Buehler Ltd. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Buehler Ltd. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (9), pp 55A–55A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60093a766. Publication Date: September 1954. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu o...
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40 cm. Scale


100 cm. Scale

For reading t h e r m o m e t e r s , burettes and m a n o m e t e r s where close observation is dangerous or impracticable. Telescope is m o u n t e d by special c l a m p t o t h e calibrated support c o l u m n adaptable t o vertical or horizontal position. T h e telescope w i t h cross hair gives 20X at 30 c m . m i n i m u m focus distance a n d 8X at infinity. 8 inch telescope extends t o 10}ij". With support vertical, telescope swings through 90° horizontal arc a n d 360° vertical. Like m o v e m e n t s can be m a d e w h e n support is horizontal. Telescope and support c o l u m n are nickle-plated brass. The c o l u m n has a scale graduated in 1 m m . subdivisions readable by vernier to 0.1 m m . Cat. No. 12-620 with 40 c m . scale is $150.00; N o . 12-625 with 100 c m . scale sells for $250.00.

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Eberbach nnn nneoiv.miCH.

CORPORATION mnmimm i**t

For further information, circle number 55 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 45 A

NEW BUEHLER CATALOG 200 pages — a comprehensive catalogue of Buehler equipment for the metallurgical laboratory. Includes sections on Cutters, G r i n d e r s , Specimen M o u n t Presses, Polishers, M e t a l l o graphs, Microscopes, Cameras, Testing Machines, Spectrographs, Furnaces and other equipment for the metallurgical laboratory.

Buehler Ltd.

METALLURGICAL 2120 Greenwood


Avenue, Evonston,


For further information, circle number 55 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 45 A V O L U M E

2 6 , N O . 9, S E P T E M B E R

1 9 5 4

55 A