Books Received - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

sion of Geochemistry of the American Chemical Society ... ley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York,. NY 10158. 1989. $65 ... The three chapters in this bo...
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Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems I I


here has been remarkable progress made in the past ten years in the study of chemical modeling-not only in finding new models but in reexamining and improving existing ones. This new text looks at this prog­ ress including new methods, approaches, limi­ tations, pitfalls, and more. With 41 chapters, this volume includes in­ formation on aqueous chemical theory, equi­ librium and mass transfer models and their subsystems, and critical components of key chemical models such as uncertainty analyses and thermodynamic data. Eight major sections discuss: • Aqueous thermodynamics and theoretical advancements • Code development and documentation • Applications to modeling: equilibrium and mass transfer, transport and coupled codes, and surface chemistry • Advancements in modeling: modeling sensitivities, thermodynamic and kinetic advances, organic compounds

Also addresses new concepts and approaches to future modeling. This volume offers a comprehensive over­ view of chemical modeling and will serve as a reference for researchers, academics, consul­ tants, and students in the fields of environ­ mental chemistry, contaminant transport, hy­ drology, geology, geochemistry, and chemical engineering. Daniel C. Melchoir, Editor, EBASCO Services R.L. Bassett, Editor, University of Arizona Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Divi­ sion of Geochemistry of the American Chemical Society

ACS Symposium Series No. 416 5 5 6 pages (1989) Clothbound ISBN 0 - 8 4 1 2 - 1 7 2 9 - 7 LC 8 9 - 2 8 4 4 6 $89.95

American Chemical Society Distribution Office, Dept. 57 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE

800-227-5558 (in Washington, D.C. 872-4363) and use your credit card!

sumed an important role in the analyti­ cal arsenal, so for specialized cases should thermal gratings. The chapter is clear and the technique conceptually simple enough that it should attract considerable interest. The applications section does overlap somewhat with that in Petrich and Martin's chapter, but several other applications are de­ scribed as well. The remaining chapters are much more oriented to theoretical spectros­ copy, laser technology, and fundamen­ tals rather than analytical applica­ tions. These include the work of Ziegler et al. on rotational resonance Raman and hyper-Raman scattering, T. Kobayashi et al. on vibrational dephasing experiments, and Shank's review of re­ cent advances in femtosecond spec­ troscopy. My overall impression of this book is that the chapters set a Very high scien­ tific standard that should keep them valuable for some time. As such it is highly recommended for library acqui­ sition.

Analytical NMR. L. D. Field and S. Sternhell, Eds. viii + 250 pp. John Wi­ ley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158. 1989. $65 Reviewed by Daniel A. Netzel, West­ ern Research Institute, P.O. Box 3395, University Station, Laramie, WY 82071-3395 This book describes the analytical ap­ plication of NMR to the fields of fossil fuels, catalysis, and biology. Additional chapters cover the fundamental as­ pects of NMR spectroscopy, quantita­ tive application of 13C NMR, and auto­ matic NMR analysis. The editors' ob­ jective was to assemble well-known and highly respected NMR spectroscopists who have used NMR as a quantitative analytical tool. The editors have suc­ ceeded in this regard. The chapters are well written and the organization with­ in each chapter is good. Many refer­ ences are provided with most chapters. The first chapter, written by the edi­ tors, gives an introduction to the book. Chapter 2 reviews the fundamental as­ pects of NMR spectroscopy. It is a brief, nontheoretical review of the sub­ ject and is intended for those who have some familiarity with NMR spectros­ copy. The practical considerations nec­ essary to obtain quantitative 13C solu­ tion- and solid-state NMR spectra are described in Chapter 3. Applications of 13 C NMR to polymers and mixtures of stereoisomers as well as coal and relat­ ed materials are also discussed. In

