BURRELL Combustion Tubes

Free from devitrification. • Not distorted at high temperatures. • Unconditionally guaranteed to withstand temper- atures up to 2900°F., thus pro...
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V O L U M E 19, NO. 10


A 2 4 - 510


BURRELL Combustion Tubes FIRED for High-Temperature Furnaces BURRELL high temperature tubes are a synthetic product, the result of an exclusive process in which the ingredients combine to form natural Mullite crystals when fired at temperatures in excess of 3100°F. This process gives a stronger, harder, more homogeneous structure with a low coefficient of expansion and high resistance to thermal shock. BURRELL· high temperature tubes are: • Dense, vitreous, and gas tight • Straight and accurately sized •

Smooth inside, easily cleaned

• Free from devitrification

These tubes are recommended as standard equipment for use in the determination of carbon and sulfur by the combustion method in iron and steel analysis, and for other applications which require the maintenance of gas atmospheres at high temperatures. BURRELL tubes are available from stock in the three types illustrated above, in diameters from %-inch I.D. to 1%-inch I.D. Lengths from 24 to 36 inches. Larger sizes supplied on special order. Complete information on Burrell high temperature combustion tubes is given in Bulletin 201. For your copy write to: Burrell Technical Supply Co., 1936-42 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh 19, Penna.

• Not distorted at high temperatures • Unconditionally guaranteed to withstand temperatures up to 2900°F., thus providing a wide margin of safety when used in Burrell Furnaces at temperatures up to 2650° F.