Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopic Characterization of the Hydrolytic

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Chapter 9

Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopic Characterization of the Hydrolytic Degradation of Hydroxyl-Terminated Poly(D,L-lactide) Materials

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch009




Mohammad K. Hassan , Jeffrey S. Wiggins , Robson F. Storey , and Kenneth A. Mauritz * 1,


School of Polymers and High Performance Materials, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39406 2Permanent address: Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Bani Suef University, Bani Suef, Egypt *Corresponding author: [email protected]

Broadband dielectric spectroscopy was used to examine hydroxyl-terminated poly(D,L-lactide) samples that were hydrolytically degraded in 7.4pH phosphate buffer solutions at 37° C. The dielectric spectral signatures of degraded samples were considerably more distinct than those of undegraded samples and a T - related relaxation associated with long range chain segmental mobility was seen. For both degraded and undegraded samples, a relaxation peak beneath T was observed, which shifts to higher frequency with increasing temperature. Linear segments on log-log plots of loss permittivity vs. frequency, in the lowfrequencyregime, are attributed to d.c. conductivity. An upward shift in peak frequency maximum was observed after 95 days of immersion in buffer solution. This behavior implies a decrease in the time scale of long range chain segmental motions. Permittivity data for degraded and undegraded materials were fitted to the Havriliak-Negami equation with subtraction of the d.c. conductivity contribution to uncover pure relaxation peaks. g


© 2008 American Chemical Society In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.



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Parameters extracted from these fits were used to construct Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann-Hesse (VFTH) and distribution of relaxation time, G(τ), curves. The relaxation time for this αtransition in both degraded and undegraded samples showed VFTH temperature behavior. G(τ) curves showed a general broadening and shift to lower τ with degradation, which can be explained in terms of a broadening of molecular weight within degraded samples and faster chain motions.

Introduction Biodegradable polyesters and co-polyesters have been the focus of extensive research for several decades due to their ease of manufacturing and desirable characteristics. Their ranges of physical properties and hydrolytic degradation profiles have made them attractive candidates for use in a variety of biomedical products such as degradable sutures (/), temporary orthopedic fixtures (2) and controlled pharmaceutical delivery matrices {3,4). Degradation mechanisms vary among biodegradable polyesters as a function of chemical composition and are categorized as hydrolytic and/or microbial. Factors that influence degradation rate include material hydrophilicity, morphology, crosslink density and surface chemistry. Additives such as monomers, acidic or basic compounds, superoxide ions, drug composition, and catalysts have been shown to affect degradation kinetics (5). Polymer endgroups and endgroup modifications can also influence degradation. In general, studies have shown that the presence of free carboxylic acid moieties, whether on the polymer endgroup or blended into the sample as an additive or active ingredient, will accelerate the hydrolytic degradation rates of polyesters (5-5). Another study revealed that carboxylic acid modifications of a biodegradable polymer have a greater influence on degradation than the acidity of the external aqueous environment (P). Modern broadband dielectric spectroscopy is a very useful tool to interrogate the molecular dynamics of polymers because response over a broad frequency range from the milli- to giga-Hertz region is possible (10). Therefore, motional processes which take place in polymers on extremely different time scales can be investigated vs. temperature. Moreover, the motional process depends on the morphology of the system. Dielectric spectroscopy, in the context of this system, deals with the interaction of an applied alternating electric field with the orientable dipoles in matter that account for polarizability. Macroscopic polarization is microsopically related to the dipole density of Ν permanent molecular dipoles of moment μ. in a volume V. In low molecular weight molecules, the net dipole moment can

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

155 often be represented by a single rigid vector, while in polymers there are different geometric possibilities for the orientation of the component molecular dipole vectors along the backbones owing to conformational fluctuations. The net dipole moment per unit volume (i.e., polarization) of a polymer is the vector sum over all molecular dipoles in a repeat unit, and this is summed over the entire chain, and finally over all chains in the system (77): (1)

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all chains


repeat unit

From the standpoint of chain dynamics, these dipoles are interactively coupled and long range chain segmental mobility that is affected at the glass transition upon heatingfromthe glassy state is a cooperative process. Molecular motions in amorphous entangled polymer chains can have considerable restrictions and exist on very different time and length scales; therefore, different vector components that contribute to the net dipole moment can undergo reorientation in different motional processes. Thus, the dielectric spectrum of an amorphous polymer generally shows multiple relaxations, depending on temperature, where each process is indicated by a peak in loss permittivity (e") and an associated step decrease in storage permittivity (s") versus frequency (f) at a fixed temperature. Most amorphous polymers exhibit a secondary P-relaxation in the glassy state and a primary a-relaxation at lower frequencies (or higher temperature) than the P-relaxation. Useful information on the structural and dynamic states of a polymer material can be extracted by monitoring macromolecular mobility in this way. The structural aspect of interest in these studies is the molecular weight distribution. This chapter reports the use of modern broadband dielectric spectroscopy as a novel approach in the study of the degradation of hydroxyl-terminated poly(D,L-lactide) materials from the perspective of modified macromolecular motions. As this technique is largely unfamiliar to the community engaged in the pursuit of biodegradable materials, fundamental explanations are provided where needed in this chapter. The analysis outlined here can be considered as useful in a broader context of materials that are degraded in similar ways, such as proton exchange membranes that are exposed to generated peroxide in fuel cells.

