BURRELL CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Chem. , 1967, 39 (11), pp 67A–67A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60255a766. Publication Date: September 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, thi...
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tion with the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials at the San Francisco Hilton. Invited speakers include Alan Walsh, C. L. Grant, T. C. Rains, and L. L. Lewis. Contributed papers in this field are invited. Interested persons may obtain forms for submitting the required abstract from H. A. Burnett, U. S. Steel Applied Research, Monroeville, Pa., 15146. The deadline for re­ ceipt of abstracts is Oct. 1, 1967.

Chromatographic Reviews Journal Review articles on techniques of chromatography, electrophoresis, and applications to various fields have been appearing annually in volumes titled "Chromatographic Reviews.'' To en­ sure timeliness, the reviews will hence­ forth be published as a journal. Sub­ scribers to the Journal of Chromatogra­ phy mav subscribe at a specially re­ duced price of £3.0.0, U. S. $8.50 or Dfl. 30.00 plus 4s., U. S. S0.60 or Dfl. 2.00 postage. The regular subscription price is £3.10.0, U. S. $10.00 or Dfl. 35.00 plus postage. The publisher of Chromatographic Revieivs is Elsevier Publishing Co., P. O. Box 211, Jan van Galenstraat 335, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Field, Mine, Mill, and Lab... Burrell Gas Analysis Apparatus

atomic Absorption Newsletter Starting with the July-August issue, the Atomic Absorption Newsletter will be available at an annual subscription rate of $7.50. The Newsletter which has been distributed free in the past has grown to the point where there may be as many as 10 technical articles in an issue. The Newsletter is published bi­ monthly by Perkin-EImer Corp., Norwalk, Conn.

Industry Items Philips Electronic Instruments, Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ., has opened a sales and service office in the Washing­ ton, D. C , area to serve Maryland, Washington, Virginia, and North Caro­ lina. The address is 11141 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 20902. (Tel: 301-933-3002). Precision Gas Products, Inc., Lin­ den, N. J., supplier of pure gases, cal­ ibration gas and liquid calibration mix­ tures, will open a branch plant in La Habra, Calif. A new company, Reaction Coulometers Ltd., The Mill House, Bray, Berkshire, England, has been formed to take over patents and other assets re­ lating to analytical instrumentation, previously owned by Gas Chromatog­ raphy Ltd., a subsidiary of Fisons Ltd.


A selection of over 20 models . . . and, with the versatility of Burrell Build-Up design, a laboratory or portable model can be assembled to fit your needs. For more information send today for Burrell Catalog 81 "Gas Analysis Apparatus" or contact B U R R E L L CORPORATION BURRELL


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