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Chapter 4, the author discusses both Ή and 13C NMR solution-state mea­ surements, which include resonance assignments and quantification crite­ ria used in the analysis of fossil fuels. Also discussed are the techniques used and the quantification problems asso­ ciated with the 1H and 13C resonances of fossil fuels in the solid state. More than 100 references are provided to complement the material discussed. The NMR of zeolites, silicates, and solid catalysts are reviewed in Chapter 5, and an extensive compilation of ref­ erences (240) covers the NMR of solids, structural information that can be ob­ tained from solid-state NMR, catalyst acidity, and adsorbed molecules. Bio­ logical applications of NMR are dis­ cussed in Chapter 6. Major emphasis is on methods for eliminating the Ή2Ο signal from XH NMR spectra, cell vol­ ume and pH determinations, intracel­ lular determinations of Ca2+ and Mg2+, and Ή NMR of metabolites. More than 250 references are cited. The last chapter discusses the automation of NMR analysis from automatic sample preparation to integrated automatic spectral acquisition and interpreta­ tion. This information will be quite useful to anyone who is thinking about total or partial automation of an NMR facility. This book is recommended for those who plan to conduct NMR experi­ ments in the areas of fossil fuel charac­ terization, catalysis, and biology. The subject matter can easily be, in part, incorporated into analytical or applied spectroscopy courses.

Books Received Handbook of Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. D. Briggs, A. Brown, and J. C. Vickerman. vii + 156 pp. John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158.1989. $265 The three chapters in this book are entitled "Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for Surface Chemical Characterization," "Library of Spec­ tra" (50 compounds), and "Case Stu­ dies" (11 applications). The 50 refer­ ences are from the 1970s and 1980s (primarily through 1985, with a few up to 1989). A short compound index is included. Spectrometrlc Titrations: Analysis of Chemical Equilibria. J. Polster and H. Lachman. xvi + 433 pp. VCH Publish­ ers, Suite 909, 220 East 23rd St., New York, NY 10010-4606.1989. $128 The topics covered in this 19-chapter book include basics and principles,

graphic treatment of data, acid-base equilibria, apparatus, electrochemical methods, and data processing. Most of the references are from the 1970s and 1980s, up to 1986. An index is included. Advanced EPR: Applications In Biology and Biochemistry. A. J. Hoff, Ed. xxiv + 918 pp. Elsevier Science Publishing, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010.1989. $249 The 23 chapters cover such topics as electron spin-echo envelope modula­ tion, resolution enhancement, disor­ dered systems, loop gap resonators, analysis of spectra, electron nuclear double resonance, triplet states·, and mixed-metal clusters. The contribu­ tors are from the U.S.S.R. (2), Germa­ ny (11), the United States (23), Italy (2), the Netherlands (5), Poland (1), England (2), Hungary (1), Portugal (3), and Switzerland (1). Most of the refer­ ences span the 1980s. A subject index is included. Separations Using Aqueous Phase Sys­ tems: Applications In Cell Biology and Biotechnology. Derek Fisher and Ian A. Sutherland, Eds. xvii + 504 pp. Ple­ num Press, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013.1989. $95 This book is the proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Phase Partitioning on Advances in Separations Using Aqueous Phase Sys­ tems in Cell Biology and Biotechnology held in Oxford, England, in August 1987. More than 70 papers are con­ tained in 10 chapters covering such topics as macromolecules, plant and animal membranes, immunoaffinity partitioning, theory, and biotechnolo­ gy. Most of the references span the 1980s. An index is included. Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 10: A Review of the Recent Literature Published be­ tween July 1986 and June 1988. M. E.

