BONE CHAR REACTIVATION - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

J. M. Brown, and W. A. Bemis. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1940, 32 (8), pp 1112–1114. DOI: 10.1021/ie50368a019. Publication Date: August 1940. ACS Legacy Arch...
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The C2S, which hydrates slowly, shows a low coefficient with changing moisture storage until later ages when more gel is formed; even then it does not approach CdS or ClhF in sensitiveness to storage changes. The CaA hydrates rapidly, but its products are crystalline, and therefore show a continuously low coefficient and lack of sensitiveness to storage conditions. Figures 4 and 5 give volume changes due to other causes than thermal changes, the principal cause probably being moisture changes; all measurements were taken a t a constant temperature. Contrary to other investigators' results, the CBAand CIAF did not shrink in air as much as was to be expected. This may be due to the small amount of mixing water used (about 10 per cent below the hydration requirements in each case). The low water-content pastes would give an initially compact structure; and the further taking up of needed water, which could occur even in air, would expand the hardened mortar. I n the lower right-hand corner of Figure 4 some changes in weight which accompanied the volume changes are shown : they were not started until later ages and so are incomplete, but gains in weight generally correspond to increase in length and loss of weight to decrease in length. However, there can be shrinkage without a loss in weight, and this appear.; to be

VOL. 32, NO. 8

due to autogenous shrinking of the gel present, one of the concomitants of gel aging.

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