BRIEF for buyers of Phosphorus Chlorides New Intermediates Sodium

Nov 12, 2010 - Publication Date: November 18, 1957. Copyright © 1957 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Phosphorus c h l o r i d e s . . . growing:, growing You will be hearing more about the Hooker phosphorus chlorides described below. Current trends in organic synthesis are creating a growing need for the properties they p u t a t your command. Ph csph orus oxycfcf oricfe, P O C I 3 , i s

something you'll want to investigate if you're developing organic phosphates or plasticizers, gasoline additives, or fire-resistant hydraulic fluids. A s a chlorinating agent, it neatly supplements and broadens your already wide choice of Hooker chlorinecontaining compounds. It's used also as a catalyst for intermediates and dyestuffs, a n d in preparation of médicinale such as sulfa drugs. A clear water-white liquid, it assays 99.5*% minimum POCI3 and contains no free chlorine or phosphorus pentachloride. Phosphorus trichloride,

Phosphorus Chlorides New Intermediates Sodium Sulfides Chlorinating and Sulfonating Agents

freezing point below 0°C, a boiling range over 1 0 0 ° Ο It should be a mo­ bile liquid, light in color and with lit­ tle o r no odor. Well, one compound that meets these requirements is our lauryl mer­ captan—C12.4H25.7SH (average). And a strong advantage of lauryl mercaptan is availability. This product is one of many t h a t helped, in a modest way, to make war­ time synthetic rubber more plentiful. It's still around—still being used as a modifier in the synthetic rubber " h o t " process. W e can ship it in carboys, drums, o r b y the tank car. This is just one example of how checking with us might save you a cost­ ly development program, next time you need something new.

If you're already buying either of these

versatile products in quantity, or plan to d o so soon, be sure your supplier has what it takes to get t h e material to you promptly. Both these chemicals require special handling; volume deliveries are usually made in lead-lined tank cars. When you purchase from Hooker, you can be sure, because you have at your disposal the largest fleet in the country of these special cars. F o r contract information, write us. For technical data sheets, just check the coupon.

That new i n t e r m e d i a t e you need may be hiding in our woodpile In this complex age, it can happen that the new intermediate you're seeking is closer than you think—and cheaper, tooLooking for something that has "never been made before?" Maybe it's in production already—for another use. Maybe you can get it in tank-car quantities. Let's say you're on the trail of a new polymerization modifier. Your preliminary work indicates a mercaptan structure is desirable. It should have a

Want t o chlorinate or sulfonate? If your process involves the introduc­ tion of chlorine, sulfur, or oxygen a n d sulfur, you'll find much to interest you in these two Hooker inorganics.


PCI3, has w i d e

repute a s a convenient entry to m a n y types of organic synthesis. You cam use it as a chlorinating agent in manufacture of organic acid chlorides; as a condensing agent in preparation of organic aldehydes; in making phosphite and phosphonate esters; and as a catalyst in certain chlorination reactions. I t ' s a clear water-white liquid of 99.5% minimum purity.

about 24.6 lbs. of combined sulfur. T h e same weight of sodium sulfhydrate gives you about 40 lbs. of sulfur—about 62.3% more. A t prevailing prices, the sulfur i n sodium sulfide costs you about $.244 a pound. I n sodium sulfhydrate, i t ' s only about $.181 3. pound. I f this approach to lower-cost sulfidity looks like a good one for you, why not explore it with us? We'll gladly help you review the facts with, yoixr specific needs in mind.


o' \\

How t o save more than

5 cents a pound on c o m b i n e d sulfur If you're buying sodium sulfide as a source of combined sulfur, here's a way to get the sulfur for more than 5 cents a p o u n d less. «Just switch t o Hooker sodium sulfhydrate. I n 100 lbs. of sodium sulfide, you get



Often you can work with one of them more safely than with elemental chlo­ rine, and more conveniently than with elemental sulfur. Suifuryl cfiloride, SO2CI2, is a spe­ cial chlorinating agent for chlorophenol and other organic chlorides. It re­ acts with sodium salts of organic acids to form chlorides and anhydrides. It is of 9 9 + % pixrity. T/iiony/ chloride, SOCh, is a versa­ tile chlorinating agent, much used in preparation of organic acid chlorides. It may be used to introduce sulfur alone, o r in. combination with oxygen. You can get it in two grades: Technioal, 93% and Refined, 97.b%. For technical data on either, just check t h e coupon.

For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n on chemicals mentioned o n this page, check here Π Phosphorus Oxychloride Π Sodium Sulfide Π Phosphorus Trichloride Π Suifuryl Chloride Π Lauryl Mercaptan • Thionyl Chloride Π Sodium. Sulfhydrate Π New list of products—Bulletin 100-A Clip a n d m a i l to us with your name, title, a n d company address. (When requesting samples, please use business letterhead.)




Niagara Falls Tacoma Montague, Mich. New York Chicago Los Angeles Philadelphia Worcester, Mass. In Canada: Hooker Chemicals Limited, North Vancouver, B. C-

Ν 07.

Ι 8, I 957 C&E Ν