Experimental Materials and Degradation Study. The biodegradable polyester material used in this study, described in a previous report (8), is hydroxyl-terminated

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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156 poly(D,L-lactide) having a molecular weight of 20,000 g/mol. These materials were degraded by exposure to phosphate-buffered aqueous solutions (7.4 pH, 0.05M) at 37° C for different time intervals up to 180 days and were tested for relative moisture uptake and weight loss behaviors. Sample discs of diameter 2.54 cm and thickness of ~ 1 mm were prepared for degradation studies by melt pressing them at 100°C for 15 min. Sample Preparation and Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements. Dielectric relaxation spectra were collected using a Novocontrol GmbH Concept 40 broadband dielectric spectrometer over the frequency range 0.01 Hz - 3 MHz and over the temperature range of 0 to 100° C. The temperature stability of the instrument was controlled to within ±0.2° C. Degraded sample discs were carefully dried by melting at 100° C for 20 min under vacuum to remove residual moisture from the degradation procedure. The discs were then melt pressed between two gold coated copper electrodes at 100° C using a hot press. This process was done in two steps using polyimide non­ stick films between the sample and one of the electrodes to visually examine the sample while it was attached to the other electrode. This procedure allowed for inspection of possible air bubbles in the sample before conducting the dielectric spectroscopy experiment. The upper electrode was 2 cm in diameter and the lower electrode was 3 cm in diameter.

Results and Discussion Dielectric Spectra of Undegraded Poly(D,L-lactide) The glass transition peak and shift of the associated relaxation time to shorter values with increasing temperature is seen in the e" vs. f plots for the same sample at different temperatures in Figure 1. There is a relaxation peak beneath the previously determined, DSC-based T (= 51° C) (5) which becomes more distinct and shifts to higher f with increasing temperature. A relaxation time, r , can be extracted as usual from the frequency corresponding to the peak maximum, f , as r = (27cf )" . Havriliak and Negami pointed out that the value of f for which is maximum is not exactly the relaxation time for cases for which the Cole-Cole plots (e" vs. e') (72) are not strict semicircles but rather are arcs skewed toward the left, that is, in the progression of increasing f (75-75). When such curve asymmetry exists, the actual relaxation time is longer than that derived from the condition de"/dct)= 0, where 0= 2nf. In the low-f region and for T > T the log e"vs. log f plots are linear such that the slopes are slightly less 1.0. This reflects d.c. conductivity which is characterized by the relationship e" = G /(coC ), where G is the d.c. conductance and C is the vacuum capacitance of the unfilled cell in which the g










d c


In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


the difference between the real permittivities at very low and very high frequencies, respectively, is the relaxation strength for the M i relaxation and s is the vacuum permittivity, T \S the Havriliak-Negami relaxation time, a and P (0 < a are treated as adjustable parameters obtained by fitting equation 5 to experimental data. T is a hypothetical relaxation time at infinite temperature. 0



In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

164 Table I. Havriliak-Negami equation and VFTH equation fit parameters for 95 days degraded vs. untreated samples at 60° C.


• .

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S a m p , e


Relaxation tiuefr)'

0 a







.. K










2.05 x l O

95 days-degraded

4.70 xlO"


As calculated by eq 4.

E , while having units of energy, is a quantity of uncertain meaning that is not associated with an activated process in the usual sense and can, in fact, have values that are unrealistically much greater than the binding energy for a C-C bond near the glass transition (ref 11, p 89). Ty, the Vogel temperature, is viewed as the temperature at which chain segments become immobile, or frozen-in, in a hypothetical experiment in which a polymer is cooled very slowly (quasi-static) from the rubbery state. Given this prescription, Ty is expected to be lower than T and is given by the equation (ref 10, p 103) a


T =T v



f is the free volumefractionat T and a is the temperature coefficient of free volume expansion. For quasi-static cooling, in the absence of kinetic effects inherent in all experiments to determine T ,f would be zero. Figure 6 shows VFTH plots for the untreated and 95 days degraded samples over a range of temperatures. The plots are nonlinear, i.e., non-Arrhenius like. Also, there is a distinct separation between the curves for the non-degraded and degraded samples. The VFTH equation can be well fitted to the data for both degraded and non-degraded samples as in cases for the cc-transition for other polymers (16). Curve-fitted values of Ty, listed in Table I, show that T decreased with immersion in buffer solution for 95 days. Ty would be expected to decrease with increased degradation time as the free volume increases and it was discussed above how smaller, degraded chains insert more excess free volume into the system. g






In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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• . i • • i i i . . . . i i ••








1000/T (K) Figure 6. VFTH plot for dry untreated and 95 days degraded samples with the conductivity contribution subtractedfrom spectra.

