May 22, 2012 - CAHN INSTRUMENT COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (13), pp 53A–53A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50155a751. Publication Date: December 1966...
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Even in Micro X Cjr.r\. with CAHN ELECTROS AL ANCES


A ïl? a t atmospheric pressure r i l r L Portion of blank thermogram, 850-900 C, in air at atmospheric pressure, Cahn RG Electrobalance with #2005 Bottle, #3054 Sample h.d. tube, 11 mm dia, Pt pan, #2020 Thermocouple Accessory. Noise < ± 0 . 0 8 /xg.


1»yt /t¥T¥T"1|Jf Portion of blank thermogram, V A L U U 111 850-900 C, in air at 40 tonabsolute pressure. Cahn RG Electrobalance with #2005 Bottle, #1870 Sample h.d. tube, 11 mm Pt pan, #2020 Thermocouple Accessory. Noise < ± 0 . 2 /ig.

IN FLOWING GAS STREAMS Portion of blank thermogram, 850-900 C, in flowing air at atmospheric pressure. Air velocity 40 cm/min. RG with #2005 Bottle, #3067 FLOTHRU sample h.d. tube, #1884 Stirrup-pan, #2020 Thermocouple Accessory. Noise < ± 0 . 4 /tg.

This unequalled performance gives you data that is more meaningful; more interchangeable with that of other careful workers; more accurate in weight values, even on minor c o m p o n e n t s ; more accurate in temperature values, and sharper in resolution. N o noise m e a n s e q u a l accuracy with m u c h smaller samples, or better accuracy with the size samples you now use, or much higher scanning rates for the same performance.

Capacities to 100 g A W t o 20 g Accuracy to: 10- 7 g, to 10 7 of load, to 1 0 4 of AW D T G capability Vacuum to 10 10 torr Sample Τ to > 2500 C from $2480 G E T THEM To upgrade your present TGAs To add TGA capability to present DTAs To start out right in thermal analysis ASK FOR THEM Wherever fine instruments are sold SPECIFY THEM in thermoanalytical systems from leading manufacturers


P h o n e or w r i t e u s f o r c o m p l e t e l i t e r a t u r e

C A H N I N S T R U M E N T COMPANY 7 5 0 0 JeffersonoStreet, Paramount, California,USA · (213) 6 3 4 - 1 9 3 5 __iex°Road, D a r t f o r d , K e n t , B r i t a i n · D A r t f o r d 2 1 5 4 0 See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/sales Office Circle No. 99 on Readers' Service Card Circle No. 146 on Readers' service Card

V O L 3 8 , N O . 1 3 , DECEMBER 1 9 6 6


53 A