Canada and is associsafer alternatives,” says ated with the Society of Albert Ettinger, senior Chemical Manufacturers attorney with the Envi& Affiliates. ronmental Law & Policy ETAD worked with EPA Center, an environto phase out benzidine mental advocacy group. dyes in the mid-1990s. The “This action by EPA is agency also issued a rule in an important step.” Also 1996 that prohibits the use praising the action plan of these materials for any is Workers United, SEIU. significant new uses. This union represents “In view of the absence workers in the laundry, of benzidine dyes from food service, hospitality, commerce except for gaming, apparel, textile, small quantities used for manufacturing, and disspecial diagnostic purWASHED UP Commercial laundries are voluntarily phasing tribution industries. poses, it is not likely for out their use of detergents But the Alkylphenols there to be any significant containing nonylphenol & Ethoxylates Research human exposure to these ethoxylate surfactants. Council (APERC) charges substances in the U.S.,” that the EPA plan consays C. Tucker Helmes, extains “oversights and ecutive director of ETAD inaccuracies.” The trade association repNorth America. “We question if it’s worth resents manufacturers, processors, users, the expenditure of scarce government and and raw material suppliers of alkylphenols industry resources to implement this plan.” and alkylphenol derivatives. For instance, EPA says it’s mainly concerned about azo APERC says, the agency’s plan characterdyes used on textiles and leather products, izes nonylphenols and NPEs as persistent. such as shoes, that people wear for hours Yet assessments by the EU, Canada, and against their skin. The dyes could leach two states—Washington and Oregon— from textiles during prolonged contact with have concluded that the two compounds skin, the agency explains. Also, because dye are not persistent or bioaccumulative, the production has shifted to Asia, the agency is industry group says. focusing on whether benzidine dyes are on Meanwhile, EPA’s plan to control new textiles imported into the U.S. uses of NPEs in industrial detergents and In consultation with the Consumer Prodcleaning products isn’t supported by an uct Safety Commission and other agencies, agency finding that either laundry workers EPA says it will consider issuing a regulation or the environment is at risk from these to label, restrict, or ban azo dyes in textiles. chemicals, APERC adds. With these three new action plans, EPA In the third action plan, EPA addresses has issued eight chemical control stratepossible environmental problems associgies in the past year. But these aren’t the last expected from the agency. EPA says it is developing action plans for two more classes of substances: diisocyanates and siloxanes. They are likely to be released later this year or early in 2011. ■ SAMULI LINTULA & TU RU N T EKST IIL IHUO LTO OY

that could substitute for the flame retardant, he says. In its second recently released action plan, EPA targets nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs). Nonylphenol is a raw material for making NPEs, which are nonionic surfactants that can break down into nonylphenol in the environment. Nonylphenol is toxic to aquatic organisms, according to the agency, and it biodegrades slowly. Manufacturers of household laundry detergents have moved away from using NPEs, but these surfactants are still common in industrial laundry detergents, according to EPA.

“We know these chemicals are highly toxic, and we know there are safer alternatives.” WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG


OCTOBER 4, 2010