Calculation of Integral Attenuation Index between 400 and 700

length. [The expression, —log T/bc, is now termed ab- sorbancy index only if the solution is completely free fromlight- scattering particles, but at...
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V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 8, A U G U S T 1 9 5 4 phenol per 100 ml., and were air-dried for 20 minutes. A 10minute heating period in an 85" C. oven was usually sufficient to bring out all of the spots. Finally, the spots were sprayed with an ethyl alcohol solution of copper nitrate (4) to convert them to a permanent, salmon-pink color. A list of R, values is given in Table I.

Table I.

Rj Values of Amino Acids on Whatman No. 1 Paper at 2 2 " to 24" C."

Amino Acid Average R f b DL-Leucine 0.81 DL-Isoleucine 0.78 0.75 DL-Phenylalanine 0.69 DL-Tryptophan 7-Amino butyric acid 0.68 DL-,Methionine 0.65 0.62 DL-Valine 0.57 L-Tyrosine @-Alanine 0.55 0.51 L-Proline 0.47 alanine 0.44 L-Glutamic avi