Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide

Temperature-resistant ducts. U-Nova. Industries introduces a flexible, high- temperature duct that can routinely re- sist temperatures as high as 800 ...
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Buyer’s M Guide Air Protection Temperature-resistant ducts. U-Nova Industries introduces a flexible, hightemperature duct that can routinely resist temperatures as high as 800 °F and intermittently as high as 1000 °F. The special materials in this single-ply hose also allow the duct to resist abrasive effects of diesel exhaust. Applications include diesel exhaust systems, fume recovery, furnaces, and iron and steel manufacturing. (Call 856-768-2275, or e-mail [email protected].)

Analysis Genomic DNA extraction. SigmaAldrich introduces its Extract-N-Amp kit, the first polymerase chain reaction (PCR) kit for rapidly extracting genomic DNA from plant leaves. The kit uses an extraction solution to eliminate the need for freezing plant tissues with liquid nitrogen. REDExtract-N-Amp PCR mix, which is specially formulated for amplification directly from the plant extract, is also included. Single-step extraction of plant genomic material in