[Books noted] - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Statistics of Education of the Negro Race, 1925-1926 (Blose, D. T.) / Laws Relating to Compulsory Education (Keesecher, W. W.) / Secondary Schools of ...
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VOL.6, NO. 4


a discussion of the meaning of the pH scale and of pH values, and methods of making determinations (pp. 7-24); Applications (25-78); Materials and Eguipment (79-112); Special Chemicals (113114); Materials and Equipment for Water, Sewage and Industrial Waste Analysis (llE-131). Some of the new sets which have been added in this edition are: Dalite Comparator Lamp Sludge Testing Set B. 0. D. Set Sterilization Test Set Permanent Standards for Water. Sewage and Industrial Waster Analysis in scaled Nessler Tubes with polished tons and bottoms New Coiorimeter for Nesler Tube Comparlron

pase 88 116 118 123

125 128

For those who possess an earlier edition of this booklet, this fifth edition will be a necessity. Any one interested in the subject of hydrogen-ion control will find a vast store of information between its covers. M. W. G. Popular Science Talks, 1927-1928. Presented hy Members of the Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and published under the auspices of the American Journal of Pharmacy. I . GRIFFITH.Editor. Vol. VI. Phila. Coll. Pharm. & Sci., 1929. 249 pp. 15 X 23 cm. $1.00. The contents listed below indicate the scope of these talks. The Romance of Cookerr. C. H. La Wall The Heart. A. Viehoever The Realm of the X-Ray. I. GriPith Building Stones. 1. Sturmer The Preservation of Foods. I, Gerrhenfeld What and Where Are the Stars? G. Rweogarten

Sumac and Poison Ivy. H. C. Wood ~ c e - w e t and ~ r y . P.Q. card he are mements. F. P. Strow surop... ~i~~~~~ in commerce and CUIture.


12. Cook

lame. G. W. ~ e r k i n r Animals That Live in Man. M. S. D m .

M. W. G. Youth and the Good. School Betterment Studies. Vol. 1. No. 2. HENRY C. FRICK,Educatioi~al Commission, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1929. i G pp. 12.5 X 18 cm. Free.

This book is the second of the publications of the Henry C. Frick Educational Commission. It is a report of a recent experiment in introducing a group of outstanding humanitarians direct t o highschool pupils; the comments of the pupils; and the effort to make the assembly program the beating heart of the high-school organization. M. W. G. Funds Available in the United States for the Support and Encouragement of R e search in Science and Its Technologies. C. HULL AND C. J. WEST, Compilers. Bulletin of the National Research C o w cil, No. 66. Second Edition. Published by The Nat. Res. Council of the Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Washington, D. C., 1928. 90 pp. 17 X 24.5 cm. s1.00. Tlie Scope of the Bulletin. The phrase "Funds for Research" has been used to cover all funds which are used for the purpose of actual research, but as far as possible funds available only for administrative purposes have been omitted. Hence, the information here presented concerns funds available for the encouragement and support of research in the form of medals, prizes, grants, or institutional funds. "It is hoped that the publication will be contribua t least a helpful and suppestivc tion t o those interested in the status of scientific research in the United States." M. W. G. ~

Statistics of Education of the N e ~ Race, o 1925-1926. Department of ;he Inkrior. No. 19. D. T . BLOSE,Principal Statistical Asst. U. S. Govt. Printing

Office, Washington, D. C., 192!1. pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.10.


Laws Relatine - to Com~ulsorvEducation. Department of the Interior, No. 20. W. W. KEESECHER,Asst. Specialist in School Legislation. U. S. Gavt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1929. 70 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.15.

Secondary Schools of the Southern Association. Department of the Intcrior, No. 16. J. RORMER, Professor of Secondary Education and High-School Visitor, Univ. of Florida. Secy. to the commission on secondary schools of the Assoc. of Colleges and Sec. Schwls of the Southern States. U. S. Govt. Printing Office. Washington, D. C., 1928. 92 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. $0.20. BOOKS RECEIVED-LIBRARY CONGRESS, FEBRUARY 15 MARCH 15, 1929


Beale, Harriet Stanwood, The beginnings of chemistry; a story bwk of science for young people. New York, CowardMcCann, Inc., 1929. ix PP., 1 l., 243 pp., illus., diagrs. 19'1%cm. Belcher, James Elmer, and J. C. Colbest, Identification and properties of the common metals and non-metals. (The Century chemistry series; J. Kendall, editor.) New York, London, The Century Co., 1929. 246 pp., illus.. 271/, cm. Berry, Thomas Morris, The alkylation of benzene, toluene and naphthalene. Easton, Pa., Mack Printing Company, 1928. 10 pp. 23'12 cm. Thesis (hr.D.) -Johns Hopkins University, 1923. Bullock, Edmund Raper, Chemical reactions of the photographic latent image. New York City, D. Van Nostrand Company, Rochester, N. Y. v. illus., diagrs. 22 cm. Burgess, Wayland McColley, A study of the properties of the system lithium chlorate-water. I. Introduction. 11. Phsse relations. Eastan, Pa., 1927. 12 pp., illus., diagr. 23'/~cm. Thesis (PH. D.)-Brown University, 1925.

York. Ginn & Company. 1929. xiv, 553 pp., illus., diagrs. 2It/1 cm. Cook, Robert Graham, The principle of the specific interaction of the ions in mixtures of high valence electrolytes. New York City, 1928. 31 pp.. diag. 23 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Columbia University, 1928. Craven, Calisto, Dizionario di sinonimi e composti chimici con relative formole e pesi m o l e d r i e le termindogie; chimica -farmaceutica-alchemistica. Milano, U. Hwpli, 1928. vi, 316 pp. 23'/2 cm. Davis, Herbert Leroy, Osmotic pressures of concentrated solutions. Ithaca, N. Y., 1928. 43 pp. 26'/2 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.1 -Cornell University, 1927. D e e , Alfred Willis, Reactions of ethyl orthosilicate. Easton, Pa., Mack Printing Company, 1928. 9 pp. 23I/e cm. Thesis (Pn.D.1-Johns Hopkins University, 1926. Drews, Kurt, Verdichtete und verfl"ssigte gase. Halle (Saale) W. Knapp, 1928. 4 pp., 347 pp., illus. 24I/~cm. Durand, Louise, A study of the quantitative determination of tungsten. New York City, 1928. 27 pp. 23'/% cm. Thesis (PH.D.)-Columbia University, 1928. Fleck, Elmer Ellsworth, The action of thiocyanogen upon 0, N-disuhstituted hydroxylamines and primary amines. Easton, Pa., Mack Printing Company, 1928. 13 pp. 23'1s cm. Thesis (Pn.D.) -Princeton University, 1928. Foster, Laurence Standley, Some phenylgermsnium derivatives, Easton, Pa., 1927. 12 p., 1 illus. 231/z cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Brown University, 1926.

CarsweU, Harry Eaton, The relation of the structure of ketones to their reactivity and af6nity in acetal formation. Easton, Pa., 1928. 6 pp., 1 illus. 231/, cm. Thesis (hr.D.)-University of Wisconsin, 1927.

Frankland, Sir Edward, Water anal& for sanitary purposes, with hints for the interpretation of results. 2nd ed. London, Gurney & Jackson, 1890. vii. 136pp. incl., illus., tables. 19'/r cm.

Cartledge, Groves Howard, Introductory theoretical chemistry. Boston, New

Gilman, Albert Franklin, Jr., Inorganic reactions; a dictionary of chemical q u a -
