C4 to C30+ 24 Hours A Day. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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C4 to C30+ 24 Hours A Day

The phone rings and Customer Service Representative Linda Schultz is there with the answers. Linda works with a cus­ tomer from the initial order to final delivery of our highly pure and linear alpha olefins. Her customers know it only takes one call to Linda for answers to questions about testing, shipping and timing of delivery. Linda sees all of this as one responsi­ bility: to satisfy our customers. Linda's been with Chevron for 8 years. She knows our prod­ uct line—11 separate cuts from O 1988 Chevron Chemical Co.

C-4 through C-30 + — a n d she understands the sometimes complex needs of our customers. This knowledge is put to work every day making sure the right alpha olefin product gets to the right customer. Right on time. And for Linda, timing is everything because in our busi­ ness having the answers for our customers means being on call 24 hours a day. So when she and her son head off to the baseball game, Linda's pager goes too. At Chevron, we believe it's not just the quality of product

that makes customers happy, it's the quality of service that comes through every time the phone rings. If you'd like to know more about Chevron alpha olefins, call a Chevron Account Manager at 1-800-231-3260. In Texas, 713-754-4271. Or write Chevron Chemical Company, Attention: Sales Manager— r h a i f P i i f i Alpha Olefins, t l i e V l ΟΠ P.O. Box 3766, Houston, Texas 7 7 2 5 3 . Telex 7 6 2 7 9 9 . Chevron Chemical Company