Books - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

In the history of HPLC, certain texts, such as Introduction to Modern Liquiq Chroma- tography yb ynyder rnd Kirkland, have become classics. The second...
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For every chromatographer estly priced and a good value. It is easy to follow but requires much time and effort to read in its entirety. Practicing chromatographers, graduate students involved in analytical separations, and analysts using HPLC for chemical, biochemical, or biotech separations will find it a valuable addition to their libraries. Virtually all aspects of HPLC method development and optimization have been incorporated in this second edition, including how to get Practical HPLC Method started in method development; the fundaDevelopment, 2nd ed. mentals of separations; sample preparaL. R. Snyder, J. J. Kirkland, and tion; and information on the various HPLC J. L. Glajch modes including reversed-phase normal John Wiley & Sons phase ion-pair and ion-exchange HPLC. 605 Third Ave. A separate chapter on gradient elution New York, NY 10158 methods development versus isocratic 1997, 765 pp., $84.95 separations is included In the history of HPLC, certain texts, such Some areas that were omitted from the as Introduction to Modern Liquiq Chroma-first edition are now addressed extensively. tography yb ynyder rnd Kirkland, have One extremely useful addition is Chapter become classics. The second edition of 10, which covers computer-assisted experithis book appeared in 1979, and it was mental design software for method developnever updated. However, a variation on ment. Chapter 11 deals wiih biochemical/ that theme, in the form of a much smaller biotechnology samples and the separation book by Snyder, Kirkland, and Glajch enti- of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, tled, Practical HPLC Method Development,and related compounds. Another welcome appeared in 1988. The text was extremely addition is Chapter 12, which focuses on well received However certain key secchiral separations and virtually all aspects tions were omitted such as method valiof HPLC for pharmaceutical and environdation, MS interfacing, and process mental enantiomers. Chapter 13 presents development. preparative separations for industrial applications and Chapter 14 deals with quantitaIn view of the numerous modern tion and trace analysis The only omissions HPLC practitioners, the second edition of Practical HPLC Method Development is aare a discussion of affinity or immunoaffinity chromatography—which is really a form welcome publication. One of us (Krull) has already used it in a graduate course in of HPLC and is especially aDDlicable to bioactive materials analytical separations with great success and acceptance by the students. Although Nearly every major area of HPLC this edition is considered the third edition methods development has been covered of Introduction to Modern Liquiq Chroma-in this new text. Individual chapters can tography, greater emphasisis placed do be read and studied independentiy of the practical aspects of developing and other sections and with complete underoptimizing an HPLC method, including a standing. This text can serve as a refergood chapter on method validation. ence and tutorial, or it can be read coverto-cover. Although the title contains the This text is long, but the book is mod740 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, December 1, 1997

word "practical", the book also contains theory. It is perhaps the most up-to-date, comprehensive, thorough, and understandable book in the area of HPLC methods development. It is also written by perhaps the three leading authorities in HPLC living today, two of its founders (Snyder and Kirkland) and one of its greatest proponents (Glajch). It should be welcomed on just about every practicing chromatographer's bookshelf, and on the shelves of any academic or industrial library. This book has no rival for its exhaustive contents, thorough coverage of all vital subjects, and extensive up-to-date references. Given its reasonable price, it may be the greatest literary bargain of 1997, and it is certainly destined for the separation science bestsellers list. Reviewee by Ira S. Krull ofNortheastern University and Michael E. Swartz of Waters. BOOKS RECEIVED Pulsed Electrochemical Detection in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography William R. LaCourse John Wiley & Sons 605 Third Ave. New York, NY 10158 1997, 324 pp., $59.95

HPLC-PED is a technique commonly used in the analysis of biological compounds that cannot be detected by optical means. In the first part of the book, the electrochemical principles underlying PED are discussed. The next section is devoted to practical aspects, including several applications as well as a look at the future direction of the method. A comprehensive listing of publications on HPLC-PED to date is included in an appendix. S0003-2700(97)09042-2 CCC: $14.00 © 1997 American Chemical Society