Rose, Senior Reporter, xv + 431 pp. Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Cam­ bridge CB4 4WF England. 1989. $182 The chapters are entitled "Ioniza­ tion Processes and Ion Dynamics," "Structures and Reactions of GasPhase Organic Ions," "Development and Trends in Instrumentation," "Ap­ plication of Computers and Micro­ processors in Mass Spectrometry," "Organic Negative Ions: Structure, Re­ activity, and Mechanism," "Analysis of Mixtures by Mass Spectrometry Part I: Developments in Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry," "Analysis of Mixtures by Mass Spectrometry Part II: Techniques Other than Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry," "Mass Spectrometry Applied to Natu-

rai Products: Nucleosides, Nucleo­ tides, and Nucleic Acids," "Use of Mass Spectrometry in Studies of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics," "Metal-Containing and Inorganic Compounds Investigated by Mass Spectrometry," and "High-Tempera­ ture Mass Spectrometric Studies of In­ organic Systems." Author and subject indexes are included. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th ed. Le-

nore S. Clesceri, Arnold E. Greenberg, and R. Rhodes Trussell, Eds. lx + 1524 pp. American Public Health Associa­ tion, 1015 15th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005.1989. $98 The parts of this book are entitled "General Information," "Physical and Aggregate Properties," "Determina­ tion of Metals," "Determination of In­ organic Nonmetallic Constituents," "Determination of Organic Consti­ tuents," "Automated Laboratory Ana­ lyses," "Examination of Water and Wastewater for Radioactivity," "Tox­ icity Test Methods for Aquatic Organ­ isms," "Microbiological Examination of Water," and "Biological Examina­ tion of Water." Color plates of algae and plankton are included. Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometalllc Compounds, Vol. 22: A Review of the Recent Literature Published up to Late 1988. G. Davidson and E.A.V. Ebsworth, Senior Report­ ers, xv + 480 pp. Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Cambridge CB4 4WF England. 1989. $253 The eight chapters are entitled "Nu­ clear Magnetic Resonance Spectrosco­ py," "Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy," "Rotational Spectros­ copy," "Characteristic Vibrations of Compounds of Main-Group Ele­ ments," "Vibrational Spectra of Tran­ sition-Element Compounds," "Vibra­ tional Spectra of Some Coordinated Ligands," "Môssbauer Spectroscopy," and "Gas-Phase Molecular Structures Determined by Electron Diffraction." The references are from 1987 and 1988. Chlral Separations. D. Stevenson and I. D. Wilson, Eds. xi + 206 pp. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013.1988. $60 This volume is the proceedings of the Chromatographic Society International Symposium on Chiral Separations held at the University of Surrey in England in September 1987. The book contains 16 presentations; three appendices; and author, subject, and compound indexes. Most of the references span the 1980s.

Carcinogenicity and Pesticides Principles, Issues, and Relationships


ust published! Δ current perspective on the relationship between pesticides and cancer. A first-of-its-kind approach, this volume summarizes the latest thinking on the pesticides-carcinogenesis relationship, seen in the light of new findings in cancer research. In a blend of theoretical and practical infor­ mation, this timely work examines the process of carcinogenesis itself and society's attempts to strike a balance between increased agricul­ tural productivity and the risk of cancer. Be­ ginning with an overview that puts the topic in a historical perspective, Carcinogenicity and Pesticides unfolds to target key issues such as: • the uncertainty of data interpretation in predict­ ing whether a pesticide will cause cancer in humans • external factors that affect carcinogenesis • mechanisms of chemical carcinogenicity • structure-activity relationships • risk assessment • epidemiology of cancer and pesticide exposure

Bruce Ames, originator of the Ames Test for carcinogenicity, concludes the book with a thoughtful discussion on current research findings and how they relate to decisions concerning widespread use of pesticides in society. If you are a scientist, policy maker, or regu­ lator concerned with the effects of pesticides on the environment, you'll find Carcinogenicity and Pesticides a valuable synthesis of contem­ porary thinking on a topic of critical importance. Nancy N. Ragsdale, Editor, U.S. Department of Agriculture Robert E. Menzer, Editor, University of Maryland Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Divi­ sion of Agrochemicals of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 414 247 pages (1989) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1703-3 LC 89-18052 $54.95 American Chemical Society Distribution Office, Dept 53 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE

800-227-5558 (in Washinaton. D.C. 872-43631 and use vour credit card!

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