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alyzer. Sensitivity, reaction chemis tries, and applications are discussed. 12 pp. Hewlett-Packard 423 Peptides. Application note DS-786 discusses the separation of α-, β-, and γ-endorphins and their des-Tyr fragments by capillary electropho resis. Beckman Instruments 424
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Spectrovac 2000 is a 1-tn vacuum spectrometer designed for ferrous and nonferrous metals analysis. Precision of 0.5% RSD is typical for elements with concentrations >1%. Baird 417
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Chemicals. EMCIS, designed for use with IBM PCs and compatible computers, provides cross-referenced regulatory, storage, disposal, MSDS, worker safety, and emergency re sponse information for more than 4000 chemical products. Data on physical and chemical properties are included. EM Science 421 Statistics. Interactive Cluster Anal ysis (ICA) is a generic tool for classi fying members of a test population using nonhierarchical clustering analysis techniques. The software handles up to 25 attributes and 1000 cases. Dynacomp 422
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Chromatography. Retention Times, Vol. 14, No. 1, includes information on GC instrumentation, cholesterol analysis, and purge-and-trap con centrators. 4 pp. Tremetrics 425
Catalogs Instrumentation. Catalog features instruments for spectroscopy, chro matography, environmental analysis, and testing and measurement. Spec ifications and technical data are pro vided. 32 pp. Shimadzu 426 Laboratory equipment. Catalog lists immersion circulators; heating, refrigerated, and programmable baths; circulation systems; tempera ture cyclers; biological stirrers; and density gradient columns. 20 pp. Techne 427 Water analysis. Catalog features instruments, probes, and accessories for wastewater analysis and for field monitoring of groundwater and sur face water. 12 pp. YSI 428 Biomedical research. Catalog in cludes diagnostics, chromatography and electrophoresis equipment, monomers and polymers, and micros copy accessories. Polysciences 429 Isotopes. Catalog features enriched stable isotopes and stable-isotopelabeled compounds, including isotopic gas mixtures, NMR solvents, and deuterium-, 13C-, 15N-, and 1 8 0 labeled compounds. 80 pp. Isotec 430 Separations. Catalog includes elec trophoresis equipment, microscopes, centrifuges, forensic microtubes, fil ters, balances, and fume hoods. 32 pp. Whatman LabSales 431
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