Bridging the performance gap from analytical to preparative - C&EN

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Bridging the performance gap from analytical to preparative Efficient Target Isolation from Complex Crudes

Accurate Scale-up on SunFire™ columns in 0.1% TFA

Today's drug discovery environment demands the rapid isolation of high purity compounds with minimal chromatographic development.

Compounds: 1. 8-Bromoguanosine 2. Acetanilide 3. Hydrocortisone 4. όα-Methyl-1 7a-hydroxyprogesterone

Waters Optimum Bed Density (OBD™) preparative columns have been engineered to deliver consistent column-to-column performance, unmatched column lifetime with DMSO sample diluents, maximum loadability in simple mobile phase conditions, accurate scalability and high peak capacity.

5. 3-Aminofluoranthene 6. 2-Bromofluorene 7. Perylene 4 . 6 χ 100 mm, 5 μηη Injection Volume: 6 0 μι DMSO Total Load: 6.9 mg

19 χ 100 mm, 5 μ™ Injection Volume: 1020 μι DMSO Total Mass Load: 115.7mg

Waters OBD™ columns are available in all of Waters innovative chemistries designed to meet every synthesis challenge. For more information visit and register for your free prep scale-up calculator.

* Note: the differences in peak scales are due to the saturation response of PDA detector. Gradient Conditions: 5 to 95% CH 3 CN over 10 minutes.

For Purification ν Confidence

Waters Corporation U.S.A. 508 478 2000/800 252 4752

© 2 0 0 4 Waters Corporation. XTerra, Atlantis, SunFire, OBD and Waters are trademarks of Waters Corporation.

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