Small Business
FINALLY, A RANGE OF TOTAL SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR LIMITLESS IDEAS. Now you can bring your most complex design ideas
Dell™ recommends Windows® XP Professional
to life with help from Dell and Adobe® Dell Precision™ workstations are high-performing systems. Many are powered by the next generation of 64 bit capable Intel®
processors and customizable with advanced graphics,
Dell workstations with the comprehensive post-production
Lease as low as $ 4 4 / m o . , (48 pmts* Ε-VALUE Code: 07143-S40216m
Lease as low as $ 6 0 / m o . , '48 pm Ε-VALUE Code: 07143-S40218m
tools of Adobe Production Studio. Together they give you
Scalable, Dual Processor Capable Workstation
Ultimate Performance Mobile Workstation
exceptional quality at an affordable price, and the ability
• Intel® XeonCR) Processor (2.80GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB)
• Featuring Intel
RAID hard drive support, and dual-monitor capability. Dell has partnered with Adobe to deliver powerful video postproduction solutions that combine the high performance of
to tell your story with the freedom and control offered by
Mobile 'ernnn
Pentium' M Processor 740 M 73bH
• Genuine Windows® XP Professional
533MHz FSB); Intel· PRO Intern,. ; V
• 1GB Dual-Channel* DDR2 SDRAM
Adobe's world-class video and graphics software. These
• 160GB* (7200 RPM) SATA Hard Drive
• Genuine Windows
systems offer optimal performance and the added assurance
• 128MB ATI FireGL" V3100 PCI Express" x16 Graphics Card
• 15.4" WXGA LCD Active Matrix u ^
• 48x CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive
• 512MB DDR2 SDRAM; 60GB' (54UU *Pl
• 3-Yr Economy Service Plan
• NVIDIA Quadra
of compatibility between many hardware and software components. So just like your creativity, the sky's the limit.
(Next Business Day On-Site Servicer Hardware Warranty Support)
FX G01400 256MB
• 128MB PCIe x16 NVIDIA Quadra" FX 1400 Graphics Card, add $360
Recommended Upgrades:
• Dell™ UltraSharp'" 1905FP 19" Flat Panel Display (shown above),
• 80GB* (5400 RPM) Hard Drive a d d s . .
Serviced advanced Hardware Warranty Support), add $408
Software, documentation or packaging may vary from retail version.
• 3-Yr Business Standard Service Plan (Un
• 3-Yr Business Essential Service Plan (24x7 Same-Day On-Site
CompleteCare ''Accidental Damage ^ervn t 1
advanced Hardware Warranty Support ail· b
Dell™ recommends Adobe® software with Dell Precision'"1 workstations
Adobe® Production Studio Standard
Adobe® Production Studio Premium
Adobe offers the essential post-production tool set.
Adobe offers a complete post-production solution
• Package includes: Adobe After Effects'
7.0 Standard, Adobe Premiere- Pro 2.0 and Adobe Photoshop'· CS2, Adobe Dynamic Link and Adobe 8ridge.
Special offer only QJ23 FTfffliETtHof select Dell Precision™ Workstations Only S T f Q Q
• Package includes: Adobe After Effects5 7.0 Professional, Adobe Premiere® Pro 2.0, Adobe Photoshop5 CS2, Adobe Audition
Dynamic Link and Adobe Bridge. C a l l for D e l l p r i c i n g .
Adobe Encore® DVD 2.0 and Adobe Illustrator" CS2 software, Adobe
Great Value!
• 24x CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive On-Site Serviced Hardware Warran\ ->u[ :
add $399
XP Professin'
• 3-Yr On-Site Economy Service Plan 'Next
• Monitor Not Included Recommended Upgrades:
if Adobe Production Studio Standard
call 877.341.DELL toll free
Call: M-F7a-8p Sat8a-5p f CT *Pncing/Avai!abihty Fncirg μπ itu étions ivdilahhiy in1 fp r f h r ν i\ it j,e- \ f\ 1 ; s vary and are not subject ίο d scoirt Oi+fis rra\ be iombiiied ^ "*ίι other ΝΡΙΗΓΪ offers or disfOi r i c US Jell-> ah hi« e \ h r Ί ι leasing under these promotion0 oiea^e note that terns if-istfi viH ht s bjtrt to iDpi L3r!e e id of ιβτ f optift rptj irn IP f ei n j t ι f c ρ such errors. Adobe Video Collection 2 5 Standard Offer Offer valid only with pumhd^ of Del Prec s u r 3% 4 ι . 0 M M 7 l \ *• r f r i v Warranties, write Del! USA LP Attn VV-irrantse One De! Way Round ROCK Texas Bob/ Γ η η e r format! t+; ι Qua! Channel Memory memory DIMMs. On-Site Service S°rv!ce may be provided by third partv Technir ar wHI ^e Jijp-i+tf-ed + rp(f jry uh M J \ > t i s e λ contract. Service timing dependent upon f η r of a ^ call place J to D^li Leasing Μοιΐ^ν naymer f b ι t {r\^ m "th!r.i V ! a t\,d \\]\ j H payment may vary, dependinq or your trod nvo'lhiness QuickLease arranged by Dt ι ί rannal Servi Ρ ι P i of-S i r dene rien r t J J υ of the FMV QuickLease, you can putd a^e^he pquipn erf for the tnen FMV renew % ease or ir ils qupner m ΗΡ*·- Fk w ι -a \ j ) LΡ J L and are subject to change without nonre CompleteCare Accidental Damage Service mr p!et-Car srr\ e ^ d i des thet 1 χi e H< rD available in al! states. Customer m u be require j to return ur t to D°il Fjr uorrpiete r V u U ν sit www ie c ι t r v i e J M S Hard Drive a I \ and operating environment and wi ι be Ipcs Trademark/Copyright Notices DP ! tic ^\\ ef t IUQJ F v a l k UH-r, p ^ Crr piftr a e i j J r α trademarks or registered trademarks of irtei Corporation or f sub^idiaripj in the Uniten S ate an J jthpr jurtre "1 J j f i n i V u iov τ ρ 'ι \ other countries. Adobe, the Adone ι οαυ and Acrubat arû either registerei+ra it r d KS u trade rr ^ J A U O L Î \ u i te J