Books: Quick guide to instrumentation - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Books: Quick guide to instrumentation. A review of Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry. John P. Walters. Anal. Chemi. , 1998,...
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key points and provide starting points for additional reading. The initial chapters outline HPLC instrumentation milestones and provide a new perspective on how the physical parameters of various components influence modern column design. Virtually every recent innovation in column technology is described, including axial and radial compression, monolithic structures, membranes, and fibers. Considerable detail is provided on the physical and chemical aspects of silica substrates, stationary-phase synthesis, and column preparation. Of particular interest is a section devoted to column packing. General guidelines for slurry packing are presented, which facilitate rational decisions on choice of slurry and drive solvents reservoir configuration and packing conditions Much of the text is organized into chapters based on column separation modes (e.g., size exclusion, normal phase, reversedphase, ion-exchange, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography). Sufficient detail familiarizes the reader with theory of operation, types of columns, approaches to column selection and method development, and general operational matters. Of considerable practical interest are the final chapters, which are devoted to preparative separations, method development, column care, and troubleshooting. As with other portions of the book, sufficient background theory helps provide an understanding of basic principles. Guidelines are presented for method development for various separation problems. Topics include solvent selection, isocratic versus gradient separations, gradient optimization, temperature effects, and how to proceed with totally or partially unknown mixtures. The chapters on column care and troubleshooting provide ample information about potential problems that may result from column degradation instrumental malfunction and improper method development These sections are well illus-

trated with chromatograms that exemplify operating with it, then this handbook might the consequence of sample overload, colbe a starting point. If I wanted names, adumn bed collapse, excessive injector voldresses, and phone numbers of instrumenume, extra column effects, secondary tation suppliers, then this reference would chemical equilibria, and sample carryover. be appropriate. If I wanted to know the opCare is taken throughout to include discus- erating principles of the technique, howsion of measurement reproducibility. HPLC ever, I might be disappointed with some of Columnss Theory, Technology, and Practice the entries. provides a wealth of practical advice to As I read the handbook for the first serve experienced and inexperienced time, I felt let down. I expected more deanalysts. tail on each method, more detailed techReviewed by Lane Sander, National In- nical illustrations, and better example data. But then when I read it for the secstitute of Standards and Technology ond time, realized the scope it represented, and used it to search for material on techniques, I could see the value of the handbook. A question remains as to whether the handbook is a better source of starting information than, say, a Yahoo search on the Internet. It depends. If one knows enough about a technique to bound an Internet search and not be overwhelmed with hits, then it is not. But if one is starting cold, then it is. Each author has limited the scope of his or her section to central principles and applications. From there on out, the Internet can be used more efficiently. A CD is also included with the book to help Handbook of Instrumental look up topics. Techniques for Analytical Chemistry Were I in a position to evaluate potential purchases from recommendations submitFrank Settle, Ed. ted by others, I would prize this book. It Prentice Hall certainly lists who to call and how to inOne Lake St. quire about what one needs to know. It also Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 would be a good deal cheaper than a trip to 1997, 994 pp., $95 the Pittsburgh conference. The handbook is just that—a handbook. It A graduate student getting ready for a should not be confused with a textbook or research proposal oral exam could find this a review of the various fields and techbook an excellent way of quickly learning niques. Just as the Handbooo of Chemistry enough vocabulary about the various techand Physics is used to extract specific niques that could be thrown out by my pieces of information, so should this handquestioners. The handbook delivers what it book be used. promises and should be considered a success in that light. For example, if I wanted to learn some of the vocabulary about a technique or Reviewed by John P. Walters, St. Olaf what some of the complications were in College

Quick guide to instrumentation

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, 1998 271 A

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PUBLICATIONS Essential Resources for the Chemical Sciences

I. N. Acworth, M. Naoi, H. Parvez, and S. Parvez, Eds. VSPBV P.O. Box 346 3700 AH Zeist The Netherlands 1997, 382 pp., $95

This book investigates the use of coulometric electrode aarry detection in HPLC analysis. It begins with an overview of electrochemical detection methods commonly used with HPLC, from single electrodes to multielectrode arrays. The remainder of the book is devoted to practical applications of HPLC with coulometric electrode array detection.

Supercritical Fluids: Extraction and Pollution Prevention Martin A. Abraham and Aydin K. Sunol, Eds. American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 1997, 309 pp., $99.95

This book highlights a series offivesessions entitled "Supercritical Extraction", presented at the 211th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The book is divided into four sections: macromolecules and thermodynamics, natural materials, extraction and chromatography, and environmental applications. New developments, as well as the current state of supercritical fluid extraction in various applications, are described.

Chromatographic Separations Based on Molecular Recognition Kiyokatsu Jinno, Ed. Wiley VCH 605 Third Ave. New York, NY 11158 1997, 426 pp., $95

Separations are often induced by molecularlevel interactions between the stationary phase and molecules that differ in shape and size. This book examines many aspects of molecular recognition in chromatographic separations. It is intended to provide a better understanding of retention mechanisms so that systems can be designed to overcome difficult separation problems.

Pitfalls and Errors of HPLC in Pictures

Environmental Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications in Pollution Abatement

Veronika R. Meyer Hüthig GmbH Postfach 10 28 69 D-69018 Heidelberg, Germany 1997, 168 pp., $31.75

Krishnan Rajeshwar and Jorge Ibanez Academic Press 525 B St., Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101 1997, 776 pp., $95

This picture book is designed to help analysts avoid common errors associated with HPLC. The book is divided into three sections: the fundamentals of HPLC, pitfalls and sources of error (packed full of illustrations), and useful strategies for overcoming typical problems. Readers can quickly find solutions to specific problems encountered in their daily work with the index provided at the end of the book.

This book emphasizes the role of electrochemistry in the detection, quantification, and treatment of environmental pollutants. Thefirsttwo chapters introduce the reader to environmental problems and fundamentals of electrochemistry. Chapter 3 describes the electrochemical behavior of pollutants. The remainder of the book provides details regarding electrochemical analyses and their commercial applications.

2 7 2 A Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, 1998