ARDS has developed a computer program that permits scientists to communicate directly with the. 7090 computer using simple Eng- lish commands. Called ...
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the EDITpR'S | column •

L.T.Hkllett, Editor


ARDS h a s developed a computer program t h a t permits scientists t o communicate directly with t h e 7090 computer using simple E n g lish commands. Called the O M N I T A B , this program eliminates t h e bottleneck between m a n and machine caused b y t h e necessity of learning a code and, in most cases, having a specialist p r e p a r e a program for solving even t h e simplest of problems. T h e program is used for t h e calculation of tables of functions, for solutions of nonlinear equations, a n d for statistical and numerical analysis of t a b u l a r data. Functions normally performed on a desk calculator can now be performed rapidly b y t h e computer. There is, for instance, a statistical analysis package, which computes the average ojf a set of numbers (maximum 200) a n d 30 statistical measures related to t h e average including dispersion, randomness, a n d other properties of t h e distribution. This analysis should be especially useful in standardizing t h e statistical analysis of l a b o r a t o r y data. T h e instructions t o t h e computer and t h e d a t a to be manipulated are prepared for entry t o t h e machine on punched cards. F o r example: MULTIPLY COLUMN 3 BY COLUMN 4, STORE IN COLUMN 5 or MULTIPLY 3 BY 4, STORE IN 5 or even shorter MULTIPLY 3,4,5 T h e figures in a column c a n be operated on b y those in another column or b y constants. T h e presence of a period after a n u m b e r indicates t h a t t h e n u m b e r is t o read as itself, whereas the absence of a period indicates a column of n u m -

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VOL 35, NO. 7, JUNE 1963


83 A