Brownlee Labs Inc

spherical, 10μηη sorbents de signed for the aqueous chro ... These spherical sor bents provide maximum ... Circle reader service number 42. Reverse...
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Extends the useful range of HPLC Aquapore™ HPLC Columns: A unique series of columns from Brownlee Labs to match your individual analytical re­ quirements. Aquapore HPLC Columns are available for reverse phase, ion exchange, and size exclusion chro­ matography of water soluble polymers and other macromolecules. All Aquapore HPLC Columns contain macroporous, spherical, 10μηη sorbents de­ signed for the aqueous chro­ matography of proteins, polysaccharides, polyacrylamides, and other water soluble polymers. These spherical sor­ bents provide maximum efficiency and high stability in the packed column.

Another advantage of Aquapore HPLC Columns— you can now work with a molecular size range that extends to greater than 200,000. The pore structure and chemical characters tics are optimized for macromolecular chromatography, giving you increased flexibility. The Aquapore HPLC Columns series consist of three covalently bonded stationary phases on the surface of ΙΟμΓη diameter por­ ous silica spheres. This results in packings that have the desir­ able characteristics of both crosslinked porous gels and rigid silica particles.

| Aquapore sorbents are c o m j patible with organic solvents ; and aqueous buffers of pH 2-8. * The larger pore sizes allow the full permeation of macromolecules, provide a high load­ ing capacity, and yield excel­ lent resolution.

Furthermore. Aquapore sor­ bents demonstrate no c o m ­ pression or swelling when used at high pressure, high salt concentrations, or high tem­ peratures.

Aquapore™ HPLC Columns open your HPLC analysis to new vistas. Order from a Brownlee Labs distributor or directly from Brownlee Labs. For further information, con­ tact: Brownlee Labs Inc., 2 0 4 5 Martin Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95050, USA. Telex 171156. Telephone 4 0 8 / 7 2 7 1346.


HPLC Columns Circle reader service number 42

Reverse Phase

Ion Exchange

Size Exclusion

RP-300 Mild separation conditions of macromolecules.

AX-300 Biopolymer separations resembling DEAE chromatography.

OH-100 + O H - 3 0 0 Aqueous and non-aqueous separations. Available in five pore sizes.

Brownlee Labs