Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide

Material Safety Data Sheet Manage- ment software to its InfoLink pro- grams for organizing, linking, and tracking information records company- wide...
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COMPLIANCE Data management. GZA Information Systems Division introduces the Material Safety Data Sheet Management software to its InfoLink programs for organizing, linking, and tracking information records companywide. This Intranet program runs under Windows 95 and NT. 120 Testing methods reference. Genium Publishing Corp. introduces a CDROM, Understanding Environmental Methods, to help users select the appropriate analytical testing methods for more than 500 common environmental analytes. The Windows/ Macintosh CD-ROM electronically links and searches for information from Genium's three top-selling environmental reference books and full texts of referenced Federal Register methods. 121

CONTROL Sulfur hexafluoride recovery. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., and DILO Company, Inc., jointly offer reclamation equipment and analytical services to assist utilities in the recovery, purification, and reuse of SF6.122


tion in the sample proportional to the PAH concentration. Using UV light, the instrument quantifies the analyte to within 1 ppm in less than 15 minutes. Results are displayed on an LCD screen. 124


PAH detector. Envirol, Inc., offers Quick Test, a small portable kit for measuring PAHs in soil. A photochemical reaction produces colora-

Air-sparging systems. NEEP Systems offers air-sparging systems for soil and groundwater remediation in either rotary vane or rotary lobe blower configurations. 128


Chemical information searching. Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, adds "Discover!" to its software STN Express. Graphic windows allow users to search the scientific and technical online network STN International to retrieve literature references and chemical properties without knowing system commands or file locations. The program also assists in query composition. 125 Environmental information system. EnviroSource Systems, Inc., offers a Web-based system to search and access environmental information from the Internet and private databases. This subscription service includes federal and state regulations, scientific databases, equipment suppliers, service firms, technologies, organizations, maps, journals, and software. The site also offers free access to an environmental bookstore with more than 3000 selections from more than 50 U.S. and international publishers 126


Air velocity measurement. Cambridge AccuSense, Inc., introduces the portable Quattro Flow Velocity Analyzer for multichannel air velocity measurements. The battery-operated unit contains four sensor ports and low-profile or clip-on interchangeable airflow sensors. 123


LABORATORY Chlorophenol measurement. Varian Analytical Instruments offers a system for distinguishing individual polychlorophenol isomers in drinking water at concentration levels of parts per trillion and below. The GC/ MS/MS process uses a Saturn 2000 ion trap system, providing the high signal-to-noise ratios required for trace-level analyses. 127

NEEP Systems' air-sparging systems for soil and groundwater remediation.

SITE ASSESSMENT Subsurface electromagnetic profiler. Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc., introduces the GEM-300 electromagnetic profiler, which provides high-resolution images of subsurface objects. The compact 14-lb system can measure up to 16 frequencies between 330 Hz and 22 KHz in one pass. 129

TREATMENT Reverse osmosis system. U.S. Filter Corp. introduces its 40 Series product line of single-pass reverse osmosis water purification systems for general industry. The self-contained, skid-mounted units are designed around side-entry 4-inch FRP pressure vessels producing permeate flow rates from 2 to 32 gpm with 75% feedwater recoverv. 130 For more information on products and services mentioned in "Buyer's Guide," circle the appropriate number on the Reader Service Card in nhis issue.