samples, a far cry from the four available when theprogram started in 1905. Within the past' 5 years, 70 have been preparedand 150 more are being prep...
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such areas as nuclear energy, missiles, and space vehicles, are dependent on the availability of standards. At the NBS, the Standard Sample Program now has available more than 600 standard samples, a far cry from the four available when the program started in 1905. Within the past' 5 years, 70 have been prepared and 150 more are being prepared. The variety at present available is shown below:

200:1 ratio of m a x i m u m to minimum speed.

Composition Standards Chemical Steels Irons Ferroalloys Nonferrous Ores Ceramics Primary chemicals Uranium isotopes Subtotal

46 9 8 19 12 19 14 15 Ï4?

Spectrograph^ Steels Al alloys Zn alloys Tins Nickel oxide High temperature Ti alloys Subtotal

95 1 7 10 3 4 3 123

Other Standards Hydrocarbons Radioactive Paint pigments Oils, viscosity pH chemicals Melting point materials Rubber materials Phosphors Other reference materials Subtotal Grand total

186 40 29 12 6 5 17 14 42 35Γ


NBS is distributing 45,000 samples of standard materials each year to other laboratories for use in controlling chemical processes and in maintaining accuracy of apparatus and equipment. These standards are certified either for chemical composition or with respect to a specific chemical or physical property such as melting point, viscosity, or index of refraction. A complete listing of these materials is given in "Standard Materials," NBS Circular 552 (3rd edition), Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (35 cents). The need for chemical compounds of certified high purity is becoming of such vital importance that proposals have been made to create permanent organizations to prepare needed compounds and to compile and disseminate information concerning them. Efforts along these lines will be discussed in a forthcoming column.

I F VISCOSITY I S O N E OF YOUR PRODUCT'S D I M E N S I O N S Brookfield 8-speed Viscometer will answer every measurement problem! W h y not invest a three-cent stamp and see what we mean? Our illustrated brochure shows you how the Brookfield 8-speed viscometer and specialized accessories will answer every viscosity measurement problem you m a y have. You'll see how this one, easily operated, portable instrument will provide precise measurement readings directly in centipoises. Even in applications involving extremes in viscosity, temperature or corrosion! Complete information will be yours, too, about the Brookfield Helipath Stand. With it, it's easy to test, study and control highly-plastic materials, gels and semi-gels. It automatically lowers a Brookfield Viscometer equipped with a special bar-type spindle through a helical path providing constant measurement of undisturbed material. Write for full information today. WORLD'S S T A N D A R D FOR VISCOSITY M E A S U R E M E N T





STOUGHTON 2 1 2 . M A S S A C H U S E T T S Circle No. 22 on Readers' Service Card VOL 3 1 , NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959


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