Effect of Degradation on the Distribution of Relaxation Times In the Havriliak-Negami treatment, a and ft determine the distribution of relaxation times, G(r). a characterizes the breadth of the distribution while /? characterizes the extent of skew from curve symmetry (14). G(r) is given by the following equation (14): T T



G(r) = (







sin foe,) J

( \ +2 r cos {na ) + 1 I oi J ;



In equation 7, sin {na , )

0 , = arctan f


r ^ T


+ cos (na , )


In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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166 The quantity 0 has units of an angle in radians such that (0 < ©j < 71). G(r) plots for degraded vs. non-degraded samples are shown in Figure 7. The obscuring d.c. contribution was subtracted from the loss spectra to yield pure relaxation information. Both degraded and undegraded samples showed a bimodal distribution but there is distinct curve broadening with less asymmetry for the 95d degraded sample. This feature is related to the loss permittivity asymmetry seen in Figure 5. Based on the rationale presented above, the unsymmetric distribution is interpreted in terms of molecular weight degradation and molecular weight distribution broadening with time. The shift in curve maximum to lower T reflects faster chain motions as would be expected of shorter chains. It is also seen that a, /?and G(r) are temperature dependent (data not shown). In polymer blends, such broadening is usually attributed to two possible mechanisms; concentration fluctuation or intrinsic mobility differences between the blend components (28). Within the context of the system at hand, at some point of degradation, one can consider a 'blend' of chains of lengths that are so diverse as to create microstructural heterogeneity, in part because the solubility of chains depends on molecular weight and the effect is more pronounced at low

Figure 7. Distribution of relaxation times at 60° C for dry untreated and 95days degraded samples.

In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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167 molecular weight. Thus, there will also be distribution in chain dynamics, i.e. relaxation times. In a concentration fluctuation model, Fisher and co-workers assumed that there are many dynamically heterogeneous domains in polymer blends. Different domains have different compositions which follow a Gaussian distribution centered around the global composition (29,30). Roland and Ngai modeled the dynamics of polyisoprene/poly(vinylethylene) blends by assuming that concentration fluctuations lead to normally distributed coupling parameters for each component and the observed relaxation time distribution is a summation of all of these components (31). It should be noted that intermolecular hydrogen bonding is capable of damping concentration fluctuations (28), which could be true for the system here as the number of carboxylic acid groups is expected to increase with degradation as a result of ester linkage hydrolysis. The geometric distribution of hydrogen bonding throughout the entire system could broaden the relaxation time distribution as some segments may have formed one or two hydrogen bonds while others may be in an environment where such intermolecular interactions are minimal (28). Segments with different degrees of coupling will exhibit different relaxation times, thus broadening the G(r) curves of degraded samples. All the above observations support the interpretation of the weight loss measurement results that were reported earlier, which showed considerable degradation at 95d (8).

Conclusions The relaxation signature on dielectric loss permittivity vs.frequencycurves of hydrolytically degraded hydroxyl-terminated poly(D,L-lactide) samples is considerably more distinct than those of undegraded samples. Specifically, for both degraded and undegraded samples, there is a relaxation peak at temperatures just beneath T , assigned to the a process, which becomes more distinct and shifts to higher frequency with increased temperature. In addition, there is a linear section in the lowfrequencyregime on log-log vs. f plots that is attributed to d.c. conductivity which shifts upward with degradation and is most likely related to the increased concentration of COOH groups resulted from ester linkage hydrolysis with increased chain scission. A distinct shift in f for these T - related peaks to higher values after 95d degradation implies a decrease in the time scale of the underlying long range chain segmental motions. Experimental data for degraded and undegraded materials were fitted to the Havriliak-Negami equation for the complex permittivity with subtraction of the d.c. contribution to uncover pure relaxation peaks. Relaxation parameters extracted from these fits were used to construct g



In Polymers for Biomedical Applications; Mahapatro, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 5, 2012 | Publication Date: March 28, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0977.ch009

the VFTH and distribution of relaxation time functions. The relaxation time of this cc-transition in both degraded and undegraded samples showed VFTH temperature behavior. The Vogel temperature decreased with immersion in buffer solution for 95d which suggests an increase in free volume as chains become shorter due to degradation and chain packing becomes less efficient. Distribution of relaxation time curves showed a general broadening with degradation and shift to lower times which can be explained in terms of a broadening of molecular weight by hydrolytic scission as well as faster chain motions. Thus, it can be concluded that the technique of modern broadband dielectric spectroscopy can be a powerful tool in the interrogation of biodegradable materials degradation.

Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge The Office of Naval Research Grant No. N00014-04-1-0703 for financial support.

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