Cab-O-Sil makes you a better suspender. - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Cab-O-Sil makes vou a better suspender. Any way you w a n t to stretch out your product suspension, with Cab-O-Sil® it's a snap. In a liquid system, t h e inorganic, submicron Cab-O-Sil particles use their surface hydroxyl groups to link together, forming thousands of tiny compartments. Product particles ^are locked up — and held aloft — |definitely. If they attempt to

settle, they have to find and break their way down through this gently re straining maze. The usual timetable for settling is delayed for days, weeks, even months. Shake up the container, and when the contents come to rest, Cab-O-Sil's slow-motion suspension system starts up all over again. Use Cab-O-Sil to effectively suspend the aluminum chlorhydrai in an aerosol spray-dry anti-perspir Cab-O-Sil's high adsorbency will also enhance the anti-per spirant's astringent effect on the skin. (Meanwhile, back at the aerosol can, it'll help keep the nozzle clog-free and bacteria-free.)

In pharmaceuticals and hand lotions, reduce supernatant liquid—that empty layer that tells the customer she clearly won't like the product. Keep a finger on nail polish settling, by adding| just 1% Cab-O-Sil. Bring a poison ivy or insect bite lotion up to scratch, by suspending its zirconium oxide with Cab-O-Sil. (Cab-O-Sil also impartsf thixotropy while it suspends. Add enough Cab-O-Sil and a liquid suspension spreads on evenly—yet clings to the surface without running or dripping.) Formulate with Cab-O-Sil to prolong suspension of opacifying and extender pigments in exterior and interior paints, and metal coatings. Stopflood-j ing, floating and bleeding. (With .08 lb. of Cab-O-Sil per gallgi interior enamig paint showe


no settling after five months.) Sus­ pend spray coating pigments with Cab-O-Sil® — later, it'll stop sags or runs under high baking or infrared drying temperatures. Make sure that all the ink is fit to print, with Cab-O-Sil sus­ pending the pigments as it controls ink viscosity. Take a shine to Cab-O-Sil, and see if it doesn't improve any liquid polish—keep abrasives, cleaners or waxes sus pended and harder-working, longer. Add CabO-Sil to barium sulfate and water, and you've got an oil drilling mud suspension that captures rock chips thrown out by the drill bit, and lines the wall of ! hole. Make lighter, stronger, less expen­ sive plastic furniture and appliances, by suspending low den­ sity extenders in the resin with Cab-OSil. Let it help you create architec­

tural wall andfloortextures, by suspend­ ing aggregates in a clear epoxy resin. Sus­ pend the new microencapsulations—from j to insecticides—with Cab-O-Sil Suspend pesticides with Cab-O-Sil to sjet maximum cover­ ing power out of the gallonage sprayed. -Sil suspended pesticides are applied in everything from hand-held guns to ag planes — and on everything from fruits andjvegetables to grains and grasses.

) same Uab-O-Sil that helps pesti­ cides to protect a salad while it's still growing, is pure enough to suspend con­ diments in the dressing.) It's approved for foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics under regula­ tions set by the F.D. A. Discover what Cab-O-Sil can do for sus­ pension in adhesives, sealants, plastisols, or­ ganosols—any liquid system that must have solids suspended in it. Write us or mail in the coupon. We'll send you a free Cab-O-Sil sample —and a brochure with 64 suspense-filled pages to help you get your product offthe ground. Cabot Corporation, Dept. CN-4, 125 High Street, Boston, Massa­ chusetts 02110.

Cab-O-Sil. It wont let you settle for anything. Π Please send free Cab-O-Sil brochure and sample. Π Please call me for appointment. TU: Name TitleCompany. Address— City_





Dept. CN-4,125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110