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Nov 5, 2010 - Aluminium, Ltd., the Canadian holding company in the world's aluminum industry, reported an estimated nut profit of S8.7 million in the ...
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Business and Financial News Aluminium, Ltd., the Canadian holding company in the world's aluminum indus­ try, reported an estimated nut profit of S8.7 million in the six months to J u n o 30, after providing a reserve against loss on prewar investments abroad, or SI 1.65 a share on the common stock. While work­ ing capital increased in t he first six months of this year, the company foresees the necessity for providing additional reserves for investment losses and i s making a pro­ vision for expenditures of S30 million for p l a n t expansion over a four-year period.


American P o t a s h and Chemical Corp. announced a net profit for the six m o n t h s ending J u n e 30 of $1,102,057, e q u a l to $1.94 on outstanding common stock, after dividends on t he preferred. This compares with $1.37 a share paid for t h e same period last year. Babcock and Wilcox Co- sales a n d earn­ ings an; expected t o reach a. new high this year with profits for t he full year around $10 a share on the common stock. Despite current, high level of oporat ions, unfilled orders on the hooks are continuing t o pile up. The order backlog now totals $140 million compared with $113 million a t the end of 1946. P l a n t efficiency is being in­ creased by the modernization program now u n d e r way. Eastman Kodak Co. reported a gain of 2 9 % in sales for t h e first naif of this year to $153 million. Earnings were equal t o $1.62 a share on the new common stock outstanding after t h e fivc-for-oiie split last April. T h e board of directors of H e r c u l e s P o w d e r Co. has declared a, dividend of 35 cents a share on common stock, p a y a b l e Sept, 25. T h e preliminary report, of M c K e s s o n and Robbins, Inc., for the fiscal year ended J u n e 30, shows consolidated net profit of $9,675,776. This is equivalent to $5.37 a share on the common stock. L a s t year, for t h e same period, $4.74 a share was paid on common stock. Price

Ζ J FEET of α

•t's alloyed to - - meet a highlycorrosive condition, . It's centrifugally cast to give it the higher strength and *•" ' - ^ Λ m greater metal density a tough iI«M;»:ll»rag structural requirement. It's .^typical of what we can d o in our centrifugal casting department. In this case two sections w e r e m a d e a n d w e l d e d together.

IL' Ifiïffl


May w e suggest that if you h a v e n e e d for any high alloy pipe or tube ranging in diameter from 2lA inches to 24 inches and, d e p e n d i n g on diameter» u p to 15 feet in length, you look into our centrifugal casting service.


A general price reduction of 50 products in its line of organic chemical derivatives, amounting in one product to a s much a s 3 0 % , was announced by Glyco» P r o d u c t s Co., Inc., Brooklyn, Ν. Υ., a n d New Martinsville, W. Va. The price c u t s aver­ age 2 0 % . The reductions in prices a r e made possible because of lowered m a n u ­ facturing costs resulting from the com­ pany's increased production facilities and by some reduction in the c o s t of raw m a t e ­ rials. (Continited on page 2668) V O L U M E

2 5,


3 7 »

THE U U f i u i i U 1 COMPANY Office and Plant: Scottdale Pa. ·



12 East 41st Street. N e w York 17. Ν. Υ.

L o · A n g e l · * & San F i * n o * c o

C h i c a g o & Detroit: F B. CORNELL, 6 A S S O C I A T E S




St Lou.s







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Industrial Corp. of New York, Ν . Υ. Affiliated with M A R R O Q U I N & O H E M , S.R.L., Engineers, Mexico City Industrial Design, Engineering, Product Development, Market Surveys, Purchasing & Expediting, U.S.A., Mexico, Central America. 207 East 3 2 n d St. New York 16, Ν. Υ.


Industrial Research


Pharmacologic and Toxicity Studies


1r%*\>J reduction in the price of C M C , sodium carboxymethylcellulose, were two other price drops. T h e major factors af­ fecting these reductions in prices are two new plants starting operations, one in Burlington, N. J . , and the other in Hope­ well, Va. A price reduction of approximately 9% • >a metallic soaps w a s announced by Metasap Chemical Co., Harrison, N. J., .subsidiary of NOpco Chemical Co. This redixction represents t h e third such cut in metallic soaps since mid-April, bringing current prices about 2 0 % below t h e level of early April. According to O. E . Lohrke, general manager, the current price reduc­ tion, is an effort o n the part of Metasap to pass along to customers t h e benefits of reduced production costs. A horizontal reduction of 5 cents a pound in its price schedule for D D T was announced by M o n s a n t o Chemical Co. D D T is m a r k e t e d under t h e trade name Santobane. The reduction is coincidental witL· initial operation of new facilities for the manufacture of Santobane a t Mon­ santo, 111.

Food for Armed Forces Sixty regular a n d Category One officers of t h e Army, N a v y , Marine Corps, a n d Air Forces are studying t h e preparation a n d solving of food to members of t h e armed forces, according t o information 2668

received by Col. Charles S. Lawrence, Commanding Officer of the Quartermaster Food a n d Container Institute for the Armed Forces. The advanced food course a t C a m p Lee, Va., is preliminary to one given by the training division of the institute, where officers receive instruction in procurement, marketing, storage, and shipment of food­ stuffs.

Ammonium Nitrate Shipments in Canada The Canadian government will con­ tinue t o permit shipments of ammonium nitrate, but strict regulations governing such shipments will be enforced. No more block stowage on ships will be per­ mitted and t h e material must be spaced to permit a m p l e ventilation. I n the future, ammonium nitrate must be loaded direct from boxcar to ship. The Canadian National Research Coun­ cil is s t u d y i n g the explosive properties of ammonium nitrate.

Chemical Corps Seeks Editors The A r m y Chemical Center, Md., has openings for director of technical informa­ tion (P-6, $7,102 p e r annum), writer (P-3 $4,149 per a n n u m ) , and technical editor (P-2 t h r o u g h P-5, $3,397 to $5,905 per a n n u m ) . Optional branches for teclmical editors include chemistry, chemical en­ gineering, general, biological sciences, Chemical Corps matériel, and mechanical engineering. Applications should be filed b y Oct. 6, 1947, w i t h Executive Secretary, Board of U . S. Civil Service Examiners, Army Chemical Center, M d . C H E M I C A L

CONSULTANTS.... advertising in this special Directory of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS get their m e s ­ sages across to 60,000 process i n d u s t r i e s subscribers who are frequently i n need of expert a n d special­ ized assistance. If your field is c h e m i ­ cals or textiles or foods or plastics or petroleum-or w h a t ­ ever, yoii're bound to find m a n y m e n in this market who will regularly look to this section of C&EN t o provide t h e m with information o n your services. See low-rate sched­ ule on page 2669. A N D