the testing of master grating blanks, coatings, groove shapes, diamond and grating carriage mo- tion, and quality of masters and replicas ... is under...
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at the Pittsburgh Symposium

Certified Precision Diffraction Gratings



Cahn FULLY AUTOMATIC Electrobalance® for tablets, capsules and similar pressed analytical samples. Just toss 'em in and tear off the automatic data record. Bring your QC manager to see this one. L·. Quantitative Chromatography apparatus for the accurate determination of all fractions in column, paper, and thin-film chromatography. Detects fractions that other methods miss. «5· Time Derivativi; Computer for the recording vacuum Electrobalances.® Computes the time rate of change of sample

EVERY S T E P O F T H E W A Y . . . t h e t e s t i n g of m a s t e r g r a t i n g blanks, coatings, groove shapes, diamond a n d grating carriage mo­ tion, a n d quality of masters a n d replicas . . . is under the most rigid INTERFEROMETRIC C o n t r o l . YOU

weight ( - J I - vs t dt for recording on a separate recorder. In thermogravimetry it brings out details that would otherwise be missed, yields kinetic data directly, eliminates graphical differentation. •





SEE THEM ALL IN BOOTH 1-52* Mark your program now! *4th floor


are assured of the highest preci­ sion standards a n d finest quality gratings you can buy. Since 1950, reliance on INTERFEROMETRIC con­

trol h a s been t h e key to the high resolving power, low ghosts a n d high efficiency which have made Bausch & Lomb Diffraction Grat­ ings world famous . . . a n d pre­ ferred by all major manufacturers of spectroscopic instruments. There are 672 different sizes and types of plane reflectance, transmission and concave gratings that cover a range of wavelengths from 10A (x-rays) to 10 7 A (far infrared). W e can also produce

special types for your unusual re­ quirements. Any size u p to 200 χ 350mm (8" χ 14") is currently available. (Again, larger sizes can be obtained on special order.) Our subterranean laboratory, built within layers of solid rock, offers stability, cleanliness a n d a unique capacity to supply grat­ ings in even large quantities . . . within reasonable delivery re­ quirements. Thirteen years of pioneering experience in developing and sup­ plying gratings to astronomers, spectroscopists, instrument manu­ facturers, a n d other scientists has given Bausch & Lomb engineers the extensive knowledge and unequaled know-how that can assist you with your grating problems. Write to Bausch & Lomb Incorpo­ rated, 90202 Bausch Street, Roch­ ester 2, Ν . Υ., for the new Catalog D-261 for prices, uses, character­ istics a n d details on t h e theory and mechanics of diffraction grat­ ings . . . it's the most comprehen­ sive gratings catalog available anywhere.



In Canada, w r i t e Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Ltd., Dept. 902,




16 Grosvenor

Street, Toronto 5, Canada.

INSTRUMENT COMPANY 15505 Minnesota Ave., Paramount, Calif.. U.S.A. Circle No. 192 on Readers' Service Card

Circle No. 26 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1964 ·

171 A