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Nov 5, 2010 - U. S. exporters will be required to obtain "import certificates" from their customers for certain strategic items. Previously the U. S. ...
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BitiEFS Import Control. T o prevent tranship­ ment of strategic materials received from the U. S., 10 Western European countries will require importers to certify that the materials will not b e reexported without official authorization. U. S. exporters will be required to obtain "import certificates" from their customers for certain strategic items. Previously t h e U. S. Government required only an "ultimate consignee state­ ment." Small Business. O n e large American manufacturing company reports that in handling a typical government prime con­ tract, it issued subcontracts covering 4 4 % of the work to 65 large firms and 3 1 6 small firms. The large firms in turn made sub­ contracts with 63 large firms and 191 small firms.

M@r@ Sugar from the Cane Over more t h a n four centuries of production from cane, m a n y mechanical improvements h a v e been m a d e in the sugar refining process. S o m e of t h e more perplexing chemical aspects of the problem are now being solved by V A N O L - t r a d e name for ''Virginia' 9 S o d i u m Hydrosulphite. "Virginia'' V A N O L successfully copes w i t h t h e organic colloidal substances which contaminate t h e sugar solution. T h e s e colloids are very hard to handle—to filter, coagulate and remove. Ί hey congeal and form sticky, resinous m a s s e c u i t e on repeated boilings. T h e proper u s e of V A N O L ("Virginia" N a ^ O t ) makes t h e massecuite more filterable ; t h e molasses separates more easily from the sugar crystals. T h u s t h e molasses m a y be more completely discharged —more sugar extracted from a g i v e n amount of cane. For over 30 years, "Vir­ ginia" research h a s been mak­ ing significant advances in industrial processes and prod­ u c t s w i t h its SO2, Nas&O*, Z11S2O4 and ZnSO-i. Our tech­ nical staff will be glad to dig i n t o your problems with a v i e w t o developing efficient, economical applications of "Virginia" Chemicals in your plant. Call or write us today, outlining your needs. V I R G I N I A SMELTING C O M P A N Y

Box 5 1 , West Norfolk, Virginia

Field Offices:




Immigration. The President has created a seven-man Commission on Immigration and Naturalization " t o study and evaluate the immigration and naturalization policies of the U. S." Mr. Truman, in sending his veto message to Congress on the contro­ versial McCarran-Walter BiÎL which codifies immigration a n d naturalization laws, had asked Congress t o set up such a commission. Although Congress passed the bill over the veto, it did not act to set up the commission. The President has asked for a final report by Jan. 1, 1953. Scientific and Technical Manpower. In its new manpower policy statement, the Office of Deferjse Mobilization says that the abilities of the nation's 600,000 scientists and agencies must be fully utilized and that an increasingly greater number of men and women must be attracted to these professions. T o follow progress in this field, ODM is establishing a special subcommittee on specialized personnel. Salary Stabilization. Budget cuts have forced the Office o f Salary Stabilization and the Wage Stabilization Board to discontinue their dissemination of wage and salary stabilization information through the Labor Department's Wage and Hour D i vision. Information can still be obtained from the regional offices of W S B and SSB. Passport Procedure. The State Department has issued n e w regulations pertaining to the issuance o f passports in cases in-.. volving possible subversive activities o n the part of the applicant. The regulations provide for more formalized procedures in the passport division in acting on questionable cases and provide for appeals to the newly created Passports Appeals Board. T h e regulations also specify standards for denying passports and provide for applications to be g i v e n specific reasons for denial of passports insofar as possible.

VIRGINIA Chemicals



Chemical Corps. The Army will spend about $20 million o n laboratories, a warehouse, and utilities at the Chemical Corps' biological warfare center at Camp Detrick, Md., during the year ending June 30, 1953. AND