brooks rotameter company - ACS Publications

Fatty Acids. Basic technical booklet on fatty acids from crude tall oil is now available. Properties, applications, and information on shipping, stori...
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METERING CORROSIVE CHEMICALS A N D MATERIALS Fatty Acids. Basic technical booklet on fatty acids from crude tall oil is now available. Properties, applications, and information on shipping, storing, and handling are included. Dept. 1EC, Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington 99, Del. 71 Aliphatic Amine. Technical bulletin gives information on new low-cost, non\-olatile aliphatic amine mixture desig­ nated as Amine 248. The chemical's properties indicate a variety of possible uses. Dept. IEC, Industrial and Biochemicals Dept., D Jfil%-A, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilming­ ton 98, Del. 72 Urethane Foam Blowing. Publica­ tion entitled "Blowing Foams with Isot r o n " describes method of blowing foams with fluorinated hydrocarbons for economy and uniformity of foams produced. Comparisons of physical property data and listing of uses for urethane foams are included. Dept. IEC, Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., 3 Penn Center, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 73 Chemical Products Catalog. Twocolor, 36-page product catalog and di­ rectory lists specifications, end uses, and other technical d a t a for more than 1000 Borden Chemical products. Dept. IEC, Borden Chemical Co., 350 Madi­ son Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 74

Sales Dept., U. S. Industrial Chemicals Co., 99 Park Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 78 Conditioners f o r



Booklet is now available on cationic chemicals as conditioners for hygro­ scopic salts and fertilizers. Nine chemi­ cals and formulations are covered, giv­ ing application methods and recom­ mended uses. Dept. IEC, Armour In­ dustrial Chemical Co., 110 North Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, III. 79 Rust a n d Corrosion Control. "New Color Horizons" is 38-page systems catalog (Form No. 259), a compre­ hensive treatise on rust and corrosion control by protective coatings, high­ lighting the use of attractive colors in coatings. Dept. IEC, Rust-Oleum. Corp., 2799 Oakton St., Evanston, III. 80 Acetylene-Derived Copolymers. I n ­ formation on new types of commer­ cially available vinylpyrrolidone—vinyl acetate copolymers and their numerous applications is contained in 20-page, two-color publication. Bulletin AP-88 Rev. includes technical data, formula­ tions, and physiological data. Dept. IEC, Antara Chemicals, General Ani­ line & Film Corp., 435 Hudson St., New York 14, Ν. Υ. 81

Plasticizer Catalog. Complete line of plasticizers is featured in 32-page p u b ­ lication containing physical and chemi­ cal properties, specification data, selec­ tion guide, compatibility tables, and performance charts. L-104 catalog also gives vapor pressure and viscosity graphs. Dept. IEC, Eastman Chemi­ cal Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tenn. 7 5

Cryogenic Fluids. Folding pocket card tabulates physical property data of those cryogenic fluids most useful to engineers in the chemical and missile in­ dustries. Form 1341 gives boiling and melting points, critical temperatures and pressures, volume, mass, and ther­ mal equivalents, and conversion factors. Dept. IEC, Linde Co., Division of Union Carbide Corp., 30 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 82

Hydroxyethylcellulose. Sixteen-page booklet contains data on properties, preparation of solutions, film and coat­ ing properties, preparation of waterinsoluble films, applications, shipping, and test methods for Cellosize hydroxy­ ethylcellulose. Dept. IEC, Union Car­ bide Chemicals Co., 30 East Iflnd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 76

Cryolite. "Cryolite—Properties and Industrial Applications" is a 24-page booklet on history, physical and chem­ ical properties, and uses of natural cry­ olite. Publication is illustrated and in­ dexed. Dept. IEC, Industrial Chem­ icals Division, Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., 3 Penn Center, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 83

Chemicals for ' 6 0 . New folder offers 11 different chemicals in development quantities and 12 chemicals in commer­ cial quantities. P r i m a r y fields of in­ terest are nitrogen heterocyclics, or­ ganic arsenicals, and methylated prod­ ucts. Dept. IEC, Ansul Chemical Co., 101 Stanton St., Marinette, Wis. 77 Chlorine. Properties, shipping infor­ mation, and uses for liquid chlorine are detailed in new d a t a sheet just issued. Dept. IEC, Chlorine and Caustic Soda






pagc, soft-cover book grves detailed in­ formation on the results of a six-year study of applications and exposure tests


Brooks can give you an all-glass transmitting rotameter like this . . .

or one with a halofluorocarbon metering tube like t h i s . . . In fact, we can m a k e a meter to just about any mate­ rial specifi­ cations you might want. This eight-page bulletin

describes more than a dozen of the many materials avail­ able a n d gives meter con­ struction details. Ask for Bulletin 150, and it's yours.

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VOL. 52, NO. 3

MARCH 1960

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