Brand New! ACS Audio Course - American Chemical Society

through the sessions at your own pace, you can check your under- standingof theconcepts by ... Technology Corp., previously served as NMR Applications...
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Organic Chemists Biochemists Analytical Chemists Teachers * Students

Master this powerful analytical technique fot solving structural organ problems

Brand New! A C S Audio Course

interpretation of NMR Spectre Vitally important to beginners as well as experienced organic chemists, an understanding of the interpretation of NMR spectra is essential for elucidating the structure of organic molecules. Emphasizing practical applications, the course provides an indepth introduction to the theory and methodology of interpreting spectra. Real spectra and clear, concise diagrams are used to il­ lustrate the principles of interpretation. The discussions move logically from simple spectra illustrating basic principles through those of increasing complexity. The course involves you in numerous problems designed to demonstrate the application of the principles set forth in the lec­ tures. Each problem is discussed in detail by the instructors. Moving through the sessions at your own pace, you can check your under­ standing of the concepts by working on the problems, referring to the instructor's explanations at will. Topics covered include basic NMR theory, the integration curve and its use, chemical shifts and the factors determining them, spinspin coupling and its causes and importance in the interpretation of spectra, the interpretation of first- and second-order spectra, line broadening effects, and much more. INSTRUCTORS LeRoy F. Johnson, currently Vice President-Research at Nicolet Technology Corp., previously served as NMR Applications Labora­ tory Manager at Varian Associates. He is the co-author, with William C. Jankowski, of Carbon-13 NMR Spectra, and has written more than 60 papers dealing with a wide variety of NMR applica­ tions. Dr. Roy H . Bible, Assistant Director of Analytical Resources and Methods at G. D. Searle & Co., has worked in the field of organic synthesis since 1951. Author of two books on NMR, he has taught widely in the field, and received the 1972 Merit Award of the Chicago Technical Societies Chemists. The instructors are excep­ tionally well qualified through their years of experience teaching the ACS Short Course on the subject throughout the U.S.

FOR I N D I V I D U A L O R G R O U P U S E Excellent for individual use, this ACS Audio Course will be a uable tool for industrial organic chemists, undergraduate graduate students, and faculty members. Since extra manuals be ordered for each participant, the course is ideal for group us laboratories, libraries, universities, corporations, etc. UNIT The complete unit includes eight audiotape cassettes (5.9 h playing time) and a 117-page manual ... $175.00. Additi manuals, 1-9 copies ... $9.50 each; 10-49 . . . $7.50 each; 5 more . . . $7.00 each.

ACS Triple-Impact Audio Courses Combine the ease of listening The reinforcement of reading The challenge of d o i n g Learn from the leaders—renowned authorities —teaching subjects they know best in their own words and voices.

N O R I S K - 1 0 - D A Y FREE T R I A L Order now . . . if you are not satisfied, just return the course • in ten days for full credit or refund.

Department of Educational Activities American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N . W . Washington, D.C. 20036 Please send copy(ies) of INTERPRETATION OF NMR SPECTRA at $175.00 each. Additional manuals at $' each. Π Payment enclosed. Π Please send invoice. Note: Payment must accompany orders of $25.00 or less. Please allow up to five weeks for delivery. LJ Please send additional information on this and other ACS Audio Courses. NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION ADDRESS


Note: All customers outside the U.S.A. and Canada who are n· ACS members should address their orders to Pergamon Pre; Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England. 680 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 50, NO. 7, JUNE 1978