case is closed. Carle Instruments, Inc.,. 532 South Rose St., Anaheim, Calif. 92805. 410. Recording Potentiometer. Model MR recorder measures volt- ag...
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STILL THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Here is just the right laboratory temperature control unit. Light­ est weight (only 5 lbs.), compact and portable . . . so that any container can be converted quickly and easily to an efficient constant temperature bath. Extremely ac­ curate (to ±0.01°C). Wide range (0°-100°C). Operates safely even in a very shallow immersion depth (3K")· Direct and simple setting of precise temperature (utilizes very sensitive Mercury contact controls—not bi-metal). Adjustable rate of flow from a few drops per minute t o a remarkable 12L/minute . . . And priced sensibly . . . compare features with less expensive units which are much less rugged, less accurate, less dependable. Just drop us a note and we'll send complete details.



A D I V I S I O N OF W I L L S C I E N T I F I C , I N C .

277 N . Goodman St., Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14601 See Buyers' Guide for all products/sales offices. Circle No. 125 on Readers' Service Card

138 A


Electron luminescence microscope at­ tachment, Model ELM-1 can be used in conjunction with pétrographie or regular microscopes. The ELM-1 was designed specifically for the observation of cathode-luminescence. Thin sections can be observed in transmitted ordinary and polarized light, as well as by their own luminescent light. For thin sections, magnifications up to 75x overall may be used; for thick sections the magnification is ordinarily limited to 2 5 x . Nuclide Corp., 642 E. College Ave., State College, Pa. 409


Basic Gas Chromatograph A simplified gas chromatograph for student use features dual 1 / 8 -inch columns, dual on-column inlets, a micro \'olume thermistor detector, separate temperature control of columns, inlets, and detector, and operation to 150° C. Simple circuitry is all visible through a transparent panel. The instrument measures 17" X 13" X 4" when the case is closed. Carle Instruments, Inc., 532 South Rose St., Anaheim, Calif. 92805. 410 Recording Potentiometer Model MR recorder measures voltage or current vs. time. The instrument has full scale ranges from 0-0.5 to 0-2000 mv. or μΆ. and from 0-0.5 to 0-500 volts or ma. The full scale reading may be set at any value be­ tween 0.2 and 2000 units. Speed selec­ tion is 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 10, or 20 inches per hour or per minute. Pen speed is 1 second for full scale. The recorder, measuring 21 3 /s X I8V2 x 19 inches, is designed for bench top operation; the strip chart is vertical. Ε. Η. Sar­ gent & Co., 4647 W. Foster Ave., Chi­ cago, 111. 60630. 411

LIQUID LEVEL MONITOR Specially designed for liquid chromatography applications Prevents damage to columns Sounds alarm when it is time to load samples Operates solenoid valves, etc. Times liquid flow for viscosity measurements HOW IT WORKS-A detector head clamps to any transparent vertical tube or column. Passing meniscus in column breaks collimated light beam; photocell signals control unit which produces audio alarm to warn the operator and a 115 vac signal output to shut off column flow. Head accommodates columns from Ve" through 1Ve" O.D. Write today for literature, specifications.



I N C O R P O R A T E D 2743 8th St. Berkeley, Calif. 94710 Phone (415) 841-7221 Circle No. 30 on Readers' Service Card