Business: Chiral analysis market to grow - American Chemical Society

eral business and technical information for the biotechnology industry. Chiral analysis market to grow. A business analysis of the chiral technology...
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News Michelle Buchanan of Oak Ridge National Laboratory will continue to serve as secretary and treasurer, respectively. Isiah Warner (Louisiana State University) Perkin Elmer's Applied Biosystems Diviwas elected to a sion has invested $4.5 million in Paracel, three-year term as Inc. (Pasadena, CA), a provider of inforcouncilor, joining mation-filtering technologies. According Roland F. Hirsch to PE, the funds will accelerate developWise (U.S. Department ment of Paracel's online service for general business and technical information of Energy), Sally Stafford (Hewlett Packfor the biotechnology industry. ard) , and Heineman. Tom Isenhour (Duquesne University) and Karen Sentall (Ciba Vision) were Chiral analysis elected alternate councilors, joining market to grow Jon F. Parcher A business analysis of the chiral technology (University of Mismarket predicts that sales of associated sissippi) and Richanalytical products will grow from $119 ard Smith (Pacific million in 1995 to more than $150 million by Northwest National 2000, a 4.9% annual average growth rate. Heineman Laboratory). As the The chiral technology market includes chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnolDAC chair, Wise also serves as an ex-offiogy companies producing such products as cio member of Analytical Chemistry's Edireceptor-based drugs, nonlinear crystals, torial Advisory Board. and synthetic small molecules. According to the market analysis, published by Business Communications Company (Norwalk, 1997 ACS Awards CI), chiral liquid and gas chromatography, Six scientists in the analytical chemistry nuclear magnetic resonance, and polarime- community will receive 1997 American try are the key analytical tools in this Chemical Society awards at the 213th namarket tional meeting in San Francisco next spring.

BUSINESS PE acquires interest in Paracel

Web sightings Photometries—; includes information on CCD imaging systems, technical support, a reference library, workshops, and job listings. Scott Specialty Gases—http://www.; features safety and technical data, career opportunities, and links to other chemistry-related Internet sites.


1 9 9 6 - 9 7 DAC officers Stephen Wise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology began a oneyear term as chair of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry on Oct. 1. William R. Heineman of the University of Cincinnati will replace Wise as chair-elect, and Robert Thompson of Oberlin College and 656 A

Peter W. Carr, professor of chemistry at the University of Minnesota, will receive the ACS Award in Chromatography, sponsored by Supelco. The award recognizes specific achievements in the field of chromatography. Carr is being recognized for his work in reversed-phase chromatography and retention processes.

C. Judson King, professor of chemical engineering at the University of California-Berkeley, will receive the ACS Award in Separations Science and Technology, sponsored by IBC Advanced Technologies and Millipore. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in fundamental or applied research directed toward separation science and technology. King is being recognized for his research along the interface between separations chemistry and engineering. Jack L. Koenig, professor of chemistry at Case Western Reserve University, will receive the ACS Award in Polymer Science, sponsored by Phillips Petroleum. The award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to polymer chemistry. Koenig is being recognized for applying FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies to the study of polymers. Charles L. Wilkins, professor of chemistry at the University of CaliforniaRiverside, will receive the Frank H. Field and Joe L. Franklin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mass Spectrometry, sponsored by Finnigan. The award is given for outstanding achievement in the development or application of MS. Wilkins is being recognized for his work in laser desorption FT-MS and hyphenated techniques.

Ahmed H. Zewail, professor of chemistry and physics at the California InstiR. Graham Cooks, professor of chemistute of Technology, try at Purdue Uniwill receive the E. versity, will receive Bright Wilson the ACS Award in Award in SpectrosAnalytical Chemiscopy, sponsored by try, sponsored by Rohm and Haas. Fisher Scientific. This new award recognizes fundamental The award is given and applied contributions in allfieldsof in recognition of spectroscopy. Zewail is being recognized outstanding contributions to pure or apfor his contributions to ultrafast laser plied analytical chemistry. Cooks is being recognized for his work in MS instrumenta- spectroscopy and elucidating molecular tion, membrane interface MS, and kinetics. dynamics in real time.

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, November 1, 1996