Bookshelf - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)

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bookshelf Selected Analytical Methods for Research in Water Pollution Control. M. Ramanathan. A . F. Gaudy, Jr., and E. E. Cook. 75 pages. Center for Water Research in Engineering, Bioenvironmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University. Stillwater. Okla. 74074. 1968. $3.00, paper. This volume contains a compilation of 15 analytical methods of use in research on biological aspects of water pollution control. Principle of the method, reagent preparation. procedure, and standard curves for colorimetric methods are presented. Methods include protein, total carbohydrate, pentoses, ketoses. sugar alcohols. phosphate. lipids, RNA, and DNA. w

Methods for Evaluating the First Order Constants k, and L,, for BOD Exertion. A. F. Gaudy, Jr., K. KOmolrit, R. H. Follett, D. F. Kincannon, and D. E. Modesitt. 82 pages. Center for Water Research in Engineering, Bioenvironmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla. 74074. 1968. $4.00, paper. The manual contains a compilation of 16 methods for computing the first order biological oxygen demand (BOD) velocity constant, k , , and the ultimate BOD, L,,, from BOD data. Computational procedures and sample calculations are presented for each method.


Coal Mining Effect on Busseron Creek Watershed, Sullivan County, Indiana. Water Resources Research Center Report of Investigations No. 2. Don M. Corbett and Allen F. Agnew. xvi f 234 pages. Indiana University, Blooniington. Ind. 1968. On request, paper.


Saline Water Conversion Report for 1967. xx t 4 2 1 pages. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20403. 1968. S3.25, paper. Published by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Saline Water, this report examines the status and progress of desalination technology in the U.S. The question is explored from the viewpoint of research, engineering and development, project management

Millipore' Circle No. 35 on Readers' Service Card




Analysis Design Construction Operation I.P.C.l.'s basic approach to industrial waste control is evaluation of waste quantities a n d characteristics, reduction of waste through inplant changes, formulation of treatment requirements a n d determination of optimum system for disposal or utilization. The full scope of disposal methods are employed by I.P.C.I. in the design, construction a n d operation of pollution control systems through sub-surface disposal wells, chemical treatment, landfill, incineration, biological treatment a n d c o m b i n a t i o n s of these methods. Learn more about 1.P.c.l.'~"total performance" concept of pollution control. Write for literature, or call your nearest I.P.C.I. office.



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Circle NOM on Readers' Service Card Volume 3, Number 3, March 1969 279

and plant engineering, desalting feasibility and economics studies, staff, and the program analysis division, and subdivisions within those areas. Various projects are described, discussed and illustrated in detail. H


Proceedings of the Symposium on Air Quality Criteria, New York, N.Y., June 4-5, 1968. 135 pages. Occupational Health Institute, 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. 60602. $3.00, paper. Reprinted from the Journal of Occupational Medicine, the proceedings include papers and discussions on such topics as management of the environment, effects of oxidant air pollutants, sulfur dioxide and plant response, and air quality criteria-lead. H

Proposal for a Ten-Year National Earthquake Hazards Program - A Partnership of Science and the Community. 81 pages. Clearing House for Scientific and Technical Information. Springfield, Va. 22152. 1968. $3.00, paper.



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Circle No. 18 on Readers’ Service Card


Environmental Science & Technolog)

Prepared by the Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group for Earthquake Research of the Federal Council for Science and Technology, the report presents the group’s recommendations and findings regarding the problem of earthquakes in the U.S. All aspects of a national program are discussed, including the roles of universities and industry, evaluation of existing programs, the proposed program itself, and manpower requirements.

Solid Waste Research and Development 11. Engineering Foundation, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1968. $4.00, paper. More than 125 scientists and others engaged in solid waste research, training, and demonstration projects assembled for the Engineering Foundation Research Conference, held July 32-26, 1968, Beaver Dam. Wis. For the conference, preprints on solid waste projects were gathered into a book. The publication has two main sections, the conference program and the conference preprints, covering such subject areas as solid waste management; sanitary landfill: incineration: computer applications and new handling techniques; farm wastes, agricultural wastes, and composting: and municipal refuse studies.