CAB-O-SIL POURS. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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When you're heading into heavy competi­ tion, Cab-O-Sil® pours on the ideas that make you more competitive. Everywhere... from supermarket shelves to factory stockrooms... you'll find thousands of products that Cab-O-Sil has helped to build and to keep their market share. A cross-section: antacids, auto bodyfillers,chocolate and fruit drink mixes, construction adhesives, food crop pesticides, garden fungicides, high solids inks, laundry softeners, powdered epoxy coatings, pump-spray deodorants, rubber-based adhesives, toilet bowl cleaners, toothpastes, urethane roof coatings, silicone greases, vinyl-coated fabrics, zinc-rich automotive coatings. You do better with Cab-O-Sil — because our fumed silica has 16 ways to make good products even better. Among them: thickening, control­ ling viscosity, imparting thixotropy, gelling, suspending solids, aiding dispersion, retarding

settling, free-flowing and fluidizing powders, reinforcing and emulsification. And when you ask for Cab-O-Sil, our job isn't over when the mailman leaves a sample... or when the forklift moves the latest order into your plant. Year-round, our Technical Research Center cooperates closely with hundreds of customer researchers — to solve the real day-to­ day problems of out-matching other brands in performance, appeal and preference. To do it, we have to stay ahead of trends in a long list of technologies, manufacturing processes and marketplaces. That's how we compete. Write for our free, 40-page brochure, "Cab-O-Sil Properties and Functions". If you need a free sample, Cab-O-Sil pours one with it. Cabot Corporation, Dept. 1605-CEN, 125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110. CABOT CORPORATION 125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110


C&ENJune6, 1977