Brookfield LABORATORIES, INC. - ACS Publications

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ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS A Monthly Publication of the Society for Analytical Chemistry

A N A L Y T I C A L A B S T R A C T S , first published in January 1954 on the cessation of publication of British Abstracts C, Analysis and Apparatus, covers the analytical literature of the world. Readers will find an advantage in having all abstracts dealing with their subject collected together in one place.

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Abstracts are prepared by expert analysts from their own angle. ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS is also available printed on one side of the paper, so that abstracts can easily be incorporated into existing reference systems. A few back issues from January 1954 are still available. A N A L Y T I C A L A B STRACTS, including the index, can be obtained by subscription for $7.00 per annum ; printed on one side of the paper, and without the index for $8.40 per a n n u m . A j o i n t s u b s c r i p t i o n for ANALYTICAL ABSTRACTS and THE ANALYST is $11.20 per annum.

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Subscriptions should be sent direct t o T h e Secretary, T h e Society for Analytical C h e m i s t r y , 7 a n d 8 Idol L a n e , L o n d o n , E.C. 3, E n g l a n d .



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