Books Received - American Chemical Society

ters, but the subject index cites only one. The same example also illustrates an awkwardness in cross-referencing within the text in that reference is...
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On-site group training for less than it costs to send two chemists to an out-of-town seminar ACS Audio-Teleconference Courses UPDATE YOUR STAFF Give every chemist on your staff the opportunity to participate in these timely courses taught by internationally recognized experts covering the most up-to-date information in two important subjects:

THE ROLE OF SMALL COMPUTERS IN THE LABORATORY February 21-24, 1984 Four 1 1/2 hour class sessions Taught by Dr. Raymond Dessy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Dr. James T. Arnold of Varian Associates and Dr. Keith J. Caserta of Proctor and Gamble Valuable for scientists and managers who currently work with computers in the laboratory or who are contemplating purchasing a computer.

Books tract from its value as a good single source for NMR basics. There are some errors in printing. A line is missing on p. 25. Figure A6.1(a) contains a label "y", which should be T 2 . The subject index is no more than adequate. For example, the PAPS technique is discussed in three chap­ ters, but the subject index cites only one. The same example also illustrates an awkwardness in cross-referencing within the text in that reference is made to chapter number, but chapter number is not included in either page heading or section heading. Overall, however, this is a fine handbook that is bound to become a valuable resource for most NMR spectroscopists. Its presentation is com­ plete and correct, and it covers the basic aspects of NMR. Although one hopes that the authors will revise it to accommodate significant develop­ ments since 1979, the present edition has lasting value.


Books Received

March 12-21, 1984 Five 1 1/2 hour class sessions Taught by Dr. James E. Mark of the University of Cincinatti, Dr. Leo Mandelkern of Florida State University, Dr. Adi Eisenberg of McGill University, Dr. William Graessley of Exxon Research and Dr. Jack L. Koenig of Case Western Reserve University Vital for experienced polymer scientists concerned about characterizing polymeric materials for the development of materials with specifically desired properties.

Computer Applications in Chemistry. Stephen Heller, Rudolph Potenzone, Eds. xii + 394 pp. Elsevier Science Publishers, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1983. $80.75



ACS Audio-Teleconference Courses can be set up wherever you wish—at your plant or lab, in a classroom, office or meeting room.

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FOR DETAILS Call Ms. Cyrelle Gerson at (202) 8728728, write or mail coupon below.

Audio-Teleconference Courses, Education Division, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street. N.W., Washington. DC 20036. Y E S ! I want more information on ACS Audio-Tclcconferenco Courses. Name.



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Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances. Vol. 12. Klaus Florey, Ed. ix + 735 pp. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1983. $47 Comprehensive Treatise of Electro­ chemistry. Vol. 5. Β. Ε. Conway, J. O'M. Bockris, E. Yeager, Eds. xviii + 472 pp. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, N.Y. 10013. 1983. $59.50 Chromatography. Pt. B: Applications. Erich Heftmann, Ed. xviii + 564 pp. El­ sevier Science Publishers, 52 Vander­ bilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1983. $138.25 Analytical Techniques for Heavy Met­ als in Biological Fluids. S. Facchetti, Ed. xii + 288 pp. Elsevier Science Pub­ lishers, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1983. $83 Reviews of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Vol. 1. Kenneth Button, Ed. vii 4- 372 pp. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, N.Y. 10013. 1983. $45

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Chemical Information. Yecheskel Wol­ ffian, xiv + 191 pp. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1983. $24.95