detect and continually r e c o r d . . . KAMAN NUCLEAR Div. of The Kaman Aircraft Corp. 500 Old Windsor Rd. Bloomfield, Conn.
Exhibiting: Complete line of neutron generators for activation analysis, reac tor optimization, classroom demonstra tion, oil well logging, and space applica tions. Included is a new model repre senting a major breakthrough in a low cost generator especially designed for industrial lab and plant stream applica tions. Service includes both study and experimental contracts on all phases of nuclear physics. KIMBLE GLASS CO. P.O. Box 1035 Toledo 1 , Ohio
Exhibiting: Kimax beakers, flasks, culture dishes, plus general line of sci entific laboratory glassware. Also glass tubing and rod, and glass pharmaceu tical and technical containers. LABLINE, INC. 3 0 7 0 - 8 2 W . Grand Ave. Chicago 2 2 , III.
Exhibiting: New type electronic con trols consisting of recorders, controllers, and programmers; new type model electric centrifuges; electronic integral timers; other miscellaneous types of laboratory apparatus and equipment.
AMMONIA concentration down to 0 . 0 0 5 ppm
Automatically analyzes or monitors for Ammonia in common or complex media A field-proven system ... over 2000 AutoAnalyzers are now auto mating routine wet-chemistry analyses in plants and laboratories throughout the free world . . . analyzing up to 60 repetitive samples per hour and monitoring on-stream continuously. * Detects other trace elements too, e.g.; citric acid, acetyl cholinesterase, starch, benzoic acid, etc. A total of 75 fullyautomated determinations now possible, more are coming. Send for your free abstract
method kit and brochure AKD
Circle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORP. Hilltop Rd. St. Joseph, Mich.
Exhibiting: Apparatus for chemical analysis including laboratory induction and resistance furnaces and determinators for carbon, sulfur, oxygen, hydro gen, and nitrogen; high temperature ceramic ware and laboratory accessories. LaPINE SCIENTIFIC CO. 6001 So. Knox Ave. Chicago 2 9 , III.
Exhibiting: Leybold high vacuum pumps and fittings, LKB ultrafilter, single pan balances, Tecam Sentichart temperature recorder, Tecam Tempunit constant temperature stirrer/circulator, Collectochrom apparatus, LaPine cone drive stirrers, LaPine tube pumps, Clinac Pipetters, LaPine die cast clamps, five-in-one controls, melt ing point apparatus, Leybold atom models, electrothermal heating mantles. LAUDA INSTRUMENTS, INC. P.O. Box 4 2 2 Great Neck, Ν. Υ.
Exhibiting: Low and high tempera ture circulators for temperature control problems in the range from —85° to +330° C. featuring a table model cool-
Circle No. 133 on Readers' Service Card
V O L 3 4 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY 1 9 6 2