Buehler Ltd

2120 Greenwood atHartrey Ave., Evanston, I. JUST ONE BLOCK NORTH OF DEMPSTER STREET. These facilitieshave been arranged so that we can provide...
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2120 Greenwood at Hartrey Ave., Evanston, III. JUST ONE BLOCK NORTH OF DEMPSTER STREET These facilities have been arranged so that w e can provide better equipment and better service for our customers. Changing your records n o w to show our new address may prevent a n n o y i n g delays on future correspondence and orders. We are delighted w i t h the new building a n d location and w i l l be pleased if you w i l l take the next opportunity to visit us. A display w i l l be available of our complete line of metallurgical s a m ple preparation equipment, optical instruments for the laboratory, Amsler and Chevenard testing machines and other items.

Buehler Ltd.



2 1 2 0 GREENWOOD a t H a r t r e y A v e . , E V A N S T O N , I L L . , U . S . A . TELEPHONES: SH eldrake 3-1717 and DA vis 8-3032

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V O L U M E 26, NO. 5, MAY


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