Brownlee Labs

A Division of Applied Biosystems. Inc. 2045 Martin Avenue Santa Clara, CA95050 408/727-1346 800/231-4038. CIRCLE 20 ON READER SERVICE CARD...
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Brownlee Takes the Mystery Out of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC). Think of SFC as an extension of gas chromatography. An extension into molecular weight ranges which would require an oven temperature of over 400°C by conventional GC. Because SFC is really dense gas chromatography, it allows you to separate high molecular weight or thermally labile compounds at oven temperatures below 200°C. Now think about what you really need for SFC.You need a GC, a special pumping system and controller, column restrictor and SFC software.You need the Brownlee SFC System One, complete with the Hewlett-Packard Model 5890 GC and our MicroGradient System. The heart of SFC is the pump. Our MicroGradient System is the only pumping system for SFC with a proven three-year history and over 400 installed unitsThe built-in microprocessor comes with SFC software, ready to run.You don't need an external computer. Our pumping system automatically refills with liquefied gas (such as CO^.There is no need to cool the pump or the supply line. With the Brownlee SFC System One, anyone experienced in capillary GC can be doing SFC within a day. We'll install it in your lab and train your staff. Our applications scientists will be happy to share their experience with you. Contact Brownlee Labs today for a copy of our Technical Note 925,"Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC): Bridging the Gap Between GC and HPLC' And find out how easy it is to get started in SFC.

Brownlee Labs A Division of Applied Biosyslems, Inc.

2045 Martin Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 408/727-1346 800/231-4038 CIRCLE 20 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 58, NO. 11, SEPTEMBER 1986 · 1065 A