Broda, Engelbert; Schonfeld, Thomas

St,anfn,rd, Calif. c w - H i Book. Co., New York, 1967. xiii + 721 pp. Figs. and tables. $12.50. Thk hook treats chemistry at a some- what more elemen...
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BOOK R E V I E W S Introduction to Geochemistry

Konrad Krauskopf, Stanford University, St,anfn,rd, Calif. c w - H i Book Co., New York, 1967. xiii 721 pp. Figs. and tables. $12.50.


T h k hook treats chemistry a t a somewhat more elementary level than, for example, does Brian Mason's tent,book, "Principles of Geochemistry." For use in senior or graduate level courses in geochemistry, I would recommend Mason's toxtboalt. However, Dr. Krauskopf's hook willprovideusefnl snpplementalreading and some interesting problems for such a rowse. Jlr. Kranskopf's book is frankly aimed a t the nntlsrgr.zdnnt,e stndent in geology who h m had only the freshman general chemistry course and wants t,o know some applicntions of these elementary principles t o geological problems. Fur t,hk purpose the book is well designed. Ilr. I