Board of Clinical Chemists Open for Business - C&EN Global

First Page Image. THE slowly evolving plans of the clinical chemist to ensure competence among those practicing in this field took a long step forward...
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Board of Clinical Chemists Open for Business T HE slowly evolving plans oi t h e clinical chemist to ensure competence among those practicing in this field took a long step forward with the announcement by t h e American Board of Clinical Chemists that it is open for business. T h e newly incorporated board has set u p minimum qualification standards for specialists in clinical chemistry a n d is prepared to certify persons who meet the standards. The board is analogous in purpose, function, a n d organization to t h e various medical specialty boards which have served for many years to establish standards and qualifications for persons wishing to practice in a specialized field in medicine. Behind t h e story of t h e board's establishment is the long a n d untiring effort of t h e AMERICAN C H E M I C A L SOCIETY to pro-

tect the qualified clinical chemist against domination by other professions. T h e more recent endeavors of t h e ACS Committee on Clinical Chemistry culminated early in 1949 with t h e organization of t h e ABCC. Cooperating with t h e ACS in selecting t h e personnel of t h e first board were the American Institute of Chemists and the American Society of Biological Chemists. Membership on the board is limited by tenure, a n d n e w members will be selected from lists of nominees submitted by the organizing societies, a n d atlarge. Members Present members of t h e ABCC are Otto A. Bessey, University of Illinois, president; Donald D . Van Slyke, Brookhaven National Laboratory, vice president; Jos. W . E. Harrisson, LaWall a n d Harrisson, secretary-treasurer; Herbert H. Bunzell, New York consultant; Oliver H. Gaebler, Henry Ford Hospital; J. Murray Luck, Stanford University; Clarence W . Muehlberger, Michigan Department of Health; Arnold E. Osterberg, Abbott Laboratories; and Michael Somogyi, Jewish Hospital of St. Louis. I. Purpose and Organization The purpose of t h e American Board of Clinical Chemists is " T o encourage t h e study, improve t h e practice, elevate a n d establish standards a n d advance t h e science of that specialized branch of chemistry entitled 'Clinical Chemistry'; t o grant and issue certificates or other recognition of Special Knowledge in Clinical Chemistry to voluntary applicants w h o in a c cordance with t h e Bylaws a n d Rules a n d Regulations of t h e Board have established their fitness a n d competency; to prepare and furnish in t h e public interest a reg-


istry of individuals with specialized knowledge in clinical chemistry who have from time to time been granted certificates by the Board." I I . Qualifications for Certification A. Presentation of evidence of satisfactory moral a n d ethical standing. B. Educational background in biologic sciences equivalent to t h e requirements for a Doctor in Science degree as prescribed by, or a n earned Doctor in Science or equivalent degree from a university belonging to t h e Association of American Universities, an accredited institution of the A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY, a m e d i -

cal school approved bv the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of t h e American Medical Association, or of any other institution which in t h e opinion ol the board has a satisfactory educational standard. C. Applicants with a Doctor in Science degree as defined above shall have had accredited courses in analytical, organic, physical, a n d biological chemistry. D. Applicants with a Doctor of Medicine degree shall have had t h e chemical training required above. E. T h e word "equivalent" as used in the section above shall b e interpreted to assure that under special conditions, certain of t h e requirements relative to formal education may be waived, providing t h e applicant meets other qualifications. F . Applicants shall meet one or more of the following requirements: 1. Three years' full time experience in a laboratory maintaining a standard in clinical chemistry acceptable to t h e board. 2. Held for a period of five years or more a professional rank (assistant professor or above) in biological chemistry, clinical chemistry, pathological chemistry, toxicological chemistry, or biological assay, in a college or university acceptable to the board. Candidates with qualifications under this section, acceptable to t h e board, may b e certified without examination at the discretion of t h e board. G. A candidate without t h e full formal educational requirements as set forth above, w h o shall have practiced clinical chemistry for a period of 10 years in a senior position in a clinical laboratory acceptable to the board, may be certified without examination at the discretion of the board. II. Candidates shall pass written a n d / o r oral examinations provided b y the board based upon broad principles of clinical chemistry. However, candidates who file applications prior to July 1, 1952. whose qualifications based on training and experience satisfy t h e board, may b e certified without examination. i l l . Application a n d Fees Application must b e made in triplicate on t h e special form provided a n d must b e complete, including letters, etc., before it can b e considered. A fee of $ 3 5 must accompany t h e ap-


plication. This figure is based on the experience of similar boards a n d provides for costs of administration, examinations, etc. T h e board is a nonprofit corporation. N o n e of its members receives compensation for services. If certified without examination, $10 of the fee will be returned. If t h e candidate fails in his examination, h e will b e admitted to a second examination after o n e year, b u t not later than three years, without additional fee. After re-examination or t h e expiration of the three-year period, t h e applicant must file a n e w application a n d pay an additional fee before another examination will be given. If for any reason, t h e applicant is d e e m e d ineligible for examination by the board, all b u t $10 of t h e fee deposited wilJ be returned. However, t h e application fee is not returnable after t h e candidate has officially been accepted for examination a n d notified to report for t h e same. IV. Certification Certificates issued by the Board are subject to revocation in t h e event that A. T h e candidate so certified shall have made any misstatement or misrepresentation of a material fact in his application, or in any other communication to t h e board or its representatives, which misstatement or misrepresentation affected t h e eligibility of t h e individual so certified. B. T h e issuance of such certification has been contrary to or in violation of any rules, laws, or regulations of t h e board. C. I t is ascertained that t h e individual so certified is not eligible in fact t o receive such certification. D . T h e individual receiving such certification shall, prior to t h e issuance of such certificate or thereafter, have been convicted b y a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or any misdemeanor, which misdemeanor in t h e opinion of the b o a r d shall involve moral turpitude. If t h e there are questions concerning eligibility for certification, t h e applicant should present a completed application s o that t h e board may have full information o n which to base a decision. T h e secretary c a n not make eligibility rulings. Since t h e board meets not oftener t h a n twice annually, several months m a y elapse before final action can b e taken o n an application. Application forms will bear serial n u m bers a n d be issued in t h e name of t h e applicant. Such forms will b e valid for filing purposes for a period of one yeaT from t h e date of issue. Application Forms Requests for application forms should set forth t h e name of t h e applicant i n t h e form it is to b e recorded, be accompanied b y a fee of $1.00 to cover clerical a n d mailing costs, and addressed to J o s . W . E . Harrisson, secretary-treasurer, American Board of Clinical Chemistry, Inc., c / o LaWall a n d Harrisson, 1921 W a l n u t St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa.