Boyle's law - A different view - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

ACS eBooks; C&EN Global Enterprise. A; Accounts of .... A Simple Boyle's Law Experiment. Journal of ... The discovery of Boyle's Law, 1661-62. Journal...
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Boyle's Law-A

Different View

Boyle's Law is presented in general chemistry as a relationship between pressure and volume of a certain quantity of gas at constant temperature as follows,

or P V = constant ( m , T). Examination of the dimensions of the left-hand side of the equality reveals that Force -X Volume = constant Area


or Force X lcneth = Enerev .~ .., = Constant. In other words. the Bovle's Law states that for a fixed mass of pas at constant ~


temperature the enrrgv ul the gas ir iired and is inuependrnt of the pressure and volume oi the gas. The presentation of this \,iewpo~ntprior Itrodurt~on of Klnrtir .MulecularTh~orvis useful in that this r n n r ~ l ~ t is essential in the transformation of

to P V = nRT, via ( E ) = (312) kT The assumption of ideal behavior is implied in the above considerations. B. D. Sharma California State University and Los Angeles Pierce College LOSAngeles. CA 90032

Volume 59

Woodland Hills, CA 91371

Number 10

October 1982