BRIEFS on a highly reactive chlorocarbon . . . how to gauge a supplier

Nov 6, 2010 - BRIEFS on a highly reactive chlorocarbon . . . how to gauge a supplier ... list of Hooker chemicals . . . data on phosphorus-sulfur comp...
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o n a highly reactive chlorocarbon . . 0 h o w to gauge a supplier... a general p r o d u o t s list o f H o o k e r c h e m i c a l s . . . d a t a o nphosphorus-sulfur c o m p o u n d s

ready to meet your needs for caustic soda and other Hooker chemicals. If you'd like to see how this flexible, fast-moving supply team can strength­ en your position on chemicals, drop us a line and we'll get the facts to you promptly.

of properties, actual and suggested uses, and shipping containers. T h e bulletin also sums up for you the major types of processing performed at Hooker. If you'd like to have this up-to-date timesaver in your file or o n your desk, just check the coupon for a copy of new Bulletin 100-B.

New 12-page bulletin lists Hooker products

Here's data on phosphorussulfur compounds Every time you strike a match, you're helping to justify the market research­ ers' predictions for one of our OLDBURY

Products: red phosphorus. This fascinating element got off to a commercial start in this country in 1910, on the site of the present OLDBURY Products plant in Niagara Falls. Today many other items that must burn up before they can d o anyone any good are made with OLDBURY red phos-

Why you should know more about C-56 The six active chlorines around this cyclopentadiene group are an open in­ vitation to the study of derivatives such as acids, acid chlorides, acid anhy­ drides, esiers, amides, ketones, diketones, quinones, acetals, nitriles, and fluorocarbons. Many of these end products have already found markets as insecticides, germicides, fungicides, pharmaceuti­ cals, dyes, and non-flammable resins. We think the surface has just been scratched . . . that there are many more profitable products waiting to be de­ veloped by a company with imagination. Tf y o n t h i n k y o u ' r e t h e o n e . s e n d t h e

coupon for more technical data. If you like, ask for a sample, using your busi­ ness letterhead.

Is your supplier growing with you? You have much to gain by tying up with a chemical supplier geared to the spread of industry into new areas, ac­ customed to anticipating your require­ ments of tomorrow, even while serving you dependably today. Close to the major industrial centers of the East, Midwest, and West Coast, Hooker plants and stock points give you quick, dependable service when you need it. All Hooker caustic soda plants and distributing points are on deep water. This makes transportation extremely flexible. It tends t o minimize shipping costs, and permits a choice that can make a big difference if an emergency occurs. And if you buy l.c.l., there's an au­ thorized Hooker Histributor nearby,

You'll find a complete up-to-the-minute listing of Hooker chemicals in this new -to ι n_x:_ x^-|-/agc: LTuiicini.

Indexed for ready reference, it lists the chemicals you can buy from us in commercial quantity, including chemi­ cals sold under the NlALK® a n d OLDBURY® brand names. Under each product you'll find a short description and condensed listing

P4S3. These include matches, fireworks, safety and signal flares, fusees, and smoke screens. Your product m a y require another equally useful, though less dramatic, way of putting phosphorus to work : Phosphorus Pentasulfide, P4S10. We make it in three particle-size grades of powder and as a fused solid. Phos­ phorus content i s 27.8% minimum. Powder forms come in lever-pak drums, 150 lbs. net; solid in single-trip steel drums, 215 lbs. net. These products are available, as al­ ways, under the highly reputed OLDBURY label. For more information, we suggest you check the coupon for new technical data sheets just completed.

For more information on chemicals mentioned on this page, check here: Π C-56 Π Phosphorus, red Π New list of products—Bulletin 100-Β • Phosphorus Pentasulfide Π Phosphorus, white Π Phosphorus S^squisulfide Clip and mail to us with your name, title, company address. (When re­ questing samples, please use business letterhead.)






Sales Offices: Chicago Detroit los Angeles New York Niagara Falls Philadelphia Tacoma Worcester, Mass. In Canada: Hooker Chemicals Limited, North Vancouver, B.C.