Brief Course, Organic Chemistry (Embree, Harland D.)

Brief Course, Organic Chemistry (Embree, Harland D.) RG Jesaitis - ‎1984of the graphics as we...
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perspicacious enough LO discern where ( I I Organic Compounds. (2) Oscurrmre and Structure of Hydnrarbuns. (3, Pn,p~rtiesof Hydrocarbons, presents much in the way of originality. What is original is often perverse, as when Dr. Emhree points out (p. 7) that in for laboratory titrations, conceptually as well as procedwdy. The level of treatment of the subject matter is such that the program should not he used to reolace the laboratow expenmmt hut to complement 11 The prugram lends ~tselfwellt o a rolluw-up w ~ t hnn actual laboratory titration experiment. The program "Titrator" is an effective teaching t w l and it offers the instructor another option in providing information to students. Students enioved the hieh oualitv . . of the graphics as weli as the vhailenge