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BRIEFS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Government Reorganization . The three new reorganization plans recently submitted to Congress by the President call for a transfer of th...
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BRIEFS Point Four. Awaiting approval by both houses is a $35 million Point F o u r p r o ­ g r a m agreed to by Senate-House con­ ferees. T h e bill also provides limited guaranties to American investors abroad. After approval, funds will have to b e a p ­ propriated. In expectation of favorable action b y Congress t h e State D e p a r t m e n t has requested Capus M. Waynick, U. S. Ambassador to Nicaragua, to get the pro­ gram under way.

Oil* rn"'neta* Acetone

Export Control. Recent changes in ex•port control regulations have resulted in removal of nitrogenous fertilizer materials from t h e Positive List. Some industrial chemicals and various scientific instru­ ments and laboratory a p p a r a t u s have been added.

Disco Thinners Fuel OU Gasoline G»n gVeC»r««n9 HotWah.

MUSS!·"» Beer Benzene Benzol Brines ffisfd*

. solutions

Coal Î * ~4 Cod Liver O . . Cotton Seed O i l Creosote O H

Government Reorganization. T h e three n e w reorganization plans recently s u b ­ mitted to Congress by t h e President call for a transfer of the h o m e financing func­ tions of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to t h e Housing and H o m e F i n a n c e Agency a n d a transfer of R F C itself to the Depart­ m e n t of Commerce.

Linseed Oil Lubricattn9 t » 1 Molasses • Naphtha

Sodium H v d w r i J k .

Thinners Turpentine Varnish SVater Whiskey


UNESCO Meeting. Elimination of cus­ toms duties on an international scale on various categories of educational, scientific, a n d cultural materials will b e considered at t h e fifth meeting of U N E S C O presently being held in Florence, Italy. Other s u b ­ jects under consideration include elimina­ tion of obstacles to t h e free movement of persons and technical assistance to under­ developed areas. T h e U. S. will b e repre­ sented b y about 30 persons. Wage-Hour Law. T h e Labor Depart­ ment's W a g e and H o u r Division has avail­ a b l e "Interpretative Bulletin, P a r t 766, Subpart-Α." This bulletin discusses the principles which t h e Labor D e p a r t m e n t will follow in interpreting t h e F e d e r a l Wage-Flour L a w with respect to em­ ployees included under t h e act. Subpart-B, n o w in preparation, will discuss principles as they apply to certain businesses and occupations.

Metering pays. In b l e n d i n g operations Empire meters p r o v i d e exact control over the amount of liquid g o i n g into each b a t c h . They save time and money! It's m u c h quicker t o meter than to g a u g e , w e i g h or stand a r o u n d while batch tanks fill. And t h e meter method is m o r e accurate. W i t h Empire m e t e r s you can install a closed p i p i n g system. Y o u ' l l stop spilling, evaporation losses, contamination—reduce fire hazards. Get full facts on Empire meters n o w . Use the h a n d y c o u p o n .

U. S. Treaties. T h e State D e p a r t m e n t has announced t h e publication of the fourth release in its series, "United States Treaty Developments." This publication n o w includes annotated references to over S0O international agreements. T w o addi­ tional releases are in preparation.

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