butadiene-a versatile raw material - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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butadien e four-carbon building block

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a versatile raw material Butadiene is one of the lew hdlioti-^outid jx'* -\C(U chemicals. This clistiin tion did not ai ise solely from its role as a law material in s\nthetic rubber . . . nor was this one area of use entirely îesponsible for T F X l ' S * r e c m t .'.0''(', expansion oi its jointly owned Butadiene production facilities. Butadiene is a h i g h h reactive c hemic al. a petrochemical starting material with a flexible four-carbon strut tine that is suitable loi* profitable application in the follow ing areas: chemical a n d steroid intermediates . . . synthetic fibers and resins, plastic i/ers, a l k \ d s . and d v e s . . fungicides, insecticides, aiui solvents... synthetic lubricants and anti-en/vmatic chemicals. The continued evaluation of Butadiene, bv both T E \ l T S scientists a n d research chemists in many industries, is bringing t o light the true value of its flexibility in product improvement a n d development. T F X r S ' decision to expand its Butadiene facilities and assure sufficient quantities of this low-cost material t o meet current a n d growth needs of the chemical industry is only one part of an ex.tensive three-part program. Of equal importance is the emphasis and extent of TF.Xl T S' basic jesearcJi o n Butadiene and its utilization, as well as the continued coiiipi lation and publication of literature covering the chemistry and physics oi this versatile four carbon building block.


~*m For (in\ information on Butadiene —whether it concerns samples, spec ial properties, chemical reactivity, methods of handling, prices, delivery, or technical literature — please call o r write o u r Xew York office.



" B I T \ D I F N E . . . four-carbon building block*" is a ha\ic text f>repored b\ TEXL'S to fill llie need for information pertaining to Butadiene's btukground, properties and utilization. This y2-page manual, alread\ iridel\ distributed to the t hemu a I industiy and non· in its second printing, is available to those u-ha haz-e not previously received a tof)\. flease use \our t ompanxor unzveistly letter/tead.

TEXAS-U. S. CHEMICAL COMPANY 2 6 0 M a d i s o n Avenue, New Y o r k 1 6 , N . Y . · MUrray Hill 9 - 3 3 2 2 General Offices and Plants: Port Neches, Texas. TEXUS Research Center: Parsippany. New